SaLuSa 2-24-12…”Results are going to come to your notice… you will absolutely know the countdown to Ascension has started”
- Perhaps the most important omission is evidence of our visitations to Earth, and the contacts we have made.
- …it is now left to our Allies to create such pressure on your Government, that they will ultimately have to give in to your request for the truth to be acknowledged where we are concerned.
- …[disclosure] can commence as soon as the media decide to allow the truth to be put into print, and that outright lies and false information are rejected. There are some moves towards such changes but it is not fast enough for us, so strong pressure will be applied until the breakthrough occurs.
- …we want to see quick progress and not continual delays, and we intend to make sure things begin to happen that everyone will be aware of.
- …results are going to come to your notice, and it will be the time when you will absolutely know the countdown to Ascension has started.
- Sit tight yet not in tension as all is well and you will find that all of a sudden a whole series of events will take place, clearly showing you that your expectations are being fulfilled.
- When you think of what is planned for you, we hope it lifts up your hearts and you spread the feeling of happiness it should bring you.
- Dear Ones try to live to your highest understanding of what it is to be an ascended being, and you will soon find out how far you have progressed.
- …you might have noticed that there is slowly a convergence of information taking place… a sure sign that the time lines are beginning to come together…
- Those who uphold religious beliefs tend to be on their own, as they feel bound by the apocalyptic prophesies of their ancient teachings.