Laura: Good evening SaLuSa. Here is our first question: “This is not about I am writing to you, tells to Salusa if they can to move my person to another place on Earth for making my spiritual ascension with others persons that thinks like me. I know what’s going on with this humanity spiritually speaking, and what comes later; a brighter future for all of us.
If they cannot do anything for me about it is karma (i read the inconvenient about it: the karma is the number one in the list), I want some information about people that can help me in my spiritual ascension and guidance here in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic. I know that you can (my brothers from the stars), that appears in my bedroom”.
SaLuSa: Dear friend. You have chosen the time and place for your existence on Mother Earth for specific reasons. So have you all in fact. Therefore you are located in the best possible place at this time for you in order for your growth to take place most efficiently. It is obvious from your question that part of you does not feel this way. However resistance is a useful force. It is important that you see the existence of resistance in you. You do have a life contract to fulfil at this time, dear friend. You also have responsibilities towards your loved ones. Your family and friends need your support and guidance now.
You will find that all you need is inside of you already. You have a healthy body and a strong mind. All that you lack now is shining your love around you. We all respond extremely well to love. A plant responds well to love, it grows faster, it blooms with more flowers, and it is healthier and stronger. Animals also perceive when they are loved by their owner. Their behaviour is more relaxed, affectionate and trusting. People working with horses for instance know of this. Love can be perceived through your tone of voice, through your body posture, and on your facial expressions.
Humans are even more sensitive than plants and animals. You are all also telepathic beings, and your subconscious knows many things. Your heart is the most sensitive tool in your body. It is your most precious instrument. It senses others’ emotions, impressions, feelings and frame of mind. Some people can only see through their heart. However the heart can be blocked from sensing. The heart can also be very hurt and this is when it is shutting itself down, in order to protect itself. Sometimes, your heart gives way to lower vibrations and generates anger, frustration and hate. Many times this results from misunderstandings.
The heart can also be trained and educated, just like your head can, and just like any muscle can. When one experiences negative emotions, such as anger, envy, fear, it is a lower survival function of the heart at work. This is why many relationships having started with the highest love; degenerate when the heart is hurt. When this happens, your higher emotional centre is shutting itself off, and the lower vibrations attract just the opposite of what the higher emotional centre wishes for. This is why it is important to remain in pure love and light. This is why it is important not to open the door to negative emotions, as this is a difficult door to shut. This is also a door opening for karmic consequences. Karma can build up over what you consider small things. For instance making an inappropriate comment at an inappropriate time can contribute to building up karma.
Being in your body, in your heart, in your light protects you from building further karmic history and also helps you clear old karma. The light sets things right, balances things out, it does not interfere with your free will and it does not hurt others. You are located in the best place for you to be at this time dear friend. We recommend you to ask your guides for guidance in meeting the right people who can help you further develop yourself in view of the coming Ascension. Books are fine of course, but there comes a time when one has to let go of safely reading books. There comes one time when one must experience what has been read in books.
There are several places from where one can experience one’s life. One can be in the heart; one can be in the head or in the body primarily. This state of disconnection is not helpful for Ascension. Connecting head to the body will help you discover your higher emotions, your real heart. Your guides and guardian angels will reply to your call for direction; you will have to be receptive and listen to what they put in your way and try it. If you usually dismiss something, give it a try this time. Perhaps it is one way your guides are trying to direct your steps.
Laura: Thank you SaLuSa. Would you also like to give us a short update?
SaLuSa: Today is the anniversary of the attack from the cabal on the twin towers. Many innocent victims perished on that day and many of you across the planet have felt the pain and fear of those who perished on that day. In fact for such a horrific event, many had what you call premonitions. They could see and sense it all happen in advance, but were unable to stop it, as not all the details are accessed when premonitions occur for lightworkers.
It is time for humanity to lift the guilt and shame of the attack of 9/11. It is time for healing to occur in New York and it is time the public to find out the real responsible ones for this terrific event. It is time to forgive and to let go of the accusations and false beliefs maintained by the media in order to justify the restrictions of your liberties. It is time to stop fearing Muslims, and to be One with them again. Those who died on that sad day are now well and ascended beings for most of them. You need to let go of them, and know that there is no need for pain to go on beyond 10 years. Your loved ones who are with us, will be soon back in your lives as our dimensions are merging. As you will also ascend, you will be with your loved friends, partner or children who left duality on 9/11 again.
We will help you find evidence against the real responsible people of the 9/11 attacks. We will also ensure that these beings are kept safe, as much anger will be directed towards them once the truth is revealed to the general pubic. As you all know, your governments don’t always tell you the truth. This is because they have something to gain from maintaining you in darkness. They wish to maintain control over your world and over you dear souls.
However we do ask you to refrain from feeling too much anger for these souls who have orchestrated this sad event, as the light cannot access their souls. These beings have never really known love, compassion, and understanding. They were never shown the way of love and all light has been removed from their souls from a very early age. They were left under the influence of darker entities that have been controlling their thoughts, emotions and actions. Their connection to the light was severed and they are nothing more than empty shells. These beings shall be put in front of divine justice and be treated fairly. Their lack of humanity and compassion will be taken into account according to the possibilities for love they had at the time.
Dear ones, the light often is prevented from accessing your bodies and directing your life because of your inner body tensions. You are also sometimes hermetically closed to your light body. Your light body can only have access to your heart for short periods of time and very occasionally for some of you. In order for you to live in your light, you must open yourself up to the light and unblock your body tensions. When you are open in such a way, you will be aware of the light within you. Your Higher Self permeates your body through your breath, but also through the pores of your skin. Light enters your body, thus enters your heart. The light needs certain conditions in order to enter your body. As you know your bodies are temples. The required conditions are you to be relaxed in your muscles, at peace, in a state of receiving and welcoming the light. The light responds very well to love and is attracted to it. Having love in your hearts will allow the light to direct your every steps.
Mother Earth loves you very much and she is looking forward to your ascension together. You have the power to help her, and to calm the weather anomalies on her surface. You have to power to transform any pain and to stop her suffering through exploitation. Although Mother Earth is a huge being in comparison with you, we can assure you that she knows every single one of you. She knows the heart and soul of each individual she carries. More importantly she also knows each of your personal history. She loves every one of you individually and understands your needs for her resources. Like a mother, she also finds it difficult to say no to you, her children. She knows many of you love and support her, and she knows of your heart’s desire to leave duality with her.
I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and I wish you love in your heart for this day. Please soothe Mother Earth’s pain also today, as she has also witnessed this sad day ten years ago. Send her love and light, along with those people who have lost family ten years ago. Time for freedom for humanity and for Mother Earth is nearing dear friends. We continue to make contact with most of you individually, weather you are aware of it yet or now, we are with you as always.
Thank you
Laura Tyco
Copyright © Laura Tyco. All Rights Reserved. You may copy and redistribute this material so long as you do not alter it in any way and the content remains complete, credit is given to the author, and you include this copyright notice link:http://galacticlauratyco.blogspot.com/
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Translations of these messages into various languages are posted at http://despertando.me/