SaLuSa 07-April-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who work for the Light, as you are the Ambassadors who came to Earth for the very purpose ofuplifting others.

We look at you with love in our hearts and eyes, as you have excelled yourselves since the turn of the Millennium. It was seen that givenmore time, the Light would grow exponentially and safely carry you toAscension. It was also realized that the dark Ones would increase theiractivities to hold you back, and you have had to deal with several majorincidents in this century already. Each one such as 9/11 was meant toinduce fear, based on false claims that you were under a terroristattack. Consequently the reasons were found to exercise even greatercontrols over you than any previous occasion. You had a scenario wherethe battle between the dark and Light became intensified, and you werein danger of becoming overwhelmed. However, the dark Ones becomeoverconfident and acted recklessly, and their true aims were beginningto be realized. At the midnight hour the Light suddenly broke throughand penetrated the darkness upon the Earth, and ever since it hasgathered momentum and is now an unstoppable force for good. You DearOnes have won the day and progress ever nearer to Ascension, knowingthat nothing can stop you achieving your goal.

Of course you have had help, but the impetus had to originally come from you before we could come to your aid. In your position you now haveonly to hold on to your focus to cross the winning line. The end ofduality will bring a new beginning and you will firmly place your feetupon the path to Ascension. The dark Ones will continue with death anddestruction believing that somehow they can alter your destiny. We tellyou firmly that only the Creator has the authority and power to do so,and the manner in which the end will come has already been decreed. Wewill state over and over again that you are already victorious, and youwill experience the most wonderful release from the darkness and all itholds. It will be swept aside in a wonderful show of Light and Love, andeverything is set in place ready for your celebrations. Major changesare afoot and our allies are pushing for the first announcement, thatwill set the fall of the first domino. There will be no stopping thechanges, and revelations that will clearly show you how your lives havebeen manipulated for hundreds of years by the Illuminati.

Naturally some of you are bemused by the thought that you have been fooled for so long, but the Illuminati formed a worldwide group whosetentacles stretched far and wide. That was largely achieved through theprincipal banking families exercising their power to control the world,by controlling the money supply. It expanded into powerful influencesthrough companies in industries such as oil and pharmaceutical. Thelatter are still powerful but their days are numbered, and before longthey will be forced to accept change. Also, with new sources of energyand new healing methods, their market will gradually cease to exist. Allof these changes are just waiting to burst upon the scene, and theirintroduction has been carefully and meticulously planned. Once thedetails have been announced, we know that we will receive your totalsupport, as it will clearly be seen how beneficial they will be.

As the old falls away it is understandable that you are concerned, because as yet you cannot see what will take its place. However, thefact that you see the demise of that which has proved inadequate andresponsible for your present position means that you will not readilyaccept a resurrection of the same again. That is clearly desirable, asotherwise there would be a return to the old ways. It is planned toadvance your civilization so that there is a natural progression toAscension. That which has been denied you will quickly come into yourlives, and provide the answers to the problems that confront you now. Wecan address all issues so that you take a quantum leap into the NewAge.

We share responsibility for your future just as much as you do, and together we will have no difficulty in getting you prepared for thewonderful and exciting times just ahead. Already you have had sufficientinformation to understand the nature of them. Clearing away the resultof years of pollution is high on our list, and although the size of thetask is extremely large, with our technology it will be dealt with innext to no time. The environment has to be restored as first measure tolift everyone’s living conditions. Then shall the basic needs of thepoorer people be provided for in full measure. Contented people arehappy people, and the joys of living will be there for you all toexperience.

Once your material, needs have been satisfied, there will also be moves to reach you all with details of the path to Ascension. Sincemethods of communication will have been advanced to levels that can putanyone in touch with whomsoever they wish, no one will miss out oninformation necessary to them. As we have stated, the whole mission hasbeen carefully planned with you in mind, as we quite clearly know yourfull needs. The world’s population is vast, yet to the GalacticFederation it presents no problems when you bear in mind we havemillions of ships at our command. So although time continues to pass byquickly, there is no real problem as far as we are concerned.

We are here in love and peace, and wish you to view each other the same way and see how quickly attitudes change upon Earth. You have beenled to believe that you have enemies waiting around every corner, but inreality they are your brothers and sisters who seek a similar life toyourself. When Man allows others to express themselves and fulfill theirdesires, no longer will there be a threat to their beliefs. You havelearnt that it is futile to force your views and opinions upon others,as it is non-productive and can lead to wars. When the truth is known toyou all about the purpose of your lives, you will take a far differentview of each other than you have held previously.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and thank all of you who work for the Light, as you are the Ambassadors who came to Earth for the very purpose ofuplifting others. You can feel well satisfied with your dedication toyour roles at this time, as you have achieved what you set out to do.Many souls trapped in the dark have found their way out with your help,and more will do so.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
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