SaLuSa 19-July-2010

There is within each one of you a desire to love and be loved; yet not everyone can express that in termsof freely giving of themselves. The energy of love is powerful and can workmiracles, and costs you nothing to share with others.

We come as friends and for many also as family, but more importantly as your spiritual mentors and guides.You shall feel our love that we give unconditionally, and it will lift you upout of any worries or concerns you may still have.

Fame and wealth are looked upon as an achievement to be desired; yet so often they are difficult to handle. Yourprivacy which you value is intruded upon and literally your life is not yourown. Some people are prepared to withstand such a loss, and live out their makebelieve lives in circumstances that are no guarantee of happiness. Showbusiness is surrounded by glamour and the need for success, and failure isoften experienced with inconsolable grief. So who can lead a so-called ordinarylife and find happiness and satisfaction. The majority of people are in liveswhere they struggle to make ends meet, or even to survive. Yet some manage tofind a purpose in life that does give satisfaction, and it is through servingothers. When you have found a way to help others, it gives an inner feeling ofhaving discovered a true path, that allows you to express your love andexperience fulfillment.

There is within each one of you a desire to love and be loved; yet not everyone can express that in terms of freely giving ofthemselves. The energy of love is powerful and can work miracles, and costs younothing to share with others. When it is given without seeking reward, and withno conditions you are well on the way to being able to give unconditional love.That indeed should be the goal you are working towards, and if you struggle toachieve it do not be too concerned. With the ever-increasing upliftment of thevibrations you will naturally attract higher energy to yourself, and it willbecome much easier to hold the love vibration. Everyone can work towards suchlevels, and those that are successful rarely seek fame or gain beyond what isnecessary for their immediate requirements. Lightworkers know their life planand are not distracted by the search for fame, although it sometimes comes withsuccess. It is knowing how to control it that prevents it from taking over yourlife, so that you can continue with full focus on your work.

Service to others is not necessarily seen as an attractive occupation, yet its rewards are manifold. You cannot take anythingwith you when you complete your life plan, but you will have the inner growthand joy of having spent it in a beneficial way. It does not require that youbecome one of the leading lights, and every contribution however small helpsuplift the level of the mass consciousness. The capitalist way of thinkingtends to promote greed, but there are of course some successful people whobecause they are blessed that way, do not forget to share their wealth. Becauseof it they sometimes achieve exceptional levels of generosity, but it is notthe amount that is important but the thought behind it. This is exemplified bythe biblical story of the widow’s mite, as she gave when her needs were asgreat as anyone else’s.

So where are we heading with our message and why now, and we will tell you that the changes on Earth are becoming morewidespread, and leaving many people in dire need of help. That position willworsen for all manner of reasons, and it begs of you that until it changes forthe better that you try to help ease other people’s distress. The challenge ofthese times is putting a lot of pressure on you, but you can help prevent itbecoming chaotic by getting together and organizing some kind of relief. Itwill provide an answer until the coming of real help, and the changes in yourgovernments that will start a new era of beneficial changes on a largeworldwide scale.

Be assured that at all times we continue to keep a check on the well being of Mother Earth, with your Ascension in mind. Thereis a balance that we are responsible for, and it stops matters really gettingout of hand. You will complete this cycle as decreed and in that sense it doesnot matter whatever the dark Ones attempt to do, they will not stop completionas planned. After all Dear Ones, you may conjecture that you have God on yourside, and the Light is all-powerful. In reality God favors no one, but allowsall souls to experience as they desire, using their God given freewill. In factGod loves all souls and is waiting to welcome them back to the Source, by whichtime your Light will have been completely restored.

As fellow travelers we admire your confidence and tenacity in taking on duality, as it is far removed from the wonderfullevels of Light that you came from. Now you are at the end of your journey andhardly realize what you have achieved. To have left your home of absolutebeauty and bliss amongst the stars, and an enduring state of being within thelove vibration was an immense decision to take. You were aware of the nature ofthe challenge, and took heart that whatever happened you would never beforsaken. You were promised help and direction, so that no matter how far youbecame immersed in the lower energies you would rise up again. That promise hasbeen kept, and already you have emerged from the dark sufficiently, torecognize your own divinity and link to the Light. The awakening continues tospeed up and you are beginning to feel the expansion in your consciousness. NowAscension is in your sights and so near to taking place, that you have only afew more years before you lift up with Mother Earth.

When you look at the larger picture, realize that you can ignore what is going on around you as it cannot last long, and youare stepping onto a new path that leaves it all behind. The new paradigm istaking shape, and as you focus on the future will imbue it with the power tomanifest. You are creating all of the time but now you have the powerfulenergies directed to Earth, and they are far more potent than ever before.Because of this latent power it is in fact good practice to monitor yourthoughts and emotions, and direct them only for the good of all. As time passesyou will be helped to master such a degree of control, and it is one of ourtasks when we arrive upon Earth. We come to do much that is of a physicalnature, but we do not forget that your upliftment is for your spiritualevolution.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and already feel the joy at the thought of traveling with you for the last part of your journey. Wecome as friends and for many also as family, but more importantly as yourspiritual mentors and guides. You shall feel our love that we giveunconditionally, and it will lift you up out of any worries or concerns you maystill have.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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