SaLuSa 5 December 2014
We were very pleased to step aside and allow Michael to send out another message in place of our usual one. The information sent out should lift your spirits considerably, as you have waited a very long time for an uplifting message that clearly indicates the beginning of many welcome changes on Earth. There are many changes to come for which the preparations have already been made. It means that very little time will be lost in changing your current situation of war and disharmony, to a different condition that heralds the coming of love and peace on Earth. We have often told you that changes are coming, and at last you will have a clear signal of confirmation. Many will still refuse to believe what they see happening before their very eyes, but denial will not hide the fact that the new Era has started.
If you look back you will find that we have kept our word, which has meant that the Galactic Federation has been busy ensuring that world peace is upheld. Minor wars and other uprisings will eventually cease, and there will come a time when such negative actions will be impossible to carry out. The vibrations are steadily rising and in the future will be too high for any such negative actions to manifest. Dear Ones, the battle between the dark and Light is almost over, and in your time you will see those responsible for your demise removed so that they can no longer delay the changes. Such actions will fulfil the promises made to you a long time ago, and we thank those who have steadfastly stood by our side and refused to be moved from their path.