This lifetime for you is a defining point, to determine whether or not you can progress sufficiently to take the quantum leapforward that is being offered to you.
Eventually time will wait for no man because certain targets have to be reached to prepareyou for Ascension. The cleansing of Earth is vital and necessary to clear yourkarmic responsibilities to Mother Earth, and we do not really desire tocompress too much into the last few months that remain, before the end of2012. We can do it, but we want you to play an important part in theseend times. As you take back your power your energies should be directed towardsestablishing a new society, that is governed by rules of Law that are both fairand honestly applied. There is much that exists that is not in accordance withsuch aims, and it is your influence and demands that can change it. Speak upDear Ones and your voices will be heard, and there will be favorable changes.
We dearly wish to see you sail through the final days of duality, and for quite some time nowyou have been given every guidance to see that you do. If you experiencedifficulties particularly where other people are concerned, please bear in mindthat in the time that is left major karmic promises are being played out. Thesetake place with your permission and cooperation, and indeed anyone who istouched by what happens. With a more informed understanding of what it means,you should be prepared for the outcome and able to take it in your stride. Ifyou feel you have been cast as the victim, remember that you agreed to takethat role. See it as an opportunity to express yourself as a soul that isleaving behind the old system, where blame is usually apportioned. The lessonsfor everyone should be apparent, but all are equally involved. When you haveacted out your part and the play is over, allow the final curtain to come downon it.
This lifetime for you is a defining point, to determine whether or not you can progresssufficiently to take the quantum leap forward that is being offered to you.Intent is the first step, and from thereon you should be able to find your ownpathway. Your life will change track onto one that carries you into the Light,and you will begin to open up to your true Self. Each of you can rise up, butyou will need to set your sights upon what you want, and how you see itmanifesting for you. Simply put, you stay within your Light at all timesand allow yourself to flow with events. Hopefully you will ride along on thecrest of a wave, and sweep all aside that no longer serve your purpose. Changeyou must, if you wish to follow through and establish a firm path to Ascension.
It has taken a long time to reach this point in your evolution, so take it with both hands.Such an opportunity will not come your way until the end of the next solarcycle, and that is over 26,000 years. It is true that any individual can ascendat any time if they reach certain high levels of vibration. However, at the endof a cycle it is always planned to allow for a mass opportunity. As now, it isachieved by uplifting the vibrations so that each soul is helped to rise up.Never lose sight of the fact that you are privileged to be on the Earth at sucha special time. If you could experience the joy and absolute peace of ourdimension, you would not hesitate to grasp your opportunity now. Some soulshave of course pre-planned to sample the incoming Light, but do not yet feelready to go any further.
Neither you nor the Earth resides in your natural level of vibration. You are far greaterthan you believe, and are Beings of Light that have temporarily lowered it forexperiences in duality. You can have delightful and exquisite experiences inthe 3rd. dimension, but what if they were your natural state ofbeing. Knowing the truth, would you really turn down the chance to move intothe blissful realms where only Love and Light exist? I doubt it, yet many waitto be convinced, and as much proof as possible will be placed before them. Itis still your choice whatever way you look at it.
Meanwhile we play the waiting game, knowing that momentous changes are in the offing. Atlast matters are accelerating and we see events coming along quite speedily. Itwill be both exciting and shocking in some ways as the truth is revealed, andyou realize how manipulated and controlled you have been. Not only that, therehave been so many crimes committed against Humanity, your history will have tobe largely re-written. It is perhaps the scale of deceit and deliberate plansto set you against each other that will shock you. Many wars have beendeliberately caused and situations set up to deplete the population, and keepyou from acquiring knowledge that would release you from the control of theIlluminati. The so-called Third World has been kept at the poverty level andnot allowed real opportunities to benefit from being educated. It has also hadits natural resources worked by other countries, without receiving duerecompense.
It is the feeling of separateness instead of Oneness that is missing, and until youreally live as each other’s keeper you will not move forward. However, havingsaid that those who are spiritually aware cannot be held back for that reason.It is because this situation exists that there has to be a dividing of theways, allowing for every soul to follow their chosen path. God is not concernedas to how you choose to experience, having given you total freedom to do as youwish. Life is infinite, and you have all the time you want to make your wayback to the Light. No two paths are identical, and that is the beauty of theexperiences that you will carry forward with you. How much greater you will allbe when you rise up to such high levels, that you can share them together.There is certainly no need for each soul to experience everything themselves,and by sharing you move even quicker into the higher dimensions where youbecome a Being of Light.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and like my companions have been through the lower dimensions, andtherefore have an appreciation of what you are going through right now. Itbrings out our love for you as exceptionally brave souls to have taken onduality. That you would be prepared to suffer and lose your real identity to doso, is a sign of how spiritually mature you really are and your love for God.You know that it does not matter whatever happens, you will always return tothe Source of All That Is.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
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