SaLuSa 14-June-2010

Problems that exist now will beshort lived, and in spite of how they appear, no lasting damage willremain.

Sometimes matters proceed in the most unexpected way, and the Gulf oil spill is no exception. Suddenly the truth emerges that it is far more seriousthan first reported, and the cover up can no longer conceal it. A recklessdisregard for your environment and the people likely to be affected has shownthe extent to which the Oil Companies are prepared to go. It is a situationthat has highlighted the dangers in searching for oil under the seabed. It hasawakened people to how easily an oil spill can occur, and is another reason whysafe technology must be introduced. Alternative energy supplies are alreadyknown but have been suppressed, and the fact that they do exist has brought ademand that they are introduced without delay. Meantime the worst ecologicaldisaster in your history continues unabated, to haunt those in authority whoseem powerless to help. We hear your cries for help and that brings ourpresence just that bit nearer, but there is a lot more involved in this matterthan you aware. Our allies are doing their best to move things in the rightdirection, but it will require much effort on their part to be successful.

It also greatly heartens us to know, that there are concerted efforts by you to focus positive energy and loving thoughts into the Gulf Oil area. It isan approach to the problem that we strongly recommend, and shows that you aretaking on the responsibility of finding ways of healing it yourselves. Believeus that your power to produce results and make an impression upon it, areincreasing all of the time. More of you are recognizing the power you holdwithin, and as groups of you get together so it will increase exponentially. Asa result of all the efforts being made to overcome the problem, you will lessenthe impact upon your environment and enable the mess to be cleared away.

We notice the tension is increasing upon Earth, as with the turmoil that exists you are being distracted from keeping your eyes on the end times. Yet, alot of what is happening will have a direct bearing on the manner in which itwill pass by. Certainly nothing can prevent Ascension, but you can make thepath a lot smoother by keeping the end result in focus. Joy and happinessawaits you and complete and utter peace, the likes of which you have not trulyexperienced before. Whatever effort you put in now will be well worth it, andthe more you can raise your consciousness levels, the quicker you will detachfrom the lower energies. On Earth for example, so many of your films and mediapresentations focus on death and destruction. If you are not careful it canresult in you accepting it as a normal part of life, and you can experiencedamage to your psyche. Generally speaking what is frequently placed before youbecomes acceptable, and it is how your natural feelings are corrupted andanaesthetized. The dark Ones have used these methods consistently to deadenyour response to the atrocities of war, and inhumane acts against you.

However, we do not wish to dwell upon dark matters, but you have a need to know how your reactions to experiences are being controlled. As benign Beingsyou are capable of the greatest acts of love and compassion, and when thenegative influences are removed we see you coming into your own. There will bechanges in your laws so that justice can be seen to be operating in a fairmanner. Your rights will be restored and fully protected, so that you cannot beheld or imprisoned without sufficient evidence. It is also important that youare allowed legal representation as your right, and not held guilty until it isproven. Equally as important will be a re-structuring of the powers given tothose who apply the law and police your streets. In actual fact, once we cometo your Earth and address your problems, and people see a brighter futureahead, the level of crime will dramatically fall. Clearly removing inequalityand poverty will by itself remove conditions that often lead to crime. We alsosee that the need to take drugs to escape your reality, or for social occasionswill decline.

People will find peace and happiness living their lives as intended, by being occupied in interesting and rewarding occupations. The pressure andstress of your present way of life will disappear, and much more time given topleasurable pursuits. Fulfillment in your lives is not something you are usedto experiencing, but it will become the normal way of life. Such changes aredestined to introduce you to conditions you can expect to expand as you nearAscension. The old ways are already beginning to disappear, and will have noplace in the higher dimensions. To say the least, everything will change untilthe vibrations have been sufficiently lifted up to put duality behind you.

Words are still inadequate to fully describe what you can look forward to in the future. However, with our coming we will make sure you understand thereasons for actions taken. They are to introduce you to our ways of life thatshall also become yours, and remove or change anything that has previouslyresulted in the pollution or damage to you or Mother Earth. It mean changes tomany of your methods of manufacturing, and the materials used. No longer willyou work in dangerous conditions, and in fact operating methods will become farmore automated. The dirt and sweat will become a thing of the past, and no onewill labor in such a way.

You might wonder about our ability to build Space craft of enormous size, and we can tell you that it is achieved with robotic or automated means. Thereis no wastage and the materials are selected for their high quality andreliability. As members of the Galactic Federation, we share our knowledge andtechnologies so that all can benefit. It is not our way to try to outdo eachother, and although we have to incorporate means of self-defense, our craft arenot war machines. As we often inform you, our larger ships are like cities inSpace, and we can replicate any type of environment within them. Coming onboard, you would most likely fail to realize that you were indeed upon one ofour ships.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and what is given in this message is just a taste of what is to come. We hope it will lift you up, and put your focus on all thatis good and wholesome that is coming your way. Problems that exist now will beshort lived, and in spite of how they appear, no lasting damage will remain.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
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