SaLuSa 28-July-2010

Love is really all you should be concerned about, and the more you can create together the quicker you will progress toAscension.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all for such great determination to raise Humanity to a higher level. Your success is acredit to your passion and intent to bring Love and Light back to all souls, inreadiness for Ascension.

As one individual you can at times feel your presence extending far beyond your physical body. It can beso powerful that you can link with nature and understand its song. It is thedesire and belief that it is possible that opens you up in that way. Certainlynature loves to communicate with you, and it can shift from a level of simplyfeeling, to one of direct contact at a conscious level. There are noboundaries where it is concerned, and some of you will know that there areBeings who can for example communicate with Mother Earth. Everything has adegree of consciousness, and it is not uncommon for some people to talk withtrees or plants. Have they not reported that when it is done with love, thatthere is a response? To others without that experience or belief, it is notunderstood and even looked upon as silly.

When you ascend such matters will be fully understood, and you will be able to communicate with all lifearound you. Once you can accept that you have such capabilities try usingthem, and in time you are sure to get results. Could it be that yourgardeners who have so called “green fingers” love what they do, and lovetheir plants? Think about it, and realize that every soul is seeking love andis uplifted by it. Some feel unloved and believe that they are separated fromGod, yet it cannot be so as you are always enfolded in Unconditional Love.You have an expression that “love makes the world go round” and this couldnot be truer. Love is Light and it is lifting up every soul and also Mother Earth.It is the powerful energy that is breaking down the lower vibrations, as theycannot continue to exist in its presence.

Love is really all you should be concerned about, and the more you can create together the quickeryou will progress to Ascension. As has often been stated, Love is the glue ofthe Universe, Love is God, Love is the Creator. The lack of Love allows thedarkness to creep in, and causes separation and eventually the breakdown ofmatter. It reaches a point where it can no longer hold its form anddisintegrates. If you have ever heard reports of what it is like in thelowest astral levels, you will know that the vibrations are so low that it isalmost completely devoid of Light. More to the point matter is unable to holdits form and tends to fall apart. Imagine being a soul who has dropped tothis level through their lack of Light. It is a miserable existence and istheir Hell, because they have allowed their godsparks to become so dim. Forthose of you who are concerned about what happens to such souls, we canassure you that Angelic beings wait for them to express the desire to returnto the Light. It is then that every assistance can be given to help themclimb that steep hill that faces them on their journey back to it. RememberDear Ones, no soul is left to flounder or without guidance no matter how farthey have fallen.

Entering the end times everyone one of you has some attachments to clear up, and these will come toyou at some stage for cleansing. You will know when it happens, and if youaccept what it is you will be able to transmute them. They might be waywardthoughts that impinge on your consciousness, and no longer serve you.Dispatch them with thanks, and tell them that they no longer have a place inthe new life you are building. In fact when you look back you may well findthat you have already dramatically changed. After all, your preset life hasbeen purposefully planned for your upliftment, It has included testingperiods when you have been challenged to show, that you have put theattraction of the lower energies behind you.

We do not want to paint a bleak picture of events occurring on Earth at present, but it is our duty topresent it as it is. Clearly we cannot always give you the complete picture,as sometimes our knowledge of events is best kept quiet to protect peopleinvolved in them. Furthermore with our advanced methods of collectinginformation we know far more than the dark Ones are aware. We do not want toalert them to exactly what that is, so we work with a degree of necessarysecrecy. When you also consider that we have computers that have a great dealof accuracy in predicting the future, we have to be guarded as to what wegive out. Our allies are aware of this and by and large they too operate thisway, and it would not do to identify them. In fact, just at present there aresome disturbing possibilities that give us concern, but having said that theyare closely followed by us. We will step in where it is allowed, and willalways lessen the outcome of actions that threaten your safety.

For the majority of people in your world, life will seem to be moving ever onwards much as it alwayshas. It is the greater picture that shows the changes taking place, and yourmedia is often reluctant to mention them. For example your Sun is changingand that is having a big impact upon your Earth. It may well reach a peakvery soon where your electrical equipment may malfunction. There are powerfulenergies striking the Earth and communication channels may suffer. Eventuallythere will be such profound changes of this nature, that electrical systemsbased upon your present knowledge will no longer function at all. Be assuredhowever that in anticipating this change, we will have provided you withalternative sources of power. It will of course bring changes in nearly everytype of communication and transport you presently use. These will be muchmore to your liking and be totally environmentally friendly and clean.

The positive aspects of your Sun are many, and it acts as a conduit to channel the higher energies comingto you from outside of your solar system. It will play its most importantpart when there is a powerful alignment with the Central Sun of yourUniverse, and you know this as your Winter Solstice of 2012. It is the pointat which a quantum leap forward takes place, and propels you into the higherdimensions. It will truly signal the end of your cycle in duality, and bythen you will have been fully prepared for such an upliftment. It is what youhave been excitedly waiting for, and will be the crowning glory of yourpresent life.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and bless you all for such great determination to raise Humanity to a higherlevel. Your success is a credit to your passion and intent to bring Love andLight back to all souls, in readiness for Ascension.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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