SaLuSa 19 November 2015 by PhilLightbody


SaLuSa 19 November 2015.
 We are now in negotiations with your Governments for disclosure and first contact. By working together we can bring forward the necessary changes so the New-Age can proceed with all haste. This can all be arranged however you are called to focus on positive outcome only, else risk unwittingly adding energy to that which is not desired. By pre-imagining and focusing on your chosen outcome you are committing to that future path.
  You have also to detach from all that does not serve the highest good of all; this can be a sticking point yet you can rise above the pull of the lower energies, and not repeat the mistakes of the past, you are here because you can do this. The higher purpose of these testing times are to purify and separate that which is not needed going forward onto higher levels of awareness. Abundance to completely meet all your needs is realized when you live as if it already has happened.
 The obstacles in the way of our landings are slowly being cleared away and we are looking forward to meeting you as friends. Relax knowing that in spite of everything all will work out as planned. Look out for news and events which can give you a little more hope so you may face the future assured all will work out well.
  There is coming a time where suddenly and decisively you will be transformed into a being of higher awareness, you will be assisted by higher beings and this will all be done in divine right timing. The path of spiritual evolution cannot just be an intellectual exercise; only by crossing into direct experience are you advanced. It takes astute discernment to see you are not alone and that your guides and angels have been helping you all along the way to pull you out of darkness and into the light.
  The intense energies are hotting-up matters causing all around you to change and morph, which in part is caused by humanities awareness ever increasing at exponentially higher levels. All that divides will dissolve leaving only that which is in alignment with truth and love, allowing you to see yourself everywhere and in all things. You all readily rolled up your sleeves and dove headlong into the difficult task of overcoming duality and separation. We hold you in high esteem for this sacrifice.
 There is much that needs healing in your world; can you step up to the task of healer, teacher, or enlightened master? Through expanding to express more of your potential you help create balance, also clear and calm the path forward allowing all souls to progress in a beneficial way. Much can be gained by noticing synchronicities in relation to your chosen path, so may detect most subtle signs leading forward. This can also buttress you from the actions of the dark ones, for if you follow the signs you can always be in right place or situation for your safety, also by becoming more in tune with the flow of life you help energize/stabilise the Christ Consciousness grid around the earth.

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  • "We are now in negotiations with your Governments for disclosure and first contact"

    You've been that since FOREVER!
    We're no longer  interested in your reports on "how well they go".
    We're interested in the FRUITS of it.
    If you can't present any at this time and space, I'm afraid we're gonna have to ravage earth with nuclear weapons.

    You're done here, Salusa.

    Good Bye!

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