I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the amount of Light on Earth has grown immensely just lately.
Keep up your wonderful work, as you are all needed and much loved.
This particular time inthe Western calendar is one where there is much introspection, as thecelebration of Easter is in remembrance of Jesus. It is perhaps sad thatitfocuses more on the crucifixion, and less on the works that this greatsoulachieved in his lifetime. Your history shows that periodically a leaderemergesfrom within your midst, who is a Wayshower with teachings appropriatefor thetime. Jesus came not to start a religion, but show by his example theway Manshould live. He was the perfect example of One who lived his word, andwhen hepreached love that is exactly what he was - Love Incarnate. There isnothingelse in your lives that is of such importance, and it starts by lovingSelf andthen others. Since you are All One, why would you treat another part ofyourselfany differently from anyone else. Your principle lesson is to be able toexpressUnconditional Love, and when you can do so you can claim to have foundthe Way.We know that it is not easy to suddenly view life quite differently towhat youhave been used to, but if you are to progress you will need to changeyourbeliefs.
You can stand still andeven go backwards, but with the experience gained you will eventually goforward. The nature of duality is to help you confront what you callgood orevil, so that you understand what it is like to experience lack andseparation.These challenges further your spiritual evolution, and through yourunderstanding you rise above your limitations. You too can then become alivingexample of the truth in action, and be assured that others will takenote of it.Humans are surrounded by examples of falsehoods and outright lies, andthere isa feeling that it is acceptable to achieve success in this manner. Eventhoseyou look up to and revere are often prone to giving out less than thetruth, andhonesty becomes a rare attribute. Try it dear Ones, go through a daywithoutspeaking other than the truth, it is far more difficult than you canimagine.Yet if you wish to rise up and attract the pure vibrations to yourself,you willneed to aim for nothing less than a truthful relationship with all youmeet.
We of the GalacticFederation have no such problems, because we have long gone beyond theways ofHumans. It may sound odd to you, but at our level only the truth canexist,because anything less is “felt” by a change in the energies accompanyingthespoken word. It is also seen within your aura, as the purity of thecolourslooses its brilliance. This also applies to telepathic contact with eachother,which is our normal means of communication. Do you see now that when wetalkwith your government officials, we cannot be fooled by any deceitfulintent ontheir part? Most of your representatives have broken their oaths toserve you,and we are totally aware as to the ones amongst you who have your bestinterestsat heart. When the governmental changes are made, as they will verysoon, youmay be sure that only those who are spiritually motivated will bereappointed.
Many of you wish to joinus but that is not as simple as at may appear. You can do it throughyourapplication to raise your vibrations, in the manner we have informed youpreviously. As unless you can match the vibrations of the higherdimensions, youcannot move into them. Where it is your intent to do so you will begiven everyhelp, and in that event you would almost certainly be successful. Eachof youhas the potential to ascend but the desire has to be strong. You cannotapproachit half heartedly, and it does require some work on your part to achieveyourgoal. It does not matter if you do not succeed this time round, as anyprogressyou make will place your feet firmly on the next path to Ascension. Thecyclesof life continually give you the opportunity to evolve as no experienceis everwasted.
Theses times are excitingif you look at what lies ahead, because out the chaos will come adefinite planthat all will understand. Once it gets going there will be one changeafteranother all aimed at bringing in the New Age. You have a lot to catch upon, andit will lift your spirits in next to no time. The goals will be quiteclear andyou will be given sufficient information to help you understand. Anyonewhofollows the messages about Ascension will already have a good idea aswhereeverything is leading. After many promises of action we can say thatmatters arecoming to a head. The dark continue to be weakened by their lack ofcohesion andpower. For a time this makes them dangerous, as like a cornered animalthey willlash out. However, we monitor their activities and do not expect anydramatichappenings. Our allies are well placed to contain any sudden move.
Let this period be onewhere you reflect upon your achievements to date, and if you take timeto lookat yourself open and honestly, you will know how far you have to go tobeprepared for Ascension. Apply yourself to the task of going further withyourpreparations, as the rewards are so great. Right from the time you firstdroppedinto the lower dimensions, you knew this period would release you fromduality.So take it with both hands, knowing that you will not do have to do thisjourneyagain. Let the distractions pass you by, as they have no pull upon youunlessyou allow it. Indeed, you should by now have a strong defence againstthem,knowing that your willpower is all-powerful.
Dear Ones, you aregenerally so patient, and we still have some time to go before we canannouncedetails of our presence. It is not that we consider it urgent, as thereisalready so much acceptance of us. However, a whole string of events arelinedup, and once they become public knowledge they will go speeding ahead.We are inwhat you might call “nearly times” because on a number occasions we havebeen sonear to making our announcements. Keep your eyes open and you will getwind ofwhen something important is about to break.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius,and can tell you that the amount of Light on Earth has grown immenselyjustlately. So you can rest easy knowing that the vibration is rising asnecessaryto bring Ascension about. The shadows are dispersing as the Lightpenetratesevery corner and transmutes the dark energies. Keep up your wonderfulwork, asyou are all needed and much loved.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey
www.galacticchannelings.com - All languages stated above
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. http://www.costanza2003.org- ITALIANO
• http://gfindutch.blogspot.com /- NEDERLANDS
• http://glingerman.blogspot.com/- DEUTSCH
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• http://fgmikequinsey.blogspot.com- PORTUGUÊS
• http://www.schodamidonieba.pl/ -POLSKA/Polish
• http://federaciongalaticaenespanol.blogspot.com-ESPAÑOL
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Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on http://peacelovelove.blogspot.com/