SaLuSa 07-June-2010

The Sun is about to rise on a new day that will change the course of your lives forever.

With each message we draw nearer to thetime when the long awaited disclosure takes place. It will releaseinformationlong hidden away, but more importantly it will allow the whole subjectof UFO’sand Extraterrestrials to be reviewed. There are many misconceptionsabout us,fuelled by the continual disinformation that is purposefully released toconfuseyou. When the truth can be freely expressed and discussed, our presencewill notonly be accepted but also welcomed. There is much waiting to be done tostem theintentions of the dark Ones to prolong their time on Earth. However, dayby daytheir power is ebbing away, and with our coming it shall be totallycurtailed.They have created their own future as has every other soul, and theycannotescape the result of their own actions. The Laws of the Universe applyin allcircumstances, whether an individual is aware of them or not. You do nottherefore need to concern yourselves regarding the application ofjustice, orfear that the Elite will escape responsibility for theirmisdeeds.

You are already beginning to take back your power, and with it comes the confidence to take charge of yourfuture. Youhave been dictated to for far too long, and kept from claiming yourdivinity. Itis inevitable and indeed intended that you should take back yoursovereignty,and that will not take very long to be achieved. The governmentalchanges areapproaching, and with them many obstacles to you moving forward will beremoved.It will be a wonderful experience for you all to jump into the future,and yournew found freedom will be exhilarating and a joy you have not yet fullyenvisaged. All that you have gone through or are yet to experiencebefore theend time, will count for little against the prospect of returning toyour higherlevel of consciousness. You will have been released from the pull of thelowervibrations, and the Light and Love will be yourhome.

In your hearts you know that this cycle is all but completed, and also that you are to be helped to move into ahigherdimension as part of your return to your real home. Your achievementsaregreatly admired by us, and we stand ready to welcome you back as equals.We areall brothers and sisters together on a journey through the Creator’sKingdom,and it promises experiences and pleasures beyond your presentimagination. It isalso very rewarding to serve with the Brotherhood of Light, and helpthose soulswhose journey has barely commenced. What you will notice is how relaxedit allis, because time does not exist, as you know it. On Earth you areforever racingthe clock, and seem to have insufficient time to do all that you desire.Youwill never be in that position again, as you will travel instantaneouslyor inlittle or no time. Distance is not measured as you do and everything isin theNow. It I something you will quickly adapt to once you rise up, andsettle intoit quite easily.

If the changes all sound a lot to comprehend, do not worry because as you progress each step of the waywill beexplained. The Galactic Federation is here to serve you, and has done sofor avery long time. Your place along with us is assured, and we eagerlyawait theopportunity to allow your visits to our ships. For some of you they willseemfamiliar, as you have already met is in your out of the bodyexperiences.Memories of such events are usually kept in the background, so as not todistract you from your responsibilities upon Earth. So we would say thatyou arenot dreaming when you have vague memories of meeting us. There can alsobe linkswith us going back eons of time, and one day you will understand yourtrueselves and relationship with us. Let us simply say that we know youbetter thanyou know yourselves.

Take whatever happens now in your stride, as you are quite capable of going along with the changes knowingthatall will work out well for Mankind. It is only where uncertainty existsthat youbegin to worry about your future. Eventually the legacy of the darkforces willbe removed, and you shall see the changes come very quickly. They willbe farreaching and bring a positive outlook amongst you, as it will be clearthat whatremains will be all that is best for you. Where you experience loss itwill beoffset by your gains, and they will be far more than you can dream of atpresent. The plan is to move you nearer to the conditions you willexperience,when the dimensional shift has taken place. It will therefore be agradualintroduction to the new way of life, one that gives complete joy andhappiness.It will also fulfill all of our earlier promises regarding your releasefrom theDark Ones.

We of the Galactic Federation are as you might say, “biting at the bit” and most keen to get started in a waythat youare co-workers with us. Now we have the authority to go ahead and becomemoreopen in our assistance to you. Creating the right circumstances toenable thefirst changes to take place has been difficult, because of theopposition tothem. However, we can now use more forceful means to remove it. Havingsaid thatthere will of course be many people, who will take quite some time toaccept theintrusion into their lives. Man is always reluctant to accept changesuntil thereal benefits can be understood. All that we come to do is at thecommand of theFather/Mother God, and will result in the most acceptable changes thatwill liftyou up.

The Sun is about to rise on a new day that will change the course of your lives forever. Love and Light willbe yourdaily bread and sustenance, and you will be given the powers to createaccordingto your wishes. By then you will have learnt that it comes withresponsibility,and you will use it sensibly and in a positive way. Can you imagine thepotential that it gives you and perhaps more important, your freedom.Having towork together in your more physical lives, has taught you much abouttoleranceand sharing. It has also taken you through the challenge of finding alove forall life, which has like you originated from the Source of All ThatIs.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and think constantly of your coming changes, and how you will be so delighted toput thepast behind you. In its place will be all that you could possiblydesire, andthe Golden Age will have truly arrived.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

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