SaLuSa 07-May-2010

Let the Love and Lightembrace you now and forever

The days are flying by and there can be few of youwho have not perceived how they have speeded up. It will continue to doso, andfrom your point of view is most welcome. It means that any hardships orconcernsyou now have will soon pass by, and bring you more quickly to theimportant andvital changes that are coming. Once they start you will experienceanother greatexpansion of consciousness, as you envision what they will mean toeveryone onyour world. The thought of being lifted out the gloom and leaving yourproblemsbehind, will remove a lot of your worries from your shoulders. Mostimportantly,the changes will be made so quickly that you will be in no doubt thatyourfuture is assured. You will be kept informed of all activities, andwherenecessary saved from any inconvenience by being moved to safe andcomfortableplaces. In some circumstances that will be on board our larger ships,which haveenormous capacity and areas that are cities within them.

It is because we wish to get our message out that weare hastening the announcement of our presence, and our reason for beinghere.The mood of the people will change dramatically once they are informedof ourmission. We offer you release from the thralldom of many centuries ofpersecution, poverty and wars that have kept you in the control of thedarkOnes. That alone will bring joy and hope to those who are stillexperiencingsuch conditions, and through the prosperity program will address manycurrentissues. We will be more involved in the bigger ones that have beset yourwholeworld. Pollution is one that must be reversed as soon as possible, andalso thelack of basic requirements that have left the poorer people in shantytowns,without proper facilities or medical care. We are well aware of theprioritieswhere you are concerned, and regardless of size our vast fleet andpersonnel canhandle them with ease. Free energy devices will come from us and alsomanysources on Earth where they have already been developed. Throughdeliberatepolicy they have been held back by the Illuminati, to protect their owninvestment in oil and the utilities.

You should have been able to advance your standard ofliving much more than it is now. Every civilization is entitled tobenefit fromnew discoveries, that are not given simply to be enjoyed by theprivileged few,or your armed forces. The ideas for such devices that already exist wereintended for the good of all, and made available to you for yourindependenceand self-sufficiency. The changes will not be imposed for the sake ofit, butare part of our plan to bring you the comforts and protection, that willliftyour experiences to a new level and bring you joy and happiness.Following thatyou will be in the right frame of mind to apply yourselves to thebusiness ofpreparing for Ascension. That is the ultimate goal and it is your choiceas towhether you take that path to your future. The alternative is to remainin yourpresent dimension, and continue to experience in a cycle ofduality.

There is nothing new in the information we give you,inasmuch that you already knew eons of time ago how this cycle wouldend.However, time has erased your waking memory in most cases, and we willhelp liftyour levels of consciousness back to where they were originally. You aregreatBeings having a human experience to test your ability to work your wayback tothe Light. You cannot really fail, but have needed assistance to shakeoff thedark attachments that you have gathered over millennia of time. That iswhy thecleansing is about you and Mother Earth, as she also carries the darkenergiesthat have become grounded deep within the Earth. Those who are of theLight havebeen the forerunners who have helped transmute them, and have alsopowered thegrid around the Earth. With the addition of powerful energies reachingyou fromouter space, the vibrations are lifting very rapidly. This spells thedeathknell of the dark Ones, who can no longer command authority over you andarelosing their power to the Light and Love so many of youcarry.

All of your intentions and great application tobringing the Light to Earth has been successful. The beauty is in thatbyhelping one, you help all and take humanity to a higher level. TheOneness thatyou should be experiencing is taking form, and it will override anyperceiveddifferences based on color or language. Eventually even language willcease tocome between you, and devices that translate them one to another will beinevery ones possession. Be sure Dear Ones, we know exactly what you needtofirmly put the past behind you. We have prepared for the days ahead for along,long time and have many surprises in store for you. Put things intoperspectiveand let the past fade away, and move into the future even if only forthe timebeing it is only a vision. It will materialize very soon, and theGalacticFederation cannot wait to address you, and register your excitement andjoy atwhat we bring you. Remember that we are your Brothers and Sisters, andnot somealien species that has no resemblance to you or a life experience likeyours. Weare just that much ahead of you, albeit thousands of years in evolutionand itis also your path.

What more can we do to lift your spirits and openyour hearts to us. We are Beings of Light who to put it simply, havealreadymoved into the higher dimensions where you are headed for through theAscensionprocess. You could at anytime have ascended as an individual, but thisend timeis ordained for your whole civilization to have such an opportunity. Itisunique because you will ascend with your physical body that will havealreadybeen prepared for it. Everything in your Universe is changing and beingliftedup to a higher dimension. It is a great occasion that the more advancedcivilizations can handle through their own understanding and highervibrations.You need help to do it, and that is what the members of the GalacticFederationare here for in great numbers.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and look at you struggling toexist, and eke out a living. However I also know that your journey ischangingtrack for the most wonderful experiences, and you will never have needto lookback at the adversities and sorrows you have had to bear. Let the Loveand Lightembrace you now and forever.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

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  • ~bring it!~ & a darned gorgeous picture! :0)
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