SaLuSa 21-May-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel that there is so much warmth of feeling towards us. For that we thank you and leave you with our love and blessings.

We would never condone violence, but Mankind sometimes resorts to it when his leaders fail to listen to them. So often elections are rigged, and thepeople are no longer prepared to accept such fraudulent behavior. However,their protestations rarely produce any changes, and if they demonstrate it isoften put down with violent methods. Yet, the mood of the people is movingtowards achieving true democracy, and you will find there is some degree ofunrest in many countries. The energy that is being created is having thedesired affect, and changes for the better will come into being. Apart fromthis the plan for radical and far-reaching changes proceeds at a pace, as timecontinues to speed up. Together they will deliver your release from theclutches of the dark forces.

You are well on the homeward path, and Ascension is something you knew would be part of it when you decided to experience duality. When you lookaround you and see where you stand now, it must be more than apparent that youcould not go on much longer without the whole system collapsing. We are here tosee you safely through that period, and ensure that events are far less seriousthan they may otherwise have been. In many ways what you are going through nowis the height of your experiences, and concluding events that show you the wayout of your present crisis. They may not be pleasant but are essential if theLight is to be allowed to flourish. You may have noted the suddenness of thechanges, and that will be a feature with increasing frequency. In the midst ofit all it is undoubtedly chaotic, and seems to have no end in sight. However,with our continued help you shall see that at last souls of Light have movedinto positions of authority, and will be able to have a positive influence onthe outcome. The old brigade is almost routed and no longer has the future theyenvisaged. They have been dealt a severe blow against achieving their plan forworld domination. We wonder did they really believe that God would allow themto prevent Ascension, and as they are beginning to understand the answer is anemphatic No!

Historically speaking, you have a record of failure when reaching a cycle’s end, but have clearly learnt something from those experiences. It mayhave been touch and go at the end of the last century, whether time would beextended for the benefit of those with an awakening consciousness. However,events have proved that it was the correct decision, and the mass level ofconsciousness continues to expand quicker than ever. You achieved it while atthe same time going through one of the worst periods for Mankind. That is agreat credit to your perseverance, and a vindication of the extension of timegiven you. It is true that right from the beginning of this solar cycle, theintent was to support you in every way so that mass Ascension could take place.Thus you stand ready to receive us as soon as the authority is given for it togo ahead. In view of the work we will do together, it is necessary that we comesooner than later. You are beginning to understand the way we operate, and youare making due allowances for the caution we show. Matters must be carried outin an orderly way that provides the people with security, and not that thereshould be a fearful response. Be assured we have planned for any outcome, butwork towards a harmonious relationship with you.

We are the silent and mostly invisible forces of Light that are so much closer to you than you realize. That will of course change when we can fullyuncloak our craft, and you will be in awe at the size of some of our ships. Theevery largest will stay well outside of Earth, but you shall observe some thatare many miles in diameter and carry many small scout craft, that are suitedfor use in your atmosphere. The outer ring of ships are much in the way of aprotective barrier, to ensure that unwelcome visitors are not allowed tointerfere with your evolution. Apart from the Galactic Federation, very fewBeings from other civilizations are given permission to enter your atmosphereor land on Earth. Usually they are crews on a scientific expedition, andsometimes from another Universe.

Outside of Earth there are recognized laws and protocol that apply to any interstellar travelers. This is one reason why Man is restricted fromtaking his craft outside of his solar system, because he does not yet recognizeor understand the laws and is inclined to act irresponsibly. Also Man wouldtake his weapons into Space as he does now, and prepared to use them inviolation of such laws. You will soon have to dismantle all weapons of war, andin fact once true peace has been achieved it will not be disputed or ignored.If it were it would be to no avail, as there is nothing that can be hidden fromour sight however well concealed it may be. Many times in the past yourgovernments have been warned of the dangers to Mankind, through the use ofnuclear devices. Their response has been exactly the same as when we offered tohelp achieve peace on Earth. Each time our offers have been rejected on theorders of the Illuminati, who have instead preferred to push forward with theirown agenda for self-empowerment.

Perhaps you can understand our cautious approach as you quickly make your way to Ascension. It has been a long time since we started out on thisjourney, and at its conclusion we desire that it comes to you as a mostmomentous and enjoyable occasion. The preparation has therefore been made withit in mind, and we assure you that is exactly how it shall be. We are not justyour friends but for many of you are your family, and those links go backthousands of years. The Cycle of Duality is but a small marker on your pathback to the Light. Life will begin again for you when you have ascended, andthen you will have returned to the levels that you left eons of time ago. Startthinking of us all as One, as we are in reality no different to you and it isjust that we are at a more advanced stage than yours. We have the same desiresas you, and we too seek the truth and knowledge of the Universes around us. TheCreator has given us all immortal life, and all the splendors and infinitecreations to enjoy. Evolution is never ending, and we serve others so that theytoo may benefit from our knowledge.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and feel that there is so much warmth of feeling towards us. For that we thank you and leave you with our love and blessings.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
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