SaLuSa 08-March-2010

You move in the direction that fits your needs and provides the required experience to continue evolving. It is a very personaljourney and no two are alike, but you will normally gravitate towards those whohave a similar level of consciousness.

The magnificence of the changes to your Universe indicates the power and intelligence behind all life forms. As you look up intoyour night time sky you may ponder the vastness of what you see. Yet it is onlya small fraction of what really exists, and all functions according to perfectUniversal Laws. As you see it, it is too incredible to fully contemplate thatthere is The Creator holding All That Is, and that it stretches into Infinity.You could be forgiven for feeling small and insignificant yet you also embraceit all, and are gods in your own rights. Whilst it is true that yourconsciousness is very restricted, you have the potential to grow into fullconsciousness. The first major step will be the great upliftment that will comewith Ascension. Once you reach this stage, the difference will be quitestaggering and it will seem that you are already a godly Being.

Dear Ones understandably you are focused on your own problems, as survival is still very much your instinct. Sure, there arethreats around you and necessary changes lead you ever onwards, but understandthat those that leave the Earth before Ascension planned to do so. Intuitivelyyou may sense where you stand in such matters, but in general if you have setyour sights on Ascension and are working towards it, you will see out the lastdays of the old dimension. The vast majority of you have nothing at all tofear, and if material changes affect you, remember that in the end all will bemade good. Indeed, it will prove to be a glorious time when you take a greatleap into the future. That will bring you everything your heart could desire,and spiritually you will become more aware than you have ever been.

Personal loss of your belongings will result in some grief, and where family and friends are concerned it is inevitably anoccasion of sorrow. However, you will meet up again with them, as they can alsoascend from the higher levels. In the ultimate process of Ascension when youtake your place in the higher dimension, you will have a different outlookwhere ownership is concerned, as material possessions are no longer necessary.You create exactly what you want and re-create again if desired. That meansthat you can create from memory anything that existed previously. You cantherefore allow matters to follow their path on Earth, knowing that in realterms you cannot lose anything at all. As a result of Ascension the quality ofyour life will increase a hundredfold, and you will be surrounded by beauty andperfection. Not least of all you will be at One with everything, and enjoy ahappy and fulfilling life.

Those of you that remember visiting our craft will agree that they contain all possible creature comforts, and in someinstances such as the Large Motherships are self-contained cities. They are anexample of what you can expect, and it will be a quantum leap into the future.We know you are ready for such an upliftment, as you have grown very quicklyinto your understanding of what is expected of you as spiritually evolvedBeings. It is the key factor where your Ascension is concerned, and you cannotreach it other than being of a similar vibration of Light. The “heavenly”pictures we create are clearly an attractive way of life, and are only fullypossible when you have completed the cycle of duality. Your present vibrationsdo not otherwise lend themselves to achieving a permanent level of creation, asthere are continual changes taking place. You are so to say, always going upand down the scale and until you overcome the dark energies it will remain so.

Face the future with confidence as we are accompanying you all of the way. It should give you a greater degree ofsecurity and certainty of safely reaching your goal. Let us repeat that thereis nothing to fear, your future is absolutely assured – and that is by DivineDecree. A Universal edict has been served on all creation that has responded bypreparing in readiness for the great change to the higher dimensions. You haveto be helped, which is why we are here in great numbers. Now you can see why wework incessantly with our allies, as we are keen to get started through directcontact with you. That is not far away now, but we shall choose our time wellwhen it is most suitable for a successful open first contact. All of theimmediate benefits that will move you along and out of the legacy of duality,are in waiting and ready to be implemented quite quickly. It is a matter ofgradually changing your life pattern so that it moves nicely into a level thatis more suited to the final changes.

No individual can be left behind as there is no such thing, as each soul determines there own path and is always progressing.You move in the direction that fits your needs and provides the requiredexperience to continue evolving. It is a very personal journey and no two arealike, but you will normally gravitate towards those who have a similar levelof consciousness. In duality that is not necessarily the case, as sometimes youlearn more from working with those of a lower vibration. They often present agreater challenge that will serve your interests. We know that some of you inpartnerships feel little in common, but be assured that nothing happens bychance and there will be a good reason for it. Duality is a tough dimension inwhich to find your true Self, yet so many of you have continued to move intothe Light and Love. The result is that you have acquired strength of character,and a spiritual understanding that will take you far.

All of you are on the same journey, and it will benefit you to help others along as they cross your path. Sometimes it is onlya brief encounter with another soul that may be a karmic connection, but eachone is very important and has a lasting effect. Families repeatedly incarnatetogether in different roles to evolve as a group. They are often recognized bytheir tight knit relationships, and ability to be as one unit going throughlife. This is the freewill choice of those concerned who treasure their manylives together. Away from Earth you feel more a free soul and less inclined toincarnate with the same souls each time. However, as we have stated in thepast, if you have a love link it will remain, and you can reach such souls atanytime you wish.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like all souls have earnt my place in the higher dimensions. You stand at the same door to freedom,and the Galactic Federation will ensure your opportunity is presented to you.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH

Originals and translations of Galactic Messages available on

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