SaLuSa 11-August-2010

Time speeds on as ever, and our presence becomes more apparent as we back you up inyour work for the Light. Call upon us if you are in need of help.

More of you are opening up your psychic centers, and you are beginning to sense orexperience futuristic events. This is quite normal as you rise up inconsciousness, and you may glimpse well into the future beyond the immediateperiod leading to Ascension. This happens for the same reason that time travelis possible, because everything exists in the Now. Whilst it serves asconfirmation of what you have been given, it can also be confusing as youcannot necessarily put it into a time frame. As time passes these experienceswill increase in frequency, along with the development of extra sensoryperception and telepathic abilities. It is all part of your return to a higherdimensional Being, and for this reason you will handle these developmentswithout any difficulty.

Have you not been told on numerous occasions, that you are a far greater Being thanyou believe? You have been unaware of it simply because eons of time ago youhave dropped into the lower dimensions, where your full powers have been unableto manifest. Also, there was a time when your DNA was interfered with, so thatyou were reduced to virtually a sub-human Being. You have climbed your way backto present levels, and will soon take a quantum leap forward allowing you tore-claim lost abilities. It will be crowned by your total transformation intoGalactic Beings, and it is not that far away. Subconsciously you know this tobe true, and it will not seem strange at all to eventually become a Being withsuperconsciousness.

It is the uniqueness of Ascension that is providing you with the opportunity torise up so rapidly. It will be some time before another occasion of suchimportance to you comes up. Hence there are Lightworkers both on and off Earthwho are here to enable every soul the chance to ascend. Knowledge will opendoors for you, but progress is linked to the development of your consciousness.It is through an appreciation that you are all One, and being able to treatevery other soul as you would be treated yourself. You do not need to belong toany group as such, although humans do like to gather together where they havean affinity with each other. All that you need to do comes from within, and isoften quite simple and need not be complicated. Love everyone as yourself, andif you can meet that challenge you will have planted your feet firmly on thepath to Ascension. It will be a one that means you will have to change yourways from years of being part of the old mindset. It is breaking out of themould that your parents and peers have placed you in, and becoming the new you.

Your tasks are made easier by the continual help you get, which is largely unseen.The Lightworkers carry out their important work on Earth, and it helps openyour awareness to other possibilities. Once you announce your intent to takethe path to Ascension, you will find that your experiences will direct you topeople and information that will lead you in the right direction. We would addthat if you attracted to messages such as ours, then you are undoubtedlyalready on the path to freedom and greater awareness. Furthermore you areassured of reaching your goal to ascend, and will have already lifted yourlevel of consciousness.

In the long term life is about raising your consciousness levels, and each lifeyou have is planned with that in mind. Knowing this may enable you to find theanswers to many challenges you have had to face up to and wondered why. Mostwill relate to your earlier lives, where opportunities may have been missed andreturn to give you another chance to succeed. When you look back at yourexperiences in this lifetime you may see that what was considered unwelcome, asan event that caused you to change something in your life. That may have provedto be a turning point for your wellbeing, and it is often how you are movedonto your correct path. We say that in the context of someone who has strayedoff the path they chose before incarnating. There is so much more attentionpaid to each individuals life plan than perhaps you realize, and those chargedwith keeping you to it accompany you through your life. We are referring toyour Guides, and any higher Being whose presence you might have invoked.

There will always be people who will deny there are Spirit Beings with them, but theywill be there regardless of what they believe. What they will not do isinterfere with your freewill, and will not impose their will upon you. If forexample you have planned to see out your life to old age, they will prevent youwhere possible from accidentally shortening your life. For example, instead ofdying in an accident your life will be saved, and sometimes the circumstancesof your survival are looked upon as miraculous. Your Angelic Keepers can dowhat you would see as near impossible, and many lives have been saved by them.They are not bound by linear time, and can go backwards or forwards in it toalter your experience.

Your lives are far from what you may call ordinary or simple, because it does notmatter whether it is meant to be action packed or not, you all have key momentsthat are very important to you. We know you can recount many “coincidences”that have brought two people together, who were meant to meet because it waspart of their life plan. Now the attention given you is more constant, asanyone who is awakening needs every help to keep rising up. Have faith whateveryour circumstances, and know that nothing you are experiencing now will lasttoo long. A wonderful future awaits you, and we of the Galactic Federation arejust part of a great assembly of Beings here to ensure your success. Once wecan get started in an open manner, you will soon see that pressing matters willbe sorted quite quickly. There is so much to do to put right the wrongs that havetaken place over a very long period.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it warms our hearts to see the continuing responseto the Light spreading around the Earth. Consciousness levels are continuallyrising and nothing will stop them reaching even higher levels. This iswonderful in view of the pressures you are experiencing all around you. Yet youare sticking to your task, to keep your focus on the positive changes that areto come out of the present chaos. Time speeds on as ever, and our presencebecomes more apparent as we back you up in your work for the Light. Call uponus if you are in need of help.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languagesstated above -ENGLISH
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All Galactic Federation Of Light SaLuSa August 2010

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