SaLuSa 28-May-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and carry greetings from the Galactic Federation to all of you,thanking you for your faith in us and the higher powers
of Light. You are great souls who we greatly admire, and send our love
for your upliftment.

As the truth gains more ground, so those who reject it work against it and spread disinformation. Ittherefore begs of you to be discerning in what you accept, and that you findsources that are consistent and trusted. As always your intuition should be yourguide, and if necessary you can always put anything aside until such times asyou can make a firm decision about it. With time you will that you become adeptat spotting dubious messages or articles. If the ring of truth is not there foryou, then clearly it should not be given your acceptance. However, as we liketo point out, you also need an open mind so that your understanding of thetruth can be expanded where possible. It is ongoing and will go forward withleaps and bounds, once we are able to come out openly to you. Everythingpossible will be done to present the truth in a gentle way, without anyjudgement upon those who have allowed themselves to be misled. The truth willalways carry the energy of Light and it will sweep away those false teachingsand deliberate lies, which have blighted the scriptures and ancient teachings.

The truth commences with the one omnipotent God of your Universe. Many mortals may have been seen as gods, and named as suchbut there is in reality only the One Supreme God. Different names may have beenused, and some souls have deserved to be considered Saint, however, there isstill only the One Truth, and The One God. It is a good point to start fromwhich it will bring people together, and put a stop to the claims that onepersons God is better than another. The next step is to remove the teachingsthat have not originated from God or his true servants. The Laws of God arequite clear and based on Unconditional Love, and anything less is not of God’sword. New ones will accompany Man as he ascends, and with his higherconsciousness levels they will allow him even greater freedom than before. Lifein the Galaxy is so varied and at different stages of evolution, that Man willneed to know how to conduct himself.

Life is certainly not dull on Earth, but you are never totally free to do as you wish. Real freedom is when the Galaxy is yoursto travel, and that will come to you in good time. With our advanced forms oftransportation, distance is no problem and we can make frequent journeys to faroff stars whenever we want. It also helps that there is no issue where we arepersonally concerned, as we are in a perfect state of health, and do not age asyou do. Also our Space Craft are totally self-supporting and provide all of ourneeds. In fact we could easily survive in them for several hundred years, asyou understand time. Time is not constant and you would find inter stellartraveling strange at first, but you are now grasping the idea that the past,present and future are all in the Now.

Coming back to Earth, your time is up and in the future you will put all of your experiences to good use. You have plumbed thedepths, and now you are to rise up quite spectacularly with a quantum leap intothe higher realms. Your future will bear no resemblance to duality, and insteadgive you every happiness and opportunities to share your acquired wisdom withothers. Remember that you will have become the Masters that you really are, andwill be welcomed into other life streams. Life is bountiful, and existseverywhere making its way along an evolutionary path as you have done so. Muchof it is invisible to your eyes because it vibrates at a different rate toyours. As an ascended Being and through the power of thought, you will be ableadjust to it just as we sometimes do. You will have many attributes that willseem quite remarkable, such as being in two places at once.

Matters on Earth are heading for a showdown, and it is just a matter of months before a major step forward can be taken. Thereis of course always a degree of uncertainty because of the number of peopleinvolved in making sweeping changes. Certainly everything is at the readyand we continually adjust our plans according to the changes on Earth. Ourappearance will be orderly and preceded by appropriate announcements, that arenear to coming out. These are crucial to our arrival as any other way could beinterpreted as a show of force on our part. That is not our way, and even whenthe ultimate date is reached when we shall lead the way, it will still be donethrough your officials. It is one thing to show our craft and us in a casualway, but it is now important to gain your agreement to an open landing and officialcontact with your leaders.

Whatever happens on Earth, never lose sight of the reason you are in the end times. Ascension is the most important aspect ofyour future experiences. What is taking place now is the chaos beingperpetuated by the dark forces; they have lost their way and try to buy time bypreventing us from coming. That ploy will not work, and the longer it goes on,the more it rebounds upon them creating more dissent in their own ranks. Theyare imploding and fighting to keep their heads above water, but it will be tono avail as their capitulation is assured. It is as you might say a messybusiness, but that is unavoidable when dealing with those who have noconscience where their actions are concerned. They also lack compassion for thosewhose lives they have destroyed, but one day they will be called to answer forall of their misdeeds.

Carry on as best you can, knowing that your suffering will not last and soon you will see the new direction that Mankind isheading into. Already the foundations are in place for a quick change, whereyour financial systems are concerned. Our allies in many countries are agreedon a plan for a metals backed currency, and the end of the paper currency thathas led you into bankruptcy. These are the essential changes to set up a fairsystem, that will protect your earnings and property from unconstitutionallaws. The changes will affect the whole world and that is indeed the intention,so that you are released from unfair systems that include your tax laws. Thereis at last a glow on the horizon as the Light permeates into every corner ofyour world.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and carry greetings from the Galactic Federation to all of you, thanking you for your faith in us andthe higher powers of Light. You are great souls who we greatly admire, and sendour love for your upliftment.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

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