SaLuSa 23-April-2010

There are plenty of world events to occupy your mind, and if you follow the news you will surely admit to there being a lot ofunrest. This is due to the higher energies that are moving people out of theirold mindset, and are seeking a new way of life. Many have little idea of whatthey seek, but suffice to say that they are aware that a new approach must betaken. The old ways are no longer able to provide the promise of anything thatwill establish a new paradigm that caters for peoples needs. Leaders come andgo and promises broken, and the dark forces have been able to prevent anychanges unless they first approve of them. Over many years their tentacles havereached out and infiltrated places of high authority, and their policy of fearhas kept any opposition to them in its place. Bribery and blackmail have beentheir hallmark, and successful for many years. However, they reckoned withoutthe awakening that has been taking place, and the Light has taken a firm holdon Earth. Suddenly the mass consciousness has risen, and the people have takenback their power.

Now you stand at the helm and are guiding your ship towards Ascension, and your focus is firmly on your goal. Nothing can nowstop it speeding onwards, and as it does so, it gathers more souls that areawakening to the Light. A new day dawns where everything will be powered by it,and the problems of the past will be eradicated. Already the energies aremoving you towards completion, and long awaited benefits that are to lift youup are ready to be implemented. Be aware that much work has been put intoensuring that this period makes good, the many benefits that have been deniedyou. Whilst it is true you have created your own reality, nevertheless it washoped that by now you would have changed it through your own efforts. It was notto be, and you were overwhelmed by the darkness that engulfed your world. Witha concerted effort where we have worked together, in a very short period wehave grounded the Light on Earth and set up a powerful grid system. It hasgrown in strength in a matter of just a few years, and acts through powerfulbeacons of Light at the nodal points.

You have Dear Ones, achieved what at one time was thought as impossible, and successfully defended yourselves against thedark Ones. Where you may have suffered the same fate as the fabledcivilisations Atlantis and Lemuria, you have risen up just in time to avertanother major catastrophe. Whilst there will still be incidents that causedamage and loss of life, it will not be allowed to engulf you. Cleansing is necessaryanyway, but will be carried out in a planned manner that will take intoconsideration your well-being. Once we join forces you will be informed of theactions we are directing, and made aware of exactly what is to happen. Yoursafety will be paramount in our minds, and we have a number of options if it isnecessary to move you.

You are patiently waiting for an announcement that will admit publicly to our presence, and we are pushing for it, as wedesire to get started on the mission we have come to carry out. It is nearingsuch an occasion, and we do have many friends who carry much influence that canbring it about. Those who still try to prevent it will not succeed, and it isindeed quite pointless because we have the highest authority behind us. We knowit is something of a game that you all play in duality, but it still has valueas a means to become experienced in handling the dark Ones. The experience hasseverely tested you, and here you are now awakening to the truth of who youreally are.

The curtain is gradually coming down to end a long period darkness, which has sorely tried your ability to overcome it. Youwill toil for a little longer but in the end your sovereignty will have beenrestored, and you will proudly align your Light with the coming of Ascensionand move into the higher dimensions. It sounds simple and it certainly is notdifficult, and we continue to advise you to focus on the Light. Live by yournew understanding of what you are, and give of your self wherever you can. By yourexample others will follow, and you will help them also uplift. Lightworkersare known for their peaceful countenance and their service to others, and manyhave already achieved this level. You are the pioneers of the New World andyour presence paves the way for our arrival.

You may wonder what we have been doing all of the years since we have drawn close to you. The answer is that we have nevergone away, and the Galactic Fleet has been permanently stationed around Earth,with our larger ships in the outside ring. There has been much to do inmonitoring your Earth and ensuring her stability, as she does experience the“wobbles” from time to time. Also the tremors are registered, and adjustmentsmade to lessen the likelihood of severe earthquakes. We have also carefullyapplied our technology to keep pollution to the lower levels, and have beenparticularly concerned with the effect upon your atmosphere. By doing so we arealways aware of what state the Earth is in, and able to predict any changes. Thesehave however, been interfered with through the ability of the dark Ones tocontrol your weather. For them it is a weapon that leaves little in the wayproof that they are involved, but we are aware of their plans and actaccordingly. You may ask why we do not stop it altogether, and we have to tellyou that we are not allowed to interfere in your karma and your freedom tocreate for your selves. If you make the wrong decisions it is your place todeal with the results, and it is the Law of Cause and Effect that you invoke.

Naturally in the Creator’s realms there are many laws that maintain harmony and balance, and it is through experiencing themthat you become responsible citizens of the Galaxy. It is only in recent timesthat you have for example began to understand the Law of Intent, and it hashelped you where Ascension is concerned. As we often take pains to tell you, itis where you place your focus that attracts results. You are in general veryeasily distracted but then again you have so much going on around you, and thatis all the more reason to keep focussed on what you want.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and note how much you yearn to be our friends. Those wishes shall soon be fulfilled, as it will notbe long before we are joining hands together in friendship.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thank you Drekx for your post at 11.28am 🙏

In response to to your post....

I think we can all have a "distorted" or " Over Rosy View of Ourselves" that's why I think self appraisal is unimportant to myself as like you know anyone can say that they…"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
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ET Hugger left a comment on Comment Wall
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Philip Davies left a comment on Comment Wall
"Thank you Drekx 🙏

For your Response and the thread has prompted a discussion beyond what I expected in relation to the 7th Rays and happy to have found a community with an extensive understanding on the Ray's and it is an honour to have you and…"
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Edward posted a status
Have a nice week...
Thanks...take care....
4 hours ago