SaLuSa 09-July-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find it remarkable how quickly you respond to Light and Lovethat permeates your planet. What better help could you possibly have thatuplifts you, and opens your hearts and minds to the truth.

In times such as now the pressures are upon people, and those who are not so well informed orspiritually advanced will often blame God for them. They believe that if Godwere All Love he would not allow the present conditions to exist. However, aswe have informed you previously and it is sometimes necessary to repeat it, youhave collectively created your own reality. Whilst it is true you are induality and that means experiencing both the Light, and the lack of Light, itis still you who determine how your life experiences work out. You can just aseasily attract the Light as the lower vibrations. The further you drop into thedense vibrations the quicker you lose your connection to the Light, and itallows entities of a similar vibration to incarnate on Earth. Looked at from ahigher perspective the more you attract the Light to Earth, you create theconditions that enables Higher Beings to come to you.

Now we ask you, how can God who gave you freedom of choice, be responsible for yourchoices? You knew the challenge would be very trying, but you were promisedthat however low you fell you would be helped to find your way back. In factyou knew that this cycle would end with Ascension. So we might also ask you,why should you expect God to interfere with the reality you have created foryour experience? Even so, the Higher Beings have drawn the line at allowing youto destroy the Earth, which was in danger of happening. It is one thing to putyourselves at risk, but your actions cannot be allowed to impinge on othersoutside of Earth. For quite a long time you have been edging towards totalannihilation, but when it comes to Mother Earth as fully conscious Being, shemust be allowed to ascend as you will do.

Is it not reasonable to expect that if you make a mess that you should be expected toclear it up, as otherwise you would not appreciate the full consequences ofyour actions. Our comments are prompted by your feelings about the Gulf Oilspill, and we do not lack compassion for those of you directly affected by whatis happening. We would remind you that our allies are near to achieving theconditions which will result in the official announcement of our presence. Thatwill allow us to liaise with your authorities and put into being a clean upoperation, that will rapidly return your lands and waterways to their originalcondition. However, until the Illuminati and their minions are removed thespecter of more problems hangs over you, as they still believe they are incontrol. The fact is that they have little power left, and events are closingin on them that will see them collapse.

You will have to wait a little longer to see some firm indications of what is occurring, butvictory over the dark Ones is drawing closer. Without help you could not haveremoved them, and we will be aiding our allies when they go into action. Wehave no desire for fuss, or intentions of retribution against those concerned,we simply want them safely out of the way so that our projects can proceedwithout interference. We know that when the truth comes out there will be anangry response from large sections of the public. It cannot be allowed tocreate more negativity, and the law will be seen to be applied justly andfairly.

Being on the Earth at such an important time offers you first hand experience of the endtimes, and how there is progression from one cycle to the next. Some of you arealready participating in the transmutation of the negative energies that haveaccumulated in the Earth, whilst others are bringing in the Light that willlift it up. It is indeed a remarkable time that you are privileged to witnessand be part of. Each of you that are Lightworkers contribute to the cleansingthat is taking place, and when we can join you the whole process will begreatly speeded up. Computers handle much of our technology, and also robotsthat can go where Man would experience difficulties. Your aptitude to change isvery good and you readily adapt to new ideas and technologies. It will be anexciting time for us all and we want you to keep your vision on the future,which promises more than you can really understand without our help. We are thebridge between the old and new, and your guardians and mentors, who will ensureyou get all of the assistance you need. The goal is Ascension and all effortswill be to achieve a happy ending to this cycle. You need not dwell upon thenegativity around you on Earth; it will not remain for much longer as the Lightis lifting everything up.

The truth about many hidden agendas of the dark Ones is coming to be known. Many bravesouls have decided it is time to step forward and reveal what they know. Itwill encourage others to do likewise, and it will surely have a snowball affectthat will soon see the floodgates open. Having been mislead over many matters,people are understandably very suspicious about what they hear. Sometimes thetruth will shock you into a state of disbelief. However, we intend to give youabsolute undeniable proof, where major events are concerned such as 9/11. Thesematters have to be cleared up so as to allow people time to put them intoperspective, and overcome their shock and pain. At some stage you must move onand place your focus on your bright future, and leave your sorrow and griefbehind you. Many souls of Light gave their lives, to bring into being a focusthat could be placed upon the terror and fear created by the dark Ones. Bybringing 9/11 out into the open they ensured that it was given worldwideattention, and that the truth would be sought and the perpetrators identifiedand held to account.

The catalogue of crimes against Humanity is immense, and it covers the world all over. Youwill not see every criminal brought to justice in your time, but if necessarythey will be totally removed from Earth. They are no exception to anyone else,as all of you review your lives once you return to the dimensions of Spirit.The dark Ones think they are clever and get away with their actions but everythingis recorded to confront them, as only the truth exists. It cannot bemanipulated or distorted to avoid the truth, and it will remain in yourconsciousness. It may sound frightening to some of you, but there is nopunishment involved and it is you who decide what lessons you need to learn.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and find it remarkable how quickly you respond to Light and Lovethat permeates your planet. What better help could you possibly have thatuplifts you, and opens your hearts and minds to the truth.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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"Yeah Russ is good. I like what he posts. Keep up the good work Russ."
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