SaLuSa 24-May-2010

It requires little in return, and you will know if you are ready to take a quantum leapinto the future, and whether you are on the path to

This year is undoubtedly going to become one that will be looked back upon as having been very historic where yourevolution is concerned. It is a time when your eyes will be opened tothe truth, and when you begin to claim back your powers. What has beentaken away from you will be returned, so that you may commence a newperiod of self-empowerment. It will take time to achieve a fullrestitution by lawful means, but already the ground has been prepared.Those who have ruled unjustly will move aside, to allow a morespiritually based government to take over. It will be of an interimnature until a reformation has taken place to set up one that has theapproval of the people.

Successive governments have been thepuppets of the Illuminati, even if there was not complete awarenessamongst the representatives. Their power has influenced policies worldwide, and if necessary bribery and corruption has been used. However,the truth about their activities is being revealed, and their illegalinstitutions are being prepared for closure. So much is now surfacingand will continue to do so, until any facet of the dark forces presencehas been removed.

All of the time your attention isattracted by world events, the Light is continuing to grow and iscreating the protection that is necessary for your safety. In the pastthe scales have swung one way and then the other, but now the Lightholds sway. In future the path will become smoother and easier for youbut allow for some disturbances, as there is a lot more clearing up todo. These are all positive moves with Ascension in mind, and within theremaining period before it takes place momentous changes will occur.These are unavoidable, having regard to the extent of the damage done toyou and your Earth over millennia of time. It is not just a matter ofrestoring what you had previously, but replacing and advancing it to newlevels that will lift everything up. It is all calculated to hasten therise in your levels of consciousness, necessary for you to ascend.

Dear Ones, with your experience youshould be able to ride through the coming period of turmoil, withoutbeing detracted from your goal. At all times see the end result ratherthan what is yet to come as part of the changes. Do not worry as to howit will be reached, and be assured that all will end as decreed. Noforces on or off Earth can now make any difference, and we of theGalactic Federation are charged with ensuring your success. It will notbe long now before you are introduced to some of our members, and thatwill take away a lot of apprehension and doubt where some people arefearful of our presence. Of course there are negative Space Beings, butthey are prevented from interfering with your Ascension.

Many awakened souls seek ways ofhelping others find their path, and that is welcomed at a time when someare making their first tentative search for the truth. It isrecommended that you help when asked, but in replying do not shock themby trying to feed them too much at the time. Slow progress is far betterthat allows for information to be carefully considered, and not in anyway forced upon them. There will a continual stream of revelations oncewe can communicate with you through your media, and with those earlychanges you can expect a whole series of programs designed to awakenyou.

We so dearly want you to look beyondthe beliefs of Man that have stood largely unchallenged for hundreds ofyears. In so many subjects such as science and religion, you have beenled by those learned academics that have professed to hold the truth.The fact is that you have never stopped widening your understanding, andeven now quantum leaps are taking place. Some of your beliefs are theresult of genuine attempts to relay the facts to you. However, in otherinstances they have been deliberately manipulated to satisfy the ego ofthose concerned, or you have been knowingly told outright falsities. Youwill find that much you have been taught will come under scrutiny, andmuch will be found wanting. The truth will allow you to re-appraise yourbeliefs, and it will be supported by undeniable evidence.

As time progresses you will changefrom one of limited knowledge to a Galactic Being of full consciousness.Then you will be the Master that you really are, and release your fullpotential. There will be little or no comparison to the Being you arenow of limited consciousness. After thousands of years slowly findingyour way back through enlightenment, you are about to launch yourselveson a journey of immense meaning and opportunity. It is as though youhave only just left the kindergarten, and are seeing for the first timethe world outside. There are wonders and amazing experiences awaitingyou, and once you learn more about them we know that you will never lookback at this time. Your experiences in duality will have provedbeneficial, and you will never need to walk that path again.

It is only in relatively recenttimes, that your minds have allowed for the understanding that you aremuch more than you were previously led to believe. With the advent ofthe Space Age you have expanded your vistas, to contemplate a differentlife where you are able to travel beyond the Earth’s boundaries. It willseem quite natural to leave your beautiful world, and take your placealongside us. As a civilization you are proxy members of the GalacticFederation, and will be accorded all of the opportunities that will openyou to a wonderfully exciting life. By comparison your Earth has been aself-imposed prison from which you are now being offered the keys offreedom.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and proud tobe associated with the beautiful souls of Earth. The GalacticFederation and Spiritual Hierarchies believe you are sufficientlyawakened to accept the opportunity of Ascension that is being offeredyou. It requires little in return, and you will know if you are ready totake a quantum leap into the future, and whether you are on the path toAscension. Many will have already made that decision, but those who areundecided will not be denied their chance to join you, but time isbecoming short. A decision will have to made one way or the other verysoon, as the alternative to Ascension is further experiences in a placeof duality. We would wish for you all to ascend but your freewill tochoose otherwise is paramount.

Thank you SaLuSa.


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