SaLuSa 31-March-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our ships are totally atthe ready to take the first action leading to disclosure and FirstContact.

Dear Ones we so love you for your determination tohold your ground, now that you know what the end times will bring. It iswonderful to see so many of you so strongly focused on bringingAscension intobeing. By so doing you are helping establish the higher energies uponEarth, andthat is providing more opportunities for others to be awakened. In thelong termthe energies cannot be rejected, as their function is upliftment of thelowerenergies. However, where an individual soul is not ready to receivethem,arrangements are made for their placement where they can continue asthey wish.This normally means lifting them off Earth and allowing them to continuetheirexperiences at a similar level. Freewill operates at all times, and isessentialto give you freedom of choice where your own evolution isconcerned.

In duality the pain and suffering results from thelack of understanding as to your power to direct your own life. You haveallowedyourself to forget who you really are, and have experienced separationin such away, that you have become immersed in the negativity created by thosewho areout of balance. The more your Lightis subdued, the more you are sucked down into the lower vibrations andliterallybecome lost. Yet all through such experiences your Light although dimstillshines out, because it can never be extinguished. There inevitably comesa timewhen you become dissatisfied with your life, and it is then that you maybeginyour search for something better. Hopefully you can identify yourshortcomingsand set your sights on measures that will change it. Some of you readingthesemessages are at present on the path to recovery, and it is only guidancethatyou need. The rest you can easily do providing you persevere and focuson thegoal you have set for yourself.

You may be thinking it is easy for us to look down atyour activities and comment on how you are doing. However, that is partof ourrole where you are concerned, and as you will find in due course whenyouascend, service to others is essential to help their upliftment. Whatbetterposition can we be in to advise you, when we have already walked thepath youare on now. We know what you are going through, and because of ourexperiencecan see what help you need. There was never the intention that you wouldbe leftsolely to your own devices. After all duality is not your real home, anditgives only the holographic stage upon which you act your roles as HumanBeings.

Those of you who are open-minded are finding thetruth about yourselves quite acceptable. That is not surprising to us asyou areseeking a new way, indeed a better and more pleasing way of experiencinglife.You have seen and experienced the lower vibrations, and for those whohaveprogressed it seems to have little more to offer. This is to be expectedas youare ending your time in duality for that reason. What is more naturalthan onecycle ending and a new one beginning, as it is in the nature of allchanges thatare planned for the evolution of your Universe. They are not chancehappeningsbut part of your inevitable journey back to the Source.

It must be said that you can stay within anydimension for as long as you desire, but within you is an innate urge tocontinue progressing with your spiritual evolution. Energy never standsstilland is re-shaping and re-forming, until it reaches that point within theSourcewhere it is in the ultimate state of perfection. However, you are farfrom thatpoint with a myriad of journeys ahead of you, not just in this Universebutothers that are part of your Omniverse, including parallel Universes.There areintelligent life forms beyond your present imagination, and some areentirelydifferent to what you have been used to so far. Outer appearances willnotconcern you, as in the future you will recognize all souls through theirenergysignature which will be similar to your own.

You have a lot to learn about so many things but haveas much time as you need, because life is infinite and you have thefreedom tochoose your own experiences. Some will still ask what the point of itall is,and Dear Ones wherever you are and whatever you are doing it is for yourgrowthand evolution. Once you have gone beyond duality life is invigoratingandfulfilling, and an absolute joy. You may think it is too good to betrue, but wedo not exaggerate and the truth is sometimes difficult to convey inwords youwould understand. Your language is short of the words needed to reallypaint thepicture we would like.

The more you take note of what we are telling youabout the future you can expect, we feel it will be easier for you toacceptthat your present experiences are about to change for the better. Thefuture isgolden and of a high vibration that will surround you in Love and Light.It willnot be long before you will get your first taste of life as it couldhave been,had you not been held back by the dark Ones. Theirinfluence is nowhere near asstrong as it was and is continuing to grow weaker. It is not yetapparent butall proceeds as planned, and as we so often confirm victory is alreadyyours.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and our ships are totally atthe ready to take the first action leading to disclosure and FirstContact. Ithas been long awaited, and even now the time has to be exactly right forit tohave the right impact and awakening. Many people are still oblivious tothetruth about their relationship to us, and it will have to be handledverycarefully to avoid unsettling them. Facts are facts, which we cansupport toshow that we come with the truth and love for you all. Judge us by ouractionsand you will grasp the true picture. Forget in part what you have beentaughtabout us, as often it is purposefully slanted to give a false impressionthat weare to be feared.

Let yourself embrace what we tell you rather thanwhat others believe, as sometimes there is a bias against us because ourpresence challenges old beliefs. The truth will always surfaceregardless ofwhat is done to hide it, and with the higher vibrations being groundeduponEarth; the darkness is being brought into the Light for examination.Enjoy thesetimes as you are on the cusp of exciting changes that you will warmlywelcome.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

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