SaLuSa 26 September 2014
There are now two distinct groups of souls upon Earth, and these represent those who have opened their consciousness to the truth of their being, and those who are stuck in the lower vibrations and make little or no attempt to understand their position. Until such souls start to awaken to their true self they will continue to only believe what they see before their eyes. However, we do not condemn such souls in any way and we make allowances for those who are controlled by their ego. It is only experience that will bring about a shift in consciousness, when one starts to question the purpose of life. The truth will come to all given time, and this period upon Earth is the ideal time to bring up questions about the purpose of life. For those without some form of faith it is a very difficult time, as they question why a God of Love allows such atrocities that are taking place.
Many understand that as God is All Love he allows his children to have the freedom to experience as they desire, but they often fail to understand that they are the responsible for the results. You have an expression about “making your bed and laying on it” and that sums up how you create your own future. Freewill is wonderful but you have to learn how to handle it, without interfering with the freewill of another soul. Man has great difficulty in understanding the concept of you all being the One, and therefore what you do to another you do to yourself. Man tends to look after number One without realizing that over a period of lives you will experience many different situations, and each is intended to give you the experiences you need to further your evolution. No other soul is any more or less than you are, but may nevertheless have developed a greater level of consciousness.
Whatever stage of evolution you are at you rest assured that you will always be helped to progress, and no one faces the world alone. In fact you have so many helpers you cannot fail to achieve your life plan, as they will ensure that you have the experiences that you need. It is no good complaining about your life, but far better to get on with it and make the best progress you can. Some of you do not believe you are helped at all and that is because you are unaware of your life plan, and for experience you have to accept the good along with what you call the bad. All experience is of value even if you cannot understand it, as it may not seem that there is a life plan working for you, but there certainly is and all experience is presenting you with opportunities to evolve. We know that some souls cannot believe that they have agreed to the way their life is working out, but it is carefully planned with your agreement and the freewill aspect still exists.