SaLuSa 04-June-2010

Speaking for the Galactic Federation, to use your parlance, I can say that we are on a red alertand are that close to starting the final rundown to this cycle.

We find that some of you still do not fully understand why you are going through the experience of duality. So let us confirm yet again that each andevery one of you volunteered to go through it eons of time ago. It was notsimply the challenge it entailed to find your way back to the Light. You alsorealized that it would add immensely to your experience, preparing you for serviceas Galactic Beings. You immersed yourselves in the lower vibrations, and intime forgot that you were really Beings of Light. The idea was that you wouldexperience life at all levels, and both sides of duality. The Law of Attractionallowed Beings from other parts of the Universe to find you, and theirinfluence has taken you down many dark roads. However, there is always abalancing taking place, and Beings of Light also came to Earth to guide youback onto your true path.

Therefore those of you present now are either still enmeshed in the lower vibrations, or have responded to the Light and on your way to Ascension.Overall every one of you has the same potential to ascend, and it is a questionas to whether you can be awakened in time. Every attempt is being made to liftyou up, not least of all through the amount of Light being beamed to you. Thebiggest obstacles are your inability to respond to it having become rigidly setin your beliefs, and your ego that often presumes that it knows what is bestfor you. There are also those dear souls whose experiences have convinced themthat God does not exist, or if there is one, that God would not have allowedthe negative happenings that are so common on Earth. You do not all understandthat you are the architects of your own experiences, and that Man has had afree hand to create conditions as was desired. This is not a condemnation ofyou but simply how it is, and we do acknowledge how difficult it is to riseabove the darkness.

Now each of you has the golden opportunity to change direction, if only you can respond to the awakening happening within. The Light can lift you upand expand your consciousness, or if it is ignored will result in you feelinguncomfortable and isolated without realizing why. The sooner you openyourselves up to the truth, the quicker you will move your life on to a newpath that will bring you happiness, and a goal to work towards. When we arriveon Earth a teaching program will be commenced, and it will point everyone inthe right direction if they desire to ascend. As always it is your choice andyou can continue to experience in this dimension, and that opportunity is notdenied you. However, we of the Galactic Federation, the Masters and Angelic beingswill do all we can to set the truth before you. We repeat that each of you hasthe same potential, but will you make a space in your life to learn how greatyou really are. The way to Paradise is something you have to work towards, andis not given to you regardless of your present level of consciousness.

After years of expectation and waiting for the changes on Earth that would carry you to Ascension, the conditions are on the verge of dramaticallychanging. Our work and that of our allies, has progressed to the point where itwill not take much more to push the last cabal over the edge, take away theirpower base and remove them. It will be a most welcome conclusion to years ofpatient work and planning, that is now coming to fruition. Our approach hasalways been one of opposing the Illuminati plan by limiting its ability tosucceed. It has reached a climax, and their attempts to avoid the ultimatedefeat that is staring them in the face are futile. We are at a stage whereeven their minions are left stranded without any hope of continuing their planfor world domination. In fact it was never going to succeed, as the Creator’splan for you was to complete this cycle with Ascension.

In the midst of the chaos presently taking place on Earth, if you can turn your attention to the outcome rather than what is occurring now. It willnot last much longer, and what you should focus on is the return of Earth toits pristine condition. See the breakdown of society, commerce and politics asthe opportunity to replace it with something far better, which is now waitingto be implemented. The greatest gift will be the restoration of your freedom,and it will bring all of you together in a common purpose to establish peaceand love on Earth. At heart it is what people want, but hitherto they have beentricked into believing that anyone that is different to you poses some kind ofthreat. You have labeled others as your enemies, and set up false barriersbecause of that belief. As travel has become so easy you have opened your eyesto the different cultures, and seen that they complement your own.

Dear Ones, you have been living in a totally different world to what it might have been, given the right direction and loving care. It will be anabsolute delight and surprise for you, when you see the changes manifestingthat are about to commence. Few of you really know exactly what is planned,although we have always given you a broad outline. Peace in your time iscoming, and it will prove that the vast majority of people are peace-lovingsouls. Accept that the higher powers know best where the changes are concerned,and try not to dwell on a likely outcome that spells disaster. Where you placeyour energy you are placing your support, and although that sounds odd, it is theLaw of Attraction at work.

Speaking for the Galactic Federation, to use your parlance, I can say that we are on a red alert and are that close to starting the final rundown tothis cycle. The Earth will move her tectonic plates around, and clearly therewill be some repercussions. However, we monitor all such occurrences and do asmuch as we can to lessen the impact. Know that you are in the place that youshould be for this final run of activity, and it was planned that way with youragreement. In fact all of your roles have been pre-defined so that you caninvolve yourself in the end time. The important thing is to carry on preparingfor Ascension, regardless of what is occurring around you. Release any fearfulfeelings if you can, as these are not helpful to you and only produce stress.Some of you will be sorely tested, but we repeat that it is all part of yourlife plan.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and trust our assurances about your immediate future are helpful and re-assuring.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

Picture taken on 24th May, 2010 at South of Arnold Air Force Base - Tullahoma,Tennessee

My son was on break and shot these photographs with his camera phone. The location is just south of Arnold Air Force Base in Tullahoma, Tennessee.

More information on:

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

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