SaLuSa 9.7.2013
We are waiting for the right moment to introduce ourselves to you and it is going to be a great celebration within the whole Universe. We came here long time ago and we are overlooking for every single detail of this happening to perfectly complete the whole. We are joyous that this occasion is at the verge of happening and we feel great responsibility towards our mission to be successful. Sometimes in your eyes nothing is going the “right” way but we are assuring you once again that also we have our time plans and waiting for the perfect moment to join you. We hear your call loudly and clearly and responding to it each time with sending you more of our love. This call also affects your leaders, who cannot keep our presence hidden anymore, as more people wish to know the truth and remember how powerful your thoughts are.
Now you all see within yourselves how the darkness is being cleared with the Light being sent to you, so the same is happening with the world. All is being taken out of the shadows and cleared with the Love and Light. The more of Light and Love is send, the more darkness can be revealed. Personally many of you are finding out that very old matters are coming for clearing and are surprised of this might be leading many thousands years back, even from the time of Atlantis. These oldest ones are usually the most difficult to clear, but do not doubt yourselves for a moment, as if you would not be able to clear them they would and could not come out for clearing. This knowing should make your intentions even stronger, as those who wish to clear themselves are getting all the help from their Guides and Angels. Those of you, whose future is with us, surely feel our presence and our guidance within messages we are sending, or in telepathic communication with us. Please remember you are all able to communicate this way, you just need to focus and settle yourself into balance within the love field that each of you is surrounded with. We are very happy that more of you want to talk to us, as we are your family and as many of you feel, we are in very close relationship with you. So if you wish, open yourself to this communication and we will gladly and lovingly respond, because we are getting closer. Please release all the doubts of when and how and let it so beautifully unfold into your reality. Remember this is the Creator’s plan for all of us in this Universe and the less doubts you have, the sooner you all will join this new beautiful Light filled reality.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius and joining you in your dreams and creating of New Earth and please do not let the doubts to hold you back, as once you release them, the higher realm of that you have been waiting for will open for you. Always share your love and light with everyone and with Mother Earth and it will be returned tenfold to you.
Channeller: MADAD
Webpage: SaLuSa in Love and Light
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