SaLuSa 25-June-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feelingbothastonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it hasbeenrejected. However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly representthemood of the people at present. They would gladly welcome us into theirhomes,and are ready to bring pressure to bear upon their representatives toget thechanges moving.

There is so much going on you could be excused for losingyour way. There are Man’s attempts to find solutions to your problems,and oursthat do not always follow yours. Our view of them means that we see agreat dealmore, than you can possibly comprehend. We oversee government officials,andanyone directly involved in decision making. We are there when covertoperationsare planned, and our allies and us benefit from such knowledge. It helpsusavoid any major actions against you, that might otherwise have caught usoffguard. As you have found out, there is nothing quite like a goodintelligencesystem. For us the added benefit is that we cannot be fooled, and wehave themeans to determine whether people speak truthfully. Indeed, when face tofacewith you we can tell so from your auras, or read your mind. From ourpoint ofview, you can literally be read like a book. We can see if you arespirituallyevolved, and such souls emanate such a powerful Light. It is this thatyou canfeel from these ones when they come close to you.

Man is sensitive to another’s vibrations, but normallymost people are such a mixture that it is only when it goes to extremesthat youregister the energy. Have you ever passed another person and feltshivers run upand down your spine, because if you have you will have known that theyindicatesomething unpleasant about them. What does indeed attract you to eachother, ifnot the energies being given off? Like attracts like, and you know thatsometimes you can have an instant rapport with another person, andequally ofcourse an instant dislike. When you rise up you will have powers ofperception,but in the higher dimensions the souls you meet will have alreadyascended, andyou will not find evidence of the lower vibrations. You will clearly seeeachother’s Light, and with it also be able to “read” which ray they areworking on.The Seven Rays are ones that you work with now, and have a greatinfluence onyour expression of Self.

As we have mentioned before, life in the higher dimensions is very different from your experiences on Earth. For a startyou aremore Self-aware and know that you have unlimited power, but you willalso havereached a point of understanding of your responsibilities where they areconcerned. Again this is why you cannot enter such levels, unless youare of alike vibration. How else would harmony be achieved, if there were such amix ofpeople as on Earth? You range from the enlightened to the unenlightened,andAscension will ensure that as the changes take place you find your rightlevel.You have to admit that duality has pushed you to your limits, and whenyou canstill rise up out of the darkness, you are truly one who has found theirtrueself. Every so often due to the cyclic nature of everything you aregiven theopportunity to ascend. It keeps occurring until at some stage, each andeverysoul will have returned to the Light. That is your destiny, and it iswhy you donot need to worry about the progress of othersouls.

All choose how they will progress on the spiritual pathway back to the Light. Roman"">The whole nature of your experiences is to evolve, andyou have no pressures on you to work at anything other than your ownspeed. Itshould also be noted that there is no status connected with being of theLight.People of a lowly class or lacking education are not lesser Beings, butsimplyin a role that gives them experiences they have chosen. Often it placesthem inlives where they work closely with Mother Earth, and so much can belearnt fromthem. The simple life can bring you closer to the truth than wealth,which cantake you anywhere and buy you anything you desire, but there is nosubstitutefor hands on experience.

By now you will have had so many lives on Earth that youwill so to say, have done the rounds and there is little left for you toexperience. For many of you that means playing out the last dayspreparing forAscension. You should be able to sense if you have fulfilled your lifeplan, asyou will feel no pressures upon you and relaxed even in these times ofturmoil.You are partway to the higher levels and have that air of confidence andknowing. Your peaceful mien and relaxed approach to life, is helpingothers calmdown and look for their own safe haven. Without some place to retire toand beable to find quietness in which to meditate, the stresses of life willtaketheir toll.

Dear Ones it is easy for us to talk about matters thatare peculiar to you on Earth, but only because we fully understand thenature ofyour problems. We have lived them with you, and can comprehend the painanddistress that you experienced. In fact we have tried to lessen it bysending youour Love and Light, and to uplift you in your moments of depression orsadness.We absolutely admire you all for undertaking the challenge of duality,as it wasknown how tough it would be. The fact that all along you have receivedhelp,does not in the least take away your courage and tenacity in the face ofhardships. You have fought a battle for your souls and have passed alltests,and now stand proudly at the portal to Ascension.

The Galactic Federation stands by for action and hasnever been much nearer to coming out into the open, in such a way thatwill foronce and for all time dispel the doubts about our presence. Theannouncementconfirming our benign and peaceful intentions where you are concerned,is neededso that we can immediately start to address the most urgent problems youareexperiencing. Some leaders favor an approach to us for everyone’sbenefit,whilst others are reluctant to give up their power and acquisition ofwealth.However, in the end changes will be made to remove those who do not haveeveryone’s interests at heart. We must join you when there is anagreement toour coming, and already large numbers of the people are warming to theidea ofworking with us. Otherwise the outlook is bleak, and a total breakdownof yoursociety will occur unless you face the threats thatexist.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and cannot help feeling bothastonished and sad that after offering our hand in friendship, it hasbeenrejected. However, we know that such a refusal does not fairly representthemood of the people at present. They would gladly welcome us into theirhomes,and are ready to bring pressure to bear upon their representatives toget thechanges moving.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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