SaLuSa 05-September-2011
Leaders all over the world are aware of the coming changes, and realise that for the good of the people they must come into being. However, some still believe that they can receive all of the benefits and cling to the old ways that are no longer compatible with the plan for you. Do not worry, as those who feel that they cannot accept what we have to offer, will have to stand down. Those who will come forward to take their place are already known to us for being visionaries, and are aware that they have an important role to play. No longer will you be subject to the corrupt deals with the major corporations, and their power and influence will be greatly moderated. Your faith in politicians will be restored, as you see that the ones entrusted with your future are spiritually motivated and also of the Light.
When poverty and lack are addressed, at a stroke you will see an immediate drop in the criminal acts that arise from such conditions. The "them and us" divide that has brought about two classes of people will disappear. Wealth will be redistributed and no one will be allowed to keep their ill gotten gains. Believe us that we know exactly how wealth has been created, and much has been acquired by manipulation and outright theft. We also know where it is being hidden, and secret accounts will be revealed and confiscated. There is no place in the future for the unfair distribution of wealth, and monies given or collected by governments will have to be totally accounted for at all times.
We have little time left to continue convincing many noted persons in your world that the old ways must change, because they will come about whether people are prepared or not. The idea of a totally new society is readily being accepted by more people than ever. Indeed, you have made it clear that you are unhappy with the old system, that has failed to give you the benefits of your labours and failed to honour your sovereignty. Unlike earlier civilisations you are not going to be destroyed, and talk of great disasters and worldwide catastrophes are not to be your experience. We are able to control such events, and although we must allow Mother Earth to also take part in the cleansing we can limit its effect.
Clearly there is not much longer to wait for the whole process of change to commence. The plan is in place and will quickly bring about those initial changes, they will signal to everyone that the dark Ones have been denied their seats of power and no longer hold sway over you. The resultant joy and happiness will raise your consciousness levels further, and these wonderful energies will release the frustration and anger that has been building up for a very long time. Peace will descend upon Earth and those long established differences between you will be settled. In times of plenty there is no reason to covet your neighbours belongings, and happy and fulfilled people are able to share their love with others and enjoy their new found freedom.
As you approach the end of this year, it may be your conclusion that the many events we have continually spoken of must get underway. That would indeed be true, and rather than many individual ones, there will be a whole succession of them that will be linked. Much has to be prepared in advance for our mass landing, and any likely threat against us will have to be removed. Therefore First Contact will be dependent upon certain factors before we can go ahead. Come it will, and be part of a great celebration of your reunion with us who are after all your true brothers and sisters. You have been in the dark for far too long, and the Light is now clearing away the cobwebs of a system that what was designed to exercise total control over you.
These are the times when your resolve will be sorely tested, and whatever is calculated to distract you from the truth should be ignored. Nothing will stop the Ascension process from finally manifesting at the end of 2012, so hold fast to your beliefs and walk tall in your Light. Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available at
Hi Friends,
I will be discussing with Genii Townsend her book "The
City of Light - Sedona" covering some 34 visits she has made to the Embassy
of Peace, which is filled with hundreds of Space Entities, where she is able
to learn of the City and its coming fulfillment.
The prototype City of Light is holographic, and expected to
soon be lowered to the surface in Sedona, and it will be followed by another
2 elsewhere in the US. Eventually there will be a total of 14 Cities of
Light throughout the world. The purpose is to have all kinds of healing
technologies available, as all must be healed.
Frequent reference is made to 11.11.11 and referred to as a
Love Wave, and it has to come before the first City of Light appears. Genii
has been told that both equal love, representing the NEW WORLD coming into
being, like a planet reborn in the Universe exploding with Light, and it
will be so. Also that the 11.11.11 Love Wave is the closest prognosis as to
a time line, that has to happen first.
Commenting on Disclosure, her contacts at the Embassy of
Peace stated that there would be Disclosure, but no particular date as the
energy pattern fluctuates dramatically, and the entrance of the City of
Light frequencies interrupt the normal flow you are used to daily. It would
only take place on the 27th. December 2011 if all were in the projected time
line of Disclosure, and according to its effect on the City of Light. She
has also been told that the weather changes all over our planet is due to
the pre-City energy coming into our 3 dimensional atmosphere.
Genii is the City Embassy Emissary of Love, and expects at
some stage to talk of her work with President Obama who she is told holds
the Light, and also at the United Nations. Genii has spent 27 years involved
in this project, and only recently been given permission to announce her
mission of enlightenment.
I feel that this event is so important, that I am sending
out this advance information so that if you wish, you can buy the book prior
to the program. I feel that will make it more enjoyable and understandable.
Genii's website is: and her E.Mail address
This will be one of the most exciting programs I have taken
part in.
In Love and
Light. Mike Quinsey.
Dear Wayne.
Perhaps you should be interested in hearing the September 16 BBS Radio Show from Mike.
I will print the advertisement below the today's message
Love and Light
I'm taking a Knapp....I'm tired ..tired of the "its coming" don't worry, hang in there......You know what? I don't either....Get your ASS down HERE and GET the JOB done!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What the hell are you waiting for?
We have given you the invitation.....FINE!!!! you won the war....Now get your ass down here!!!! The the worst...I know! I Live here....I'm actually ashamed to be an American....GET YOU ASS DOWN HERE NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!