We hear many of you question why time seems to be going so much faster. It is simply that the speed of the vibrations is increasing, whilst at the same time the vibrations are lifting you up out of the lower vibrations. It will continue until you are completely lifted up into the 4th. Dimension, to no longer be assailed by the lower vibrations The coming City of Light, that is also part of the new dimension is just one many manifestations that are lined up to appear this year. That it already appears to have been delayed should not concern you as it due to appear very shortly. We know that humans are impatient but you are so near to seeing the City of Light we ask you to have patience.
There is so much happening and as soon as the changes start to come, you will be amazed at how quickly they will take effect. We have informed you as to what is to take place and each step will take you nearer to the day when you will be rid of those who oppose the Light and interfere with the process. Any attempts to delay it will be to no affect and the dark Ones are already beginning to appreciate the difficulties that confront them. There may be individuals who make themselves a nuisance, but they will be swept aside. Dear Lightworkers, this year will be one to remember, and your role is to help others less informed to understand the truth of what is happening.