SaLuSa 16-August-2010

You will note that we have said that it is “you” who reviews each life, and there is no one else that does so.

Each soul will do the same, and sometimes you decide to come together again with those who have shared your lives before.

Remember that your reality is referred to as an illusion, because you created ityourself. As has happened in earlier civilizations, you could have reached apeak of spiritual advancement resulting in a different path for Mankind.Following the collapse of Atlantis, you were left to pick up the pieces whichis why in many areas a caveman existence was all you experienced. Naturallyhighly spiritual communities grew up here and there such as the Essenes, butthere was too much opposition for them to continue for very long. The negativeenergy was powerfully embedded in the Earth, and you have struggled to overcomeit. Consequently as shown by your history, life has been a series ofexperiences brought about by the lack of spiritual direction.

However, what has been happening in more recent times is that a divine plan has beenformulated to bring more Light to Earth. It has been a slow process as manyfactors are involved. You had to be allowed to expand your consciousness, at arate where it could be gradually assimilated without becoming too overbearing.It has proved to have been a most successful plan, witnessed by the greatstrides forward that you have made within the last century. As you willunderstand, you are fulfilling your destiny to ascend as the cycle of dualityin your dimension is coming to a close. It could have turned out differently,but for the great input of higher energies that have lifted you up. Also withour authority to protect you and help you onto the path of Ascension, we havesupported those of you who by your freewill choice have chosen it as your nextevolutionary step forward. If you had instead dropped lower into the darkerrealms, we could not have intervened without interfering with your freewill.

So you can see that it is you have decided your future, and although Ascension wouldseem to be such a wonderful opportunity to leave duality, there are still manysouls that are unprepared for such a great leap forward. Their lives willcontinue as before in the 3rd. dimension, and they will not lose anyadvances in their consciousness levels by doing so. It is always ongoing, andthose souls that have lost all sense of their true selves, will eventually findtheir way back home to the Light. That was a promise made to you when as highersouls you took on the challenge of entering the cycle of duality. Do you notoften hear other people say, that there must be something better than what youare experiencing? Although you created it, it was never meant to be a permanentcondition and you now approach its final days.

The Galactic Federation has many member civilizations that some of you initiallycame from, and most likely you will choose to return to them. All along bravesouls have incarnated to bring Light into your lives, and at times it has beena dangerous situation to be in. The dark Ones have always sought to prevent youfrom learning the truth, and put to death many Lighted Ones including Jesus.However, their mere presence always leaves an energy that can continue toinfluence others. In spite of centuries of persecution, those following a pathof Light have managed to leave their messages behind, and it has helped theexpansion of your consciousness. As we look down on you we fully understandwhat you are going through, and know that you have the strength to withstand thelast attempts of the dark Ones to take you from your path.

Your task to lift up is in our opinion made more easy by living now to the highestexpression of yourself. By so doing you can become centered and focused uponthe future, thus preventing any distractions from taking your attention awayfrom your goal. It does not come easy as for so long you have been conditionedto act in certain ways, and accept what you are told. You are also continuallybombarded by the media and other sources, to believe you are subservient to thedictates of the dark Ones. We remind you that you are sovereign Beings and haverights that have been denied you, and will be returned to you in the not toodistant future. In fact you are entitled to be honored and revered for yourfaith and love for God. It has held fast regardless of the attempts of the darkOnes to separate you from God. Some souls may not yet have found God within,but all have that godspark that can be re-ignited.

You are in the last throes of domination by the dark Ones, and their power andauthority is rapidly diminishing. It cannot hold good as the Light reveals whathas been happening, and is transmuting the lower energies. All proceeds well,in spite of the calamities that are affecting a number of countries now. Withyour heartfelt responses and compassion the effects will slowly be addressed.It comes with realizing the Oneness of all Life, and how dependent you are oneach other. As we view what is occurring, we can tell you that there is reallynothing to fear. You are destined to overcome all problems quite quickly, andof course we will have a big hand in helping you. Look on the bright side andyou will be doing all that can be asked of you.

Some will say it is easy for us and of course it is, but that is because we have longmoved beyond the need to experience the lower energies that are held in yourdimension. However, that does not affect our love and concern for you all. Itis our delight and joy to help where we can, given that we have chosen toadhere to Universal Law. The dark Ones have no such observance of them, butthey are nevertheless bound by them and they will be answerable for theiractions. They are naïve and believe they get away with their heinousactivities, but the records of every ones lives exist in the higher dimensions.This must be so as if not you would be unable to review your lives when youreturn to them. You will note that we have said that it is “you” who reviewseach life, and there is no one else that does so. It is for you to decide howit will affect any subsequent life, although your Guides and Angelic Beings arewith you to advise you if you wish. Because you are on the outside looking in,you can be non-judgmental where yourself and others are concerned. Each soul willdo the same, and sometimes you decide to come together again with those whohave shared your lives before.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with my blessings of love, and wishes for asuccessful path to Ascension.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey,

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