SaLuSa 07-July-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is coming to fulfilment, and we can at
openly visit you and your beautiful Earth.

Do you feel calm in the midst of what is going on all around you, because they are verytrying times? Yet if you can rise above them, it is the best way to copewith the pressures they bring. Unlike years gone
by whatever happens will have only a passing impact upon you, as it
will quickly be surpassed by the more positive actions that will be
taken. There clearly has to be a crossover point when the Light once
again becomes the dominant force upon Earth. You Dear Ones are bringing
more Light to Earth, that is speeding up the path to completion and all
of the changes it entails. We can hardly fail to mention the Gulf Oil
Spill that is a major concern to very many of you. It may threaten your
coastlines, and in the context of the size of the Earth may appear a
relatively small incident. However, as a newsworthy item it has
travelled the whole world, and its impact has impinged upon many, many
people. It has highlighted the dangers of Man’s actions, and the crying
need to stop raping and polluting the Earth. It often takes a threat of
this nature to awaken people, to the impending possibility that the
“fall out” of such a spill could spread far and wide.

The more people power is used to promote changes, the more likely it is to succeed in getting action. Your leaders are aware that there is achanging mood throughout most countries, and that the people realise it
is time to get them to act in their interests. Therefore a new type of
leader will step forward who has them at heart, and the dark Ones will
be unable to stop them from being elected. Fair and honest elections
will be demanded, and steps taken to eliminate fraudulent voting. You
will learn that most of them of late have been rigged, to ensure the
puppets of the dark Ones are elected. That will all change of necessity
as a start to a new period in Man’s life, leading to more honesty and
open handed dealing. Spirituality must be expressed in all facets of
your lives, if you are to have societies that treat each other with love
and respect.

What you give your power to will blossom and bear fruit, and if your intent is to experience a new way of life that is joyful and happy, itwill manifest. That is indeed what is happening now, as so many souls
have lifted up into the Light and are bringing down the necessary
energies to achieve it. So you find yourselves virtually living in two
worlds at once, the one that no longer serves your desires, and the
other one that is touching your hearts with its promise of all you could
wish for. You choose which one opens up before you, and every effort is
being made to awaken those who are struggling to bring the Light into
their lives. Believe us because there is not one soul who is condemned
to remain in the lower vibrations. Opportunities to rise up are there
for you all, but if you should walk past them that is your personal

As Humans your courage against adversity is legend, and your history is known throughout the Universe. The Earth is very special in thisrespect having presented challenges so foreboding, yet brave souls have
stood their ground and learnt how to overcome whatever has faced them.
With your ongoing series of lives, your experiences have made you into
warriors who have become unbeatable. Your shields have been the Light
you carried, and the sword of freedom in your hands. It is why we can
quite positively tell you that you have already won the battle between
the dark and Light. Therefore you can strike out towards Ascension, as
the final days of the dark Ones are numbered and they can no longer stop
your onward march. Try they may but without success, and you shall
brush them aside. We of the Galactic Federation shall be with you all of
the way home, and our presence will give you every encouragement to cut
your ties with all that belongs in the past. You are creating a new
paradigm, which will ensure a smooth flow from one to the other. Changes
often unsettle people but what is coming will delight you and fulfil
the promises that have been made to you.

You are certainly sensing the speeding up of time more than ever before, and it is becoming obvious that the transition to the higherdimensions is rapidly approaching. Your Ascension is the most important
event of all, and what is taking place is specifically intended to
hasten your progress towards it. Simply put we must get rid of the old
to make way for the new, and our involvement will become more apparent
as the weeks go by. Much happens behind the scenes, and we are not
always in a position to be able to release information about it. It is
sufficient to say that we closely monitor all that is happening on
Earth, and as always will play our part to contain the dark Ones.

As with individuals who have their own life plan, so the Human Race has one that arises from the collective consciousness created overmillennia of time. With your freewill it could have directed you onto a
different path to what you are now on. As with your earlier
civilisations, you could have slipped further down the dark road to
destruction. However, with the will to lift yourselves up you have
averted what could easily have been another disaster. Now the forces of
Light are so well established upon Earth, there cannot be a return to
darkness that covered it.

Heavenly Beings of mighty power know of your future and guide you to it, and it is one of travelling the dimensions of Light. Life on Earthleft you isolated from contact with other civilisations, until the
latter part of this cycle. Now you are beginning to understand that the
Universe is teeming with life. You have gradually been introduced to
those like us, who have travelled with you on your journey. It has been a
planned program of acquainting you with our craft, and allowing for
your natural curiosity to seek knowledge of the intelligence behind
them. It has not been easy to guide you to the truth about us, as your
sources of information have clouded the issue by giving out
disinformation. Fortunately your minds have awoken the vastness of space
and life beyond Earth. Your moon and Mars are now known to have carried
life as you understand it, and are in fact still used as bases for a
number of different extraterrestrials. You shall learn much more about
these matters, and proof of the truth as it is already known will be
released for you.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and so pleased that our mission is coming to fulfilment, and we can at last openly visit you and your beautifulEarth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey All languages statedabove

Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLISH - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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"I'm getting some good laughs in at what we are posting. We need to start posting more comedy on this site lol."
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