SaLuSa 11-June-2010

Now you will realize why we refer sofrequently to your Ascension, as it is what you came into this cycle toachieve.In so doing you will have proved victorious in overcoming your perceivedseparation from God.

You will have identified with your true Self, a magnificentBeing of Light.

Things are still speeding up and you are in the thick of it, and sometimes it is difficult to keep abreast with it all. A series of events continue tomove you forward, and they are edging towards a finale that will see somemomentous changes. It all goes well behind the scenes, although outwardly youcould be forgiven for thinking that there was total disarray everywhere. Wecontinue to hold the strings that connect us with all activities on Earth. Nothingescapes our attention, and we are directing our energies towards achieving amajor change that will benefit us all. More we cannot say at this stage, butthe pressure is on the dark Ones to the extent that they are running scared.

The Light is being further empowered, as the incoming energies are increasing and your consciousness levels are rising up. As you absorb them soyour resistance to the lower energies is increased, and you slowly consolidateyour place in the Light. It is what you have worked towards for a very longtime, and prepares you for the final upliftment at Ascension. The road has beenlong and bumpy, but it will not long before it becomes a smooth path taking youfully into the Light. Thereafter you will be able to say that you have trulybecome a Being of Light, and will start a new adventure in the higher realms.

However, the current problems need to be dealt with first, and each one of you can assist by sending out your Light to those who need help. In this wayyou set up a channel of Light that reaches them, and it will grow and attracteven more Light. We would ask you to include those leaders who are presently inthe forefront of all that is happening, and your President Obama is one who isa major player in the events taking place. You will see that he has played apatient game to take his opportunity to unseat the dark Ones, and he will useall of his authority to do so. Timing is the essence of success, and that issomething we have often stressed.

When the going becomes difficult, please do not lose sight of the fact that it will only last as long as it takes to move into a new paradigm. It willrelease you from the hold the dark Ones have had on you for hundreds of years.It will be the biggest and most important change you will have experienced formany, many years. Freedom is knocking on your door, and you shall have itreturned to you as part of the early changes. Unnecessary controls and lawswill be repealed, and life will take on a new look by granting you a say inyour future. Sharing and caring will be very satisfying, and bring peopletogether regardless of wealth, status or position. They will be recognized forwhat they really are as One Race, that all have a role to play in the Onenessof Humankind.

It will not be too long before life will be quite different in all aspects to what it is now, and will set the mould for what you can expect when youascend. It will be a taste of what is to come, and that includes your bondingwith us. That will come easy as you are reaching up to us now, and before longwill be like us. It will not really be a strange transition as many of you wereonce at our level. It will be an opportunity for you to return to the positionyou once held, before you finally dropped into the lower vibrations of duality.

You could say that where information is concerned regarding Ascension, you are spoilt for choice as many sources are picking up the new vibrations.However, their interpretation of them may not agree with others, and this is whereyour own intuition comes into play. Accept only what rings true to you, andcarries no sense of impending doom or fear. The true messages that carry Lightare based on love and understanding, and will speak of the opportunity foreveryone to ascend through freedom of choice. The true teachings do not talk ofpunishment in any context, as every soul on Earth is loved and given guidanceas soon as it is requested. Sometimes it is a special event in a person’s lifethat leads to an awakening, and it is often associated with near deathexperiences. When you get a glimpse of life beyond Earth in the higherdimensions, it can leave you with such a strong impression it is indeed a lifechanging experience.

We know that with our coming and contact with you, it will also have an uplifting effect on you. You will see in us yourselves, and just being in ourpresence will allow you to experience the higher vibrations of love. We saythis in no way that is boasting; neither do we consider ourselves above you. Weare simply souls who are coming to you from levels that are so different towhat you are used to on Earth. It is very much like the times of Jesus, theBuddha and other Masters that have walked the Earth, with auras that gave out apowerful energy of love that enshrouded those around them. You too are much thesame, except your vibrations tend to be much lower and not so evident. Yet,when you meet someone who has developed a higher consciousness, you can feelthe peace and love they carry with them. Developing to that degree requiresdedication to keep focused on your goal, and detach your self from the lowervibrations. There has never been quite such a grand opportunity to do so asnow, with the extremely high energies being received on Earth.

The plan has always been intended to increase the energies slowly but surely, to allow for your gradual awakening. However, it was also planned togreatly increase them after the Millennium, to help you be prepared for thelast upliftment you know as Ascension. It will be the most important step youhave taken since the last cycle began, and it is why so many Beings accompanyyou in the last stages of your preparations. Be assured that if it is yourintention to ascend, you will be helped all of the way until the final greatday when you will ascend. Now you will realize why we refer so frequently toyour Ascension, as it is what you came into this cycle to achieve. In so doingyou will have proved victorious in overcoming your perceived separation fromGod. You will have identified with your true Self, a magnificent Being ofLight.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is a joy to communicate with you at such an important time in your experiences, as you are so responsive and aware.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey.

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