SaLuSa 17 April 2015
Dear Ones, the Light is growing much more quickly, and all credit to those of you who are steadfast and true to your life plan. You may not necessarily know for certain how well you are following it, but there is a “feeling” of deep satisfaction in all that you do. Along with your Guides, we help keep you on your true path and assist where we can. The net result of all of your dedication is that you are able to keep on going forward without being distracted from your path. The rewards for doing so are many, and one day in the not too distant future you will truly become aware of how much your contribution has achieved. It is not to do with quantity but quality, and every one of you in your own way helps to maintain the Light upon Earth. You are in fact privileged to be chosen for such tasks, as many souls have volunteered to do such work at this time. However, not everyone is necessarily chosen for this particular period of action. This is the time that you have been working towards over many lives, and already some can “feel” the changes that have taken place as the negative energies have less affect.
Such times as you are in now are strange to contemplate, as the extremes are being experienced that can be rather confusing. This period is one where the negative energies seem to be growing and causing more problems than usual. Yet they are having more impact and attention because of it. It is rather like “scraping the barrel” when dealing with the last remains of the old cycle. Clearly lessons are still being learnt and there will soon come a time when the vibrations will rise up. When this happens they will lift you up to a level that cannot accept the lower vibrations. So keep looking firmly ahead and do not allow your focus and determination to falter. The dark Ones are aware that their time is running out, and like a cornered animal are liable to lash out without considering of the consequences. They still hope to flee from the Earth when things turn against them, but that is no longer as easy as they thought.
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