Love is the energy that we share with youquite freely, and it bonds us together in the Oneness of All Life.
We are at the stage when the picture is becoming clearer where your immediate future is concerned. Many actions are reaching a conclusion, and withyour support we are progressing very well. The whole issue is completely boundup in creating all of the conditions needed to ensure completion; it meansAscension that is an ongoing process. The consciousness levels on Earthcontinue to expand and the Light is also increasing exponentially. All in all,the time approaches when a series of changes can start, and once its purpose isunderstood Man will be more than willing to take part in it. Since we offersolutions to long existing problems, and our objectives will be clearlyexplained we expect very few signs of dissension amongst you. Naturally it willstill be too much for some to grasp, but we shall be making many announcementsto clarify our actions. The beauty of our plan is that with our advancedtechnologies, we can quickly take action so that the inconvenience to you isminimal. We simply have immense support and equipment to carry out our tasks.
We welcome your attention and efforts to see our craft, as by intention we have progressively increased the number of sightings within your atmosphere.Our very large Motherships keep well outside of it, as they would cause somedisruption because of their size. We are busy maintaining a level ofobservation that ensures your security, as the dark Ones still plot actionsagainst you and indeed also us. We also continue with our program to minimizethe effects of pollution both on and off Earth. This is something we have beeninvolved in ever since the first experiments with nuclear devices. Aconsiderable amount of our time has been cleansing your atmosphere ofradioactive fallouts, and in more recent times the chemtrails. We have always keptwatch on Mother Earth and her human population, and where allowed have oftenlimited the effects of earthquakes. As you should know by now we only go as faras the higher Councils authorize us, and we would not do anything that could beseen as interference. You have created your reality, and it is not our place toprevent you experiencing the consequences.
You are spiritual Beings who are continually learning about duality, and when you become enlightened you can take a new viewpoint that leads to a greaterunderstanding. Your aim is to exist in physicality and have such anunderstanding, that you can transmute the lower energies and lift thevibrations. It is all part of your evolution, and by being able to carry outsuch work you are assisting the whole of Mankind. Eventually you will reach apoint where you can exist on Earth, and be totally centered and focused so thatnothing outside has any adverse affect upon you. Your consciousness will existin a higher dimension and you will have a link with your Higher Self. Youbecome a Lightworker upon Earth, and your help is most important to theupliftment of your civilization.
What is most pleasing about those who have found the Light, is that they do not have any ego that tries to place them on a pedestal. It is a fact thewhen you become enlightened by the truth, it becomes almost a personaldiscovery that you keep to yourself. However, in understanding your position inbeing able to help others, it is given where it is requested. It is never theway of those who have such strong beliefs, that they are prepared to forcetheir opinions upon others. Yet in days past people were put to death forholding opinions that were not in accordance with the State religion. It stillhappens today, but on a much reduced scale than previously. When enlightened itbecomes clear that no one on Earth knows it all, and it is spiritually correctto allow souls to follow their chosen path. Everyone will eventually reach anadvanced level of understanding, and be naturally drawn to those souls that areof a similar vibration.
Loneliness is not something that Lightworkers normally experience, even if they are in the minority amongst family and friends. Serving others is agreat joy and brings happiness, as you share your love with all you meet. Thatalone is sufficient reward and by the time you are ready to return to thehigher levels, you will have no doubt that you have led a very satisfyinguseful life. Many in older age look back and feel that they have lost outsomewhere, and have unfulfilled dreams. However, there is never a wasted lifeas you will almost certainly have followed your pre-life plan. Often whathappens is that you come into a new life, with strong memories of recent oneswhere you had enjoyable experiences. The memories are near the surface and youyearn for more, but the problem is that your life plan has not included forsuch opportunities to be repeated. There is as a little repetition as possible,in the interests of pushing your evolution forward. Of course there areexceptions, but these mostly occur where a previous lesson has not been fullylearnt.
Life is not meant to be a random experience and where someone appears to have little in the way of challenges, it may for example be one that gives thema break. You need a restful one at times, yet it will still prove beneficialand the opportunity is not lost to find some spiritual gain. An idyllic lifemay be one where you spend a lot of time away from the cities and all of theactivity, to be next to Mother Earth in the countryside. There is much to belearnt from mixing with the nature energies and elementals. They too evolve asindeed all life does, but they tend to be invisible to your eye and theircontribution to Earth is often overlooked. However, as the vibrations lift evenfurther, they will be seen more easily and happy to communicate with you.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and have traveled far and wide, and you too will do the same when you have the freedom of the Galaxy that is coming to youas ascended Beings. You will travel to other systems where life forms areastonishingly different to your own. The thought of it may at present bedaunting, but remember that all life comes from the Source. Therefore you canrelate to any form at its spiritual level, regardless of the outer appearance.Also Love is a Universal energy that you will register wherever you go, and inthe ultimate that is All There Is. Love is the energy that we share with youquite freely, and it bonds us together in the Oneness of All Life.
Thank you SaLuSa,
Mike Quinsey.