We await our official acceptance and invitation to meet you, and it really cannot be put offmuchlonger as we all need to get started.
Wherever you look on the Internet for channeled messages, with few exceptions you willfind they are very similar in emphasizing the important time you are in. Thereare consistent reminders to focus on your future, and assurances that the endtime of duality is almost upon you. Whether or not they differ in detail, thefact remains that their followers will move on and experience beneficialchanges. Many paths lead to fulfillment, and every effort is being made toawaken as many souls as possible of their opportunity to ascend. You have tobelieve that the emphasis is confirmation of how critical this period is foryou.
Moving into the higher dimensions is the most natural step you could take, as you aregreat Beings already awakening from your self imposed sleep that has beennecessary for you to fully experience duality. Your time is all but finished inthis current cycle and it only remains for you to acknowledge your real Self,as one who has all the potential to become a god. If it sounds an impossibleidea realize that you were already god sparks, when you first elected to moveinto the lower dimensions from the realms of Light.
You could truly say that no expense is spared to awaken you to the truth. Allof those supporting you on your journey are Higher Beings, serving you out ofsheer love and seek no reward or even acknowledgement for their work. When youreach a certain expanded level of consciousness it is pure joy to serve others,and if there is a reward it lies in the satisfaction of helping souls on theirjourney. On Earth you have largely lost touch with your Higher Self, but whenyou again make that link you will understand your true potential.
Over many lives you have built up an ego that has been your guide, but it has beenbased on Self and your own needs almost exclusively. Your challenge has been toopen your consciousness levels to the Oneness of everything, and the immutablelink it has with you. As part of the One you are learning that whatever you doaffects all else, and that you have a responsibility to bring yourself intoharmony and alignment with all life. When sufficient of you can do so you areinstrumental in lifting up each other. Your higher energies also help increasethe power of the Light grids around Earth, and that is another way in which youcan serve.
As you can clearly understand, you are all in here to learn through yourexperiences and nothing comes your way by pure chance. Life plans are agreedbefore you come into your earth body, and your Guides will do everything intheir power to ensure you complete your incarnation successfully. Of coursefreewill is still your right, but would you really put your progress back ifyou knew how important it was to your future? Naturally your plans areintertwined with other souls, and together you play out your roles to help eachother move forward. In such circumstances you may conclude that no one personis responsible for their experiences, and correctly that it is a collectiveenactment by you all. Can you therefore see why spiritual advice is so emphaticthat you should not stand in judgement of others? It is true that Mans laws doexactly the opposite, but at your present level of experience in duality, it isunderstood that people have to protect themselves in this way.
When you return to Spirit your “deeds” are viewed differently and it is your inputthat is vital to your experience, although you will understand the reasonsbehind the actions of other souls. You complicate life through your egotisticaldemands upon others, and this is often the cause of differences between you. Noone is greater or lesser than another in the eyes of God, but it is asking alot of you to reach this level of understanding now. However, if you can onlybegin to accept this truth and take a kinder view of other souls regardless oftheir outer appearance and actions, you will contribute to the changes thatwill lift everyone up. It is seeing other people in a different “Light” thatawakens you to the great play that is taking place on Earth. Remember that youhave most likely had hundreds of lives in all manner of roles and situations.These have been carefully planned to give you suitable experiences that willadvance your evolution. There is no experience that is truly a random event,and certainly each one is an important step on your path.
Sit down sometimes and relax into a meditative state, and allow your mind tospeculate on possible previous lives, and more likely you will get a strongimpression of one that is relative to your present life. You may get actualflashes of memory, and for a moment you are back in the past. Some, who areexperienced in this way, can also leave their bodies and become observers of aprevious life. You have a natural curiosity where your past is concerned, butit is generally hidden so that you are not distracted from your present life.Dear Ones, can you imagine the amount of planning that goes into each of yourlives, and isn’t it something of a miracle that you intermingle and yet allplay out your roles successfully? The more you can accept life in this way, wefeel the easier you will be able stand aside from all of the turmoil and chaos,knowing that it is all a passing phase.
We know that so many of you are tired of the old ways, and the degree of pressureyou suffer simply to survive. It is therefore nice for us to be able to informyou that such experiences are coming to a close. The help we are offering youis needed more urgently as so many problems pile up. The Gulf of Mexico oilleak is proving to be a monumental disaster, and is just one pressing problemthat is environmentally threatening. Weather changes are becoming anotherannual problem, and the food chain is suffering as a result. Financial changesare necessary to overcome the possibility of a large scale collapse, and in allof these cases we can give you guidance to help find the solutions.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and the Galactic Federation is geared to provide youwith all the help you need, and not just for the problems we have referred to.There is a long standing plan to restore you and the Earth in preparation forAscension. We await our official acceptance and invitation to meet you, and itreally cannot be put off much longer as we all need to get started.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.