The Summer Solstice like many other special occasions isone that brings with it a powerful out flowing of energy. It isparticularlyimportant at this time when you are being prepared for Ascension, as ifyou canintegrate it into yourself it will uplift your level of vibrations. Witheachinput of this nature you are increasing your level of consciousness, andcuttingyour links with the lower vibrations. With each step, your desire toreach thepoint where you can ascend comes so much closer. Those souls who seechanges allaround them, struggle to understand why it is happening. The incomingenergiesfrom many sources tug at their heartstrings, but often it ends in thecreationof more confusion. However, nothing outside of you can force you to moveintoany particular direction, and it is your choice entirely. Some willprefer toremain where they are in spite of the negativity around them, and findsolace inthat which is familiar to them. Should a spark of love touch themdeeply, theymay nevertheless awaken to the sleeping giant withinthem.
Each soul has a Higher Self that endeavors to bring thetruth to you, and is what you sometimes refer to as that little voice ofyourconscience. However, once you recognize your potential, you can tap yoursourceof knowledge and understanding. If you so desire, the way will open foryou toexpand your consciousness, and before you know it your mindset willchange.People often look outside of themselves for guidance, and it isappropriate whenyou first open up your mind. It is however advisable to check yourunderstandingwith your Higher Self, and do so when you have the opportunity to findthosequiet and peaceful moments. Ultimately you are destined to again become apartof your Higher Self, which is the highest expression of the beautifulsoul youreally are.
Everything you have experienced still travels with you,and is reflected in your beliefs and understanding of life. At differenttimesyou have chosen to live a life in whatever culture or religion, thatwould giveyou the experiences necessary to expand your evolution. You have beenblack,white or any color that went with it, and that too has been an importantpart ofyour experiences. Do you not find it odd that you could have enteredyourpresent lifetime, with some bias against another being because of colororreligion? Let us suggest that perhaps it comes about because you havehadunpleasant experiences in an earlier lifetime. Ones that remain deeplyetched inyour subconsciousness, and need to be expunged so that you can moveforward. Ifyou identify with such problems for which you can find no apparentreason, tryto analyze your feelings and consider that you may be looking at areflection ofyourself. Often in life your own shortcomings seem to be magnified, whenyou seethem in another and you can be their sternest critic. Sometimes it isuseful tosee for yourself how you may appear to someoneelse.
Life is a learning curve where you look to find your pathback to the enlightened Being you were, before you dropped down into thelowervibrations to experience duality. Separation from your Higher Self hasleft youexposed to the lower vibrations, and as a result some of you have lostyour way.However, help is always on hand to reveal your true self, and awaken youto thelove and Light within you. In the present period of time help hasincreasedtenfold, and you will rise up again if that is your desire andintent.
Earthly matters move on even if very slowly, but there isnow a sense of urgency where the Gulf Oil spill is concerned. Itrepresents aworld threat, which if unchecked and not stopped would leave you withrepercussions for many years to come. Fortunately that will not be yourexperience, as other matters will take priority, such as Ascension.Thereforeyou can expect some action that will put a stop to the leak, so that theplanfor your final upliftment can get under way. Have no doubt as to theoutcome, asnothing will be able to stand in its way. We are an integral part of it,and youhave our backing to ensure that disclosure and all that needs to followithappens as planned.
As expected the people are more aware than ever before asto how they have been deceived. Now you are wiser and able to determinemoreeasily when the truth is not being given to you. As a result the darkOnes getenmeshed in their own lies and are seen for what they really are. Theworldwidefinancial problems are also a blow to their plans, and they know thateventuallya total collapse will se them lose their power in the market place. Thecontrolsthey had over many aspects of your life are being removed, and theirfuturelooks bleak. We see a time coming when our opportunity to remove themlooks mostlikely, and rest assured we shall take it. The dark Ones can resign atany time,and are aware of the terms of surrender that give them some protectionfrom theanger that people will feel. We of the Galactic Federation are not alynch mob,and our ways still offer love and compassion to those who have beensucked intothe mire of evil and negativity. Our view is that there is always hopewhere thespark of the soul Light still shines, even if it is but a glimmer of itstruepotential.
We have shown time and time again that we have movedbeyond being judgmental, and there is no feeling whatsoever of wantingrevengeagainst those who have controlled you and Mother Earth for so long.Duality doesin fact allow expressions from both the dark and the Light, and that hasformedyour challenge to be overcome in the lower vibrations. Many have done soquitesuccessfully, and they are leading the way for others by their example.Look toyour spiritual leaders both past and present, and where you find thosethatpreach love for all life you will find the perfect example. Is it notever true“that by their works ye shall know them”. It has not changed overmillennia oftime, and you only have to look at teachers such as Jesus and the Buddhato seewhat we mean.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, motivated by love and a strongdesire to see you all ascend, but I know you must be allowed yourfreewillchoice, but there is no urgency as you are all in the Now. However, fortheperiod that remains before Ascension, there is a lot to be achieved.Yourtroubles are going to distract you from your focus, if you engage themwith toomuch emotion. So try to let go of them, and have faith that all willturn out aspromised.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
• -POLSKA/Polish
*–日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese – NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW
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