SaLuSa 28-January-2011

The chaotic conditions will be cleared up and total peace declared, by silencing the weapons of war.
You are to witness a great wave of love and joy sweep over the world, and barriers between people will quickly come down.
Be an example to others and help create a new energy of fairness and justice, and let it be seen in your everyday dealings.
SaLuSa  28-January-2011
The midnight hour approaches and you are being given every help to raise your levels of consciousness. It will be quite a rapid acceleration as a number of energies come your way, and already some of you who are more sensitive are noticing the difference. It may be the onset of telepathy, which in time to come will be more used than the spoken word. It is more graphic and precise and conveys packages of information where sometimes words are inadequate. A general indication that your consciousness is rising, is evidence of an inner calmness and detachment from the outside turmoil. Becoming centered begins to get easier and once you can hold it, you are not easily pulled into the lower vibrations. Certainly these times are a good test of your resolve, and it will still be a while before you can really sit back and take it easy. However, the good times are coming with pronounced changes before the year ends.You are involved in not so much in a cliff-hanger, as a steady build up of pressure until the first victory is achieved. Our plans allow for a number of events to materialize, and we have to bide our time to see how it develops. Our intent is that matters start to move on very soon, but it is a complicated issue, involving many people. When a move is made it must be absolutely positive, and bring about the results that are needed. However, the prospects are improving all of the time, and clearly we are not waiting indefinitely. We want your release from the dark Ones to be an occasion to be celebrated, and not marred by any action that is undesirable.NESARA has been very much in people’s minds for a long time, and its benefits are coming to you. The new approach to the financial side will be far reaching, so as to avoid any repetition of the recent collapse. Banks are to be accountable to the people, and the gambling syndrome will not be allowed. Money will once again have real value and interference with the markets for pure speculation will cease. The most important changes will be in connection with the sharing of wealth so that everyone benefits, and there is no longer such a distinction between the poor and the rich. We have to say that there is more than enough wealth in the world to comfortably achieve our goals.It seems quite extraordinary to us, that so much needs to be changed in your world. However over millennia of time you have been led into the current situation, and almost reached the point of no return. The erosion of your rights by increasing controls over you, and the misuse of your taxes has brought about a near collapse of your civilization. In any other circumstances you could all by now have easily been living a comfortable life, with all your needs provided for. You will taste the freedom we talk of very soon and by then you will have contact with us, and a guarantee of your right to choose your own future. It will of course mainly come within the plan for Ascension, but an alternative path may be chosen.Your role at present is to be a calming affect on those around you, and do your best to eliminate the fear factor. In the long run nothing will really matter, or have the ability to deny you the opportunity to ascend. It is thus written and so it shall be as promised, as the dark Ones have failed to achieve their aims for world control. The chaotic conditions will be cleared up and total peace declared, by silencing the weapons of war. With the consciousness levels increasing it will become much easier to lift people’s minds, into a new way of thinking largely arising from a new found desire for peace. You are to witness a great wave of love and joy sweep over the world, and barriers between people will quickly come down. Most of you seek the same things out of life, and with the return of your freedom you will achieve success.Almost every day somewhere in the world, what was hidden is being revealed and the truth will continue to become known. It will provide the opportunity to move on from accepted corrupt and criminal activities. Such energies will gradually disappear, to be replaced by the desire for open dealings that are honestly carried out. Once it is seen to bring in the changes, a new mindset will ensure that honesty becomes a way of life. That can of course start anytime and the sooner the better, as there is nothing more likely to be followed that elevates the values Man works from. Be an example to others and help create a new energy of fairness and justice, and let it be seen in your everyday dealings. These are all aspects of the changes necessary if you are to complete your journey in an ascended state.The Galactic Federation fully understands the tasks confronting you, and we will be making them as easy as possible. In fact eventually we will work together in joint projects, and be on hand to benefit you with our experience. Then you shall really move forward quite quickly and as we have so often informed you, they shall be exciting and fulfilling times. Right now they may seem far away, but you will be surprised at how quickly matters can change. Just keep your sights on your personal goal and put into practice all you have learnt. The parting of the ways has already commenced, and those who choose other than Ascension will tend to lack interest in such subjects. In that case you must allow them to go their way, as it is a freewill choice that should not be interfered with. We have spoken often in this context, as we are well aware of our own need to observe such Laws where you are concerned.Let and let live has its merits but not where it intrudes into another souls life. If you do, it can rebound on you in the way of karma and bring you another experience to handle. Often they are minor matters, but they will make a point at the very least as what you experience you are attracting to you. Be careful now as to what you think, because as your creative powers increase you may not always wish for the outcome. Place upon others all you would desire for yourself, and you will not go far wrong.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bid you every success in your intent to move out of duality, into the higher dimensions through Ascension.Thank you SaLuSaMike Quinsey.The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated below - English - Italiano - Nederlands - Deutsch - Français - Svenska - Português - Novo - Español - 日本語/Japanese - ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - Latviešú/Latvian - 中文/Chinese - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - POLSKA/Polish - NEW - РОССИЯ/Russian – NEW – HRVATSKI/Croatian – NEW - MAGYAR/Hungarian – NEW - NORSK/NORWAGIAN – NEW - ROMANIAN - NEWOriginals and translations of Galactic Messages available on
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