SaLuSa 17-May-2010

Be generous in sharing your love with those wayward souls of darkness, they need youto helpthem on their way back to the Source, a journey that every soul takes.

With the feeling that you never have sufficient time each day to do everything you want, it is notsurprising that Man is generally seen as being impatient. Considering that yourexpectations have been lifted many times without seeing the predicted results,we commend you for exercising great fortitude and looking ahead to the time ofcompletion. All said and done, the whole purpose of all that is taking place isdirected towards a satisfactory conclusion to the cycle of duality. Your timein it has all but finished and yet in the remaining period, you will see themost rapid succession of events that at times will take your breath away. Intruth you have been steadily making your way towards Ascension for many, manyyears. The recent ones have promised much without visible signs of progress,yet all of the time you have been edging nearer to the inevitable changes thatmust take place. Now you are experiencing the chaos that comes with the cleansingof the old systems, and at times it has unfortunate consequences. However, itis the prelude to the introduction of new ways of handling the problems thathave developed. Be assured that all will turn out to your satisfaction, and inmany instances far exceed your expectations.

We stand at the ready and are urging our allies to push on, and they do so having received assurance of ourassistance at every turn. We do far more in this way than may be evident, and amost important function is the continual monitoring of Mother Earth. We ensurethere is an ongoing balance to avoid extreme consequences, and are particularlyconcerned with the areas subject to earthquake activity. We can accuratelypredict where and when they may occur, and although we cannot interfere withnecessary changes we can lessen their effects. We have for many years going farback into the last century, dealt with many problems arising from pollution andnuclear fall-out. We have limited contamination to avoid as far as possible geneticdamage to the future generations. However, Man uses various energies to powerhis inventions that radiate out damaging rays to your health. Most of this isknown to you, but little notice is taken by those who profit from them. Ourtechnologies will deal with these problems, and we will introduce you to clean,healthy and safe devices.

The sad part of your stunted progress where technologies are concerned, is that so many of your usefuldiscoveries have been deliberately shelved. You have been denied the inventionsthat would have tremendously improved your quality of life. You have beenunnecessarily placed in a position where you have suffered through the lack ofprogress, and forced to live at a very low level of sustenance. However, all ofthat will be changed once we can openly arrive on Earth. A number ofopportunities are opening up that will hasten the event, and we wait withinterest to see who will be the first to announce disclosure. It is close tohappening but if it is stalled once again, we have the authority to interveneand bring it about ourselves. We would prefer you to front the announcement, aswe have no desire to appear to be forcing the issue. However, the Divine Plandoes not allow for continued delays and there is a final date by which actionis required. The Universe is ascending and all progresses well and as planned,but we cannot allow little Earth to dictate the timing. As important as you areto the whole, you are still a relatively small cog in a very big wheel.

We note that the pressures are rising for a complete financial appraisal, with a view to introducing a totallynew system. We encourage such moves as the old one has proven to be inadequate,and not operating to the benefit of the people. Your banking system has beengradually eating away at your hard earned monies, and has had little regard ifany for the hardships that result from their avarice. That power is beingremoved, but only a complete change will serve your real interests andestablish a fair and honest system. You will be recompensed, as abundance willsee the return of prosperity and a fair and equitable sharing of your wealth.You will gradually move into a new phase of life that will be a prelude toAscension, and bring you nearer to the Oneness that you will enjoy. Dear Ones,we have no requirement for money as everything is shared, and each soulsrequirements are provided to ensure they have the best standard of lifepossible. When you have no such needs the quality of life is idyllic, andallows for ample time for the pursuance of personal interests. The labors oflife as you now experience them will no longer exist, and you will not toil andwork your knuckles to the bone to exist. It has only been the greed for powerand wealth by the richest families in your world, that has limited yourprogress towards such a society on Earth.

You have been allowed freewill at all times in experiencing duality. You may therefore reflect on the fact,that you have innocently allowed yourselves to give it up to those who are thepower behind virtually all decisions that effect your lives. This is thefaction you know as the Illuminati, and they are no longer as powerful now dueto the grand work of our allies. We have of course as always guided eventsalong that have been beneficial to them, and that support is perfectlyacceptable as the Light is allowed to confront the dark Ones. On Earth thebattle is becoming more obvious, and is a reflection of a greater one thatcontinues in the higher realms. The dark energies permeate the Universe, andare attracted to the lower vibrations wherever they exist. It is as though yousignal your readiness to engage with them, and that is what has happened onEarth. For eons of time you have been under its influence, and in consequenceBeings of low vibration have infiltrated your Earth. Now the vibrations haverisen considerably, and your Earth is no longer a suitable place for them. Asit continues to rise, so their influence is weakened and they lose their powerover you. Eventually they will have no option but to leave the Earth, and thattime rapidly approaches.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and it is no wonder that we have so much admiration for you. You have been in thethick of the battle between the Dark and Light for so long. Now your victoryover them is nearing completion, and the Heavens are rejoicing. Let your Lightbeam out to everyone, even those who you recognize as dark Beings. Be generousin sharing your love with those wayward souls of darkness, they need you to helpthem on their way back to the Source, a journey that every soul takes.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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