SaLuSa via Mike Quinsey


Dear Ones, the Light is growing much more quickly, and all credit to those of you who are steadfast and true to your life plan.

You may not necessarily know for certain how well you are following it, but there is a “feeling” of deep satisfaction in all that you do. In any event along with your Guides, we help keep you on your true path and assist where we can.

The net result of all of your dedication is that you are able to keep on going forward without being distracted from your path. The rewards for doing so are many, and one day in the not too distant future you will truly become aware of how much your contribution has achieved. It is not to do with quantity but quality, and every one of you in your own way helps to maintain the Light upon Earth.

You are in fact privileged to be chosen for such tasks, as many souls have volunteered to do such work. However, not everyone is necessarily chosen for this particular period of action. This is the time that you have been working towards over many lives, and already some can “feel” the changes that have taken place as the negative energies have less effect.

Such times as you are in now are strange to contemplate, as the extremes are being experienced that can be rather confusing. This period is one where the negative energies seem to be growing and causing more problems than usual. Yet they are having more impact and attention because of it. It is rather like “scraping the barrel” and dealing with the last remains of the old cycle.

Clearly lessons are still being learnt but there will soon come a time when the vibrations will rise up. When this happens they will lift you up to a level that cannot accept the lower vibrations. So keep looking firmly ahead and do not allow your focus and determination to falter.

The dark Ones are aware that their time is running out and – like a cornered rat – are liable to lash out without considering the consequences. They hope to flee from the Earth when things turn against them.

As you already know “time waits for no man” and although the future is set in principle your free will will determine exactly how it plays out. Humanity comprises of a very mixed group of souls from different planets and even star systems. But the main group are those who have come to Earth to evolve.

There is no other place exactly like Earth that offers such a rapid path of evolution. It is tough and demanding, but is the quickest one to experience all that is needed to evolve beyond the lower vibrations. Bear in mind that no matter how hard a life may be it is never forced upon a soul, and you will have agreed to your need for whatever experience it may give you.

Indeed, a soul may change its mind about an incarnation even at the last moment. That rarely happens, because you will have gone through the purpose of it prior to incarnating and know precisely what you can achieve by it.

You do not need to concern yourselves about the outcome of another soul’s path. Each one of you is experiencing according to your needs, and many souls will cross your path and have fleeting contact with you. This is often for a special purpose, but nevertheless may be an important step for both of you.

The main players in your life will most likely have been with you in other lives, and some families stay together for many incarnations. They will often play their part in different roles, and you should know by now that it includes experiencing the different energies lives as either Man or Woman. If you spend too many continuous lives as one sex, it does tend to become harder to change when the need arises. Looking at the whole picture you will understand that quite a lot preparation goes into ensuring your lives upon Earth are productive, and that they do help you to evolve.

The most wondrous events are planned for your future, when the point is reached where you are able to live the Truth that will be revealed. Life will be quite different from what you experience now, and has little bearing on what it should or could have been.

Over the years your development has been pushed in the direction that has suited the aims of the Illuminati, who have held you back. It has been to keep you under their control and in a state of confusion, so that you are kept in a time lock. You will of course break out of it very soon and your lives will go forward in leaps and bounds.

However, that does not mean that your lives have been wasted, and on the contrary much has been learnt very quickly. In more normal circumstances your progress would have been a lot slower. As we have mentioned before, every situation offers you some opportunity take your evolution forward.

You may have learnt that there are extra-terrestrial bases both on land and under the sea. We are aware of them and they are allowed to remain, providing they do not attempt to interfere with other forms of life. All of them involved with Mother Earth are here to experience your dimension and all it has to offer.

Some Beings such as the Argathan’s have lived in the Inner Earth for eons of time and await the right time to be part of the Earth’s future. Others such as the Anunnaki have interfered with your evolution and set one race against another with the resultant wars. However, their influence and power over you has ended after some 5000 years.

These were by no means the first visitors to your Earth to have interfered with your evolution. Yet all through such periods karma has come into play, and as with any other challenge to your beliefs is an opportunity to grow. On Earth you have been largely kept away from any outside influence that would have altered the plan for your evolution, as it has already been agreed by Higher Beings.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and love the determination that you have shown to keep the freedom that is your right and inheritance. Freedom of speech is so essential to true democracy, and to enable you to further your evolution without interference.

Your current cycle has come to an end, and there are signs that the new one has started to influence your actions. Look for the Light in everyone at all times, and when the opportunity arises share your joy and happiness with them. It is amazing how quickly a kind word or gesture will lift up another soul, and raise their vibrations.

Thank you SaLuSa

Mike Quinsey

SaLuSa. Channelled by Mike Quinsey. April 17, 2015. Source:

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