Because we are aware of all the coming changes andsee the complete success they will bring, we do not experience tensionorconcern but rather a feeling of excitement at the thought of the greathope andhappiness it will bring you. We have the privilege of seeing the widerview andall probabilities, and know the path will lead to completion of thiscycle. Youhowever, have no certain way of knowing the outcome, and it is very muchamatter of faith according to your beliefs. Yet it is not faith alonethat spursyou ever onwards, as within your subconscious memories you already knowof thesuccess you are to experience. It is that inner knowing that gives youthestrength to overcome any obstacles placed in your way. There are plentyofdistractions especially at this particular time on Earth, when thechanges arebeginning to take place. However, as long as you can keep focused on theendtimes and the upliftment that is to occur, you will easily cope withthem.
Matters are definitely coming to a head, and weexpect a number of positive decisions to be taken that will start awhole seriesof events leading to Ascension. Of course the process commenced sometime ago,but now it is going to get into full swing. The dark Ones will have toconcededefeat, and withdraw so that the Lightworkers can go ahead without beingheldback. They have more than had their time to see if they could seizetotalcontrol of the world. They have failed and it is now the turn of theLight tobecome the dominant force. In fact it will always be so, as no matterhow longthe cycle lasts the Light cannot be destroyed. If it were so, it wouldbe likesaying that God could be defeated. God is Omnipotent and the supremepower ofyour Universe, and all is held within God’s love.
We are ready to act upon instructions to proceed withour plan, that will gently force the remaining issues that are causingdelay tobe brought to an end, That will clear the way for First Contact andallow us tomeet our allies, so that we can quickly get started with the variousprojectsthat effect you. The line of authority goes all the way back to God, andpassesthrough various groups and councils of high evolution and consciousness.Itfinally reaches you through us and the Masters, who wait in readiness toreturnto Earth. You might say that the big guns are waiting to appear to youand thatis correct, as the truth will sound be more acceptable when it comesfrom thosewho are familiar to you. Jesus and many Angelic Beings such as ArchangelMichaelwill address you and the words will carry a powerful energy, that willleave youin no doubt that they come to you with Love and Light.
Although duality has been referred to as being like aplay, it is nevertheless a very serious experience that will have agreatbearing on your future. Your expansion of consciousness will have becomesogreat, that you will act as co-creators of new worlds, and join theranks ofthose with super consciousness. It may sound impossible as youcontemplate yourpresent level, but in short time you will experience a fantasticupliftment. Itis all bound up with Ascension, which will never cease until you returnto theabsolute Source. On your onward journey all manner of experiences willbe yours,as you traverse the Universe and explore it seeking other life forms. Inthatsense it is why we say we are you, as we of the Galactic Federation arecarryingout God’s work to bring Light to all developingcivilizations.
Whatever you believe the future to offer you, we cansay it will be beyond your imagination for the sheer beauty and wondersyou willencounter on your travels. There are few worlds like Earth, and you areleavingthe lower vibrations of the 3rd. dimension behind. Fromhereon youwill rise up with the higher vibrations, and use your Light body toexpressyourself to other souls. You will be known by your Light and recognizeothers bytheirs. Colors will be iridescent and dazzle you with a range of octavesfargreater than you experience now.
Can you really be concerned about leaving duality, aswe doubt it when you consider how testing it is all of the time. Youfind littlepeace on Earth, as the lower vibrations are conducive to disharmony andimbalance. Your ability to create is limited, and because of separationfrom theSource there is a lack in your life that cannot be filled. The processofAscension will answer all of these drawbacks, and through your ownefforts youwill enter the Light forevermore. Then and only then, will you becomethe realyou with very few limitations and great power to create. As yourconsciousnessexpands, so you will find that your understanding of the powers you havealsoincreases. At the higher levels you will not abuse it, but instead useit forthe good of all.
Again we say look at us if you want to see thedirection in which Humankind is heading. You too are Space Beings andarelargely unaware of it, because you have dropped down from the higherdimensions.Your waking memory has no recollection of the times before you came toEarth. However, for some of you thelink is felt when you become very attracted to our activities and us.Yet othershold fear of our presence, mainly due to the images projected by yourwriters ofScience Fiction. It is the comic book image of monsters set upon takingoveryour world. It has created a reaction of fear to our coming. However,the veryreason for our messages is to convey the love we have at heart for you,and tolet you know that our mission is one of peace.
It is not to say that some E.T’s would not like tocolonies Earth for its resources as they do, but your evolution isprotected asit has been all along. Where contact has been made that is not in yourgeneralinterest, it has been perfectly legitimate and allowed through the LawOfAttraction. We refer to the Greys who sought bases upon Earth, and in adealwith the U.S. Government were allowed to have them in exchange foradvancedtechnology. Such covert actions are never for your good, but for greed,powerand military domination such as you have experienced. That agreement isat anend, and has no place in your immediate future.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and send you love andgreetings for your well being from the members of the GalacticFederation.
Thank you SaLuSa.
Mike Quinsey.
The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
Originals and translations of Galactic Messagesavailable on