SaLuSa 17-March-2010

We are trusted having vowed to serve the will of God, and spread the Light farand wide. We are all to be the warriors of Light for the benefit of allothersouls.

Clearly with matters as they are, there is a great deal of dissatisfaction withconditions on Earth. People are anxious to find something different or some wayof escaping them. Yet all of this was foreseen as the climax to the breakingdown of the old paradigm, and there is an escape route. We refer of course toAscension, which is only known to a relatively small percentage of Humankind.Many more have heard about it but it has no real meaning for them, in fact itis often denied as the fanciful notions of dreamers. It is most important thatevery soul understands what Ascension stands for, and that each one is able tomake an inspired choice. You who are already aware can help them understandwhat a wonderful process it is. One that is intended to lift you up to levelsthat are more in line with your true selves. As you can understand, it becomesvery important that we are able to make our announcements covering Ascension,as soon as possible. This is held up while we work with our allies towardsgovernmental changes, that will enable it to be brought forward. The intentionall along has been to ensure that every soul is able to make an informedchoice.

It is only natural that after so many lifetime experiences, there is a soft spotfor Earth. It can present the most beautiful scenarios that are an absolutepicture of color. Without the effect of Man’s negative influences, you can alsofind those idyllic places of utter peace and stillness. Yet for all this it isbut a pale reflection of what awaits you in the higher dimensions. Given thechoice made with the full knowledge of what Ascension means, it would besurprising if many souls rejected the opportunity to ascend. However, the lowervibrations dull the senses and diminish your Light, and making your way back isnot at all easy. It is not for the lack of trying to convey the truth to you;as for at least the last century there have been progressive attempts to bringabout enlightenment. As you often say, “you can take a horse to water, but youcannot make it drink” and so it is with many people who are not yet ready forit. However, like anyone else they do have subconscious memories of their pastexperiences, and until they can tap into them will remain dormant.

Members of families are often at different levels of understanding, and the dominantguidance is usually through a majority belief. However, if one is seeking theintuition will come into play, and setting aside time for meditation willinevitably lead to a clear communication. For you personally there is really nobetter guidance, as it is precisely given according to the stage ofunderstanding you are at. We will along with the Masters, set the scene forenlightenment once we can openly come amongst you. It is course necessary toconvey the fact that the old Earth will no longer exist as it was. Either waypeople must decide whether they desire to work towards Ascension, or remain inthe 3rd. dimension elsewhere. There has never been an occasion quitelike this before, and you as ascending souls will be the first to experiencebodily changes in preparation for you upliftment into the higher dimensions. Infact many already have an awareness of it taking place, and feel the differenceit is making in their lives. Principally it is a feeling of lightness, and apeace within that carries you through duality without being affected by thelower vibrations.

We are forever telling you that major events are very near, and the energies thatproject them into being are proving so powerful that their manifestation cannotbe held back much longer. Certainly we are continually adjusting to conditionson Earth, and giving our allies every support to achieve their goals.Technologically we are far superior to your dark forces, and although they havedeveloped weapons of mass destruction we can safely handle them. Have no fearas the end times have already been written, so that all turns out as divinelyplanned. Where apprehension exists let us confirm that you willingly andeagerly entered duality, and knew what a hard test it would be. However, younever doubted the promise that you would be lifted up when the end time came. Whenyou look back, it will only be to marvel at the way you were released from thepull of the lower vibrations, when you had become so immersed in them.

Experience is what you will take back to the higher realms, and many will benefit from it.Just as we know how to deal with your problems because of our experience, sowill you attend others. Service is the name of the game that is taken veryseriously, and will indicate the desire to serve others that are also seeking apath to the Light. On Earth such an achievement is quite an accomplishmentbearing in mind the many distractions that face you at every turn. It requiresa firm focus on what you have set your sights upon. Service to others can bevery rewarding, and is in no way an imposition placed upon you. Carried outwith love and caring, it is the ultimate expression of one who is imbued withthe Light.

Dear Ones, you are on the last lap that will see an end to this cycle in a mostglorious finale. In short time you will have moved from realms of darkness tothose of Light. The “Living Hell” will become the heavenly bliss and peacebeyond your present understanding. All ties will be cut and the Law of Gracewill ensure that no karmic residue will travel with you. It will be thecommencement of another cycle, but this time of Light without the interferenceof the dark Ones. They will have moved on to what is appropriate to theirpresent vibration. All will proceed to evolve, except that some have traveledfurther and will completely leave the old behind. Any concern you may haveabout the future is best put behind you, as time will show that there was neverany doubt as to the outcome.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and ask you to remember that we of the GalacticFederation are you, and in us you will see what you are to be. Nothing could bemore natural than a coming together of all of us. Our futures are joined inlove, and the desire to take our knowledge and abilities to others. God hasgiven us the power of creation, and the knowledge of how to correctly use it.We are trusted having vowed to serve the will of God, and spread the Light farand wide. We are all to be the warriors of Light for the benefit of all othersouls.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH

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