SaLuSas 05-APRIL-2010

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is looking forward to meeting you inthe verynear future. They will bring you the means to achieve permanent peaceuponEarth.

They will also approach you all with great love, and see theglowingLight of your soul self.

Events on Earth are certainly speeding up, and regardless of how great the confrontation between the dark andLight;never lose sight of the fact that the Light has already become thevictor inthis battle. Of this we are absolutely positive and you can expect tofind proofof it, and you are on the verge of receiving such evidence. Steps thatwillbring the dark Ones under control are reaching a conclusion, and willconsiderably curtail their influence. They know time is running out forthem,and they are lashing out in all directions. As you might say, we haveour fingeron the pulse and they cannot hide their intentions from us. We cannotnecessarily stop all of their actions, but in certain circumstances canpreventthem from achieving their purpose.

Meantime our plans are at the ready, and can be easily rearranged to meet whatever is needed in the currentsituation. Wepush ahead with our agenda, and we have been set a deadline by which wemustact. In view of the likely response of the dark Ones, we are reluctantto givefirm predictions. However, when we talk of events moving ever nearer toopenlycommencing, we mean a relatively short period. 2010 is to be a year thatwill beremembered for the beginning of the transition from the dark controls,to theenergies of Light carried by our allies. Altogether the Light isincreasingexponentially, and it is the power behind the cleansing actions thathave nowbegun.

We are excited at the prospect of at last coming out openly, and monitor all matters that are holding it up.We arenot however too concerned as we clearly see a favorable outcome. Oncecertainconditions are met that will take away the last cabals power, we willquicklytake up our positions and you will see much more of us in your skies.Yourlevels of consciousness indicate that the awakening of Humanity isforgingahead, and this very much hastens the changes that are necessary toclear theway for us all. It is well past the time that you should have alreadybeen awareof your heritage, and that knowledge will be conveyed to you at theearliestpossible moment. So much of your understanding that has dictated the wayyoulive and re-act with each other, is found to be wanting and all of thatwillhave to change in readiness for Ascension.

Your beliefs are strong and sometimes prejudiced by national and religious interests. We will bring you thetruth ofall matters, and particularly your recent history that has been writtenby thosewho would hide the real truth. Be open to new versions about Man’sevolution,and we will trace it back many thousands of years into your ancientpast. Youwill find that Galactic Federation members are no strangers to yourearlyevolution, and in fact have had more than a hand in it. There is more ofaconnection between us than you might imagine, and we have had a part toplay inyour genetic engineering resulting in what you are today. When you getto seethe various types of Beings in our Federation, you will marvel at howmany havea close resemblance to how you look now.

Dear Ones, you are being carefully prepared to join us in the future, and we shall stand together as One.By thenyou will be Beings with a level of superconsciousness, and quitedifferent towhat you are now. In some ways it will not be so strange, as you arereturningto levels that were once quite familiar to you. You are going to begreat Beingsonce again, with tremendous powers of creation and many will serve inour fleetsfor the needs of others. You will be one of us, and a fully-fledgedSpace Beingwith all of the attributes you see in us.

We see the majority of you ready to respond positively to our presence, and many more will accept us becauseof thevarious problems that are besetting you and your Earth. You wouldclearlybenefit from our help right now, but for the time being you will have towrestlewith them yourselves. However, as always we strive to keep a balance foryou, sothat matters do not get out of hand. Every country is in the grip of thechangesthat are re-modeling the old system, and a new way is essential if theyare tocompletely overcome the old one. New ideas for technological innovationsthathave previously been held back, are gradually finding their way into thepublicdomain. These are very much needed at this time to offset the damage tomanyindustries, and not least of all to alleviate the difficulties beingexperiencedby the people.

You will not be sunk without trace, but will rise up and match the needs of the hour. Humans have proven to beveryresilient and able to improvise where necessary. By seeing yourselvesthroughthe immediate period, you will be able to ride out the problems untilcompletechanges take place with our assistance. The ideas for many usefulinventionshave been given to you by us, and will help fill the gap left throughyears andyears of little real progress. Those that have been developed have notnecessarily benefited you in general, but covertly used for militarysuperiority. They were given so as to benefit all of you, and with ourhelp theywill eventually do so. Man will learn many deep spiritual lessons fromtheseexperiences, and draw closer to his fellow man.

As you are prone to say, keep your cool, and do not let events weaken your resolve to maintain your focus on theendtimes. It looms large, and will fulfill everything you have ever dreamedof thatwill lift you onto a higher level of existence. Your dreamland is areality thatyou have been creating, and comes ever nearer to manifestation, and youarelifting up towards it. As your vibrations speed up so the growing painshave tobe withstood, as they will cause you ups and downs in the way you feel.However,once you have integrated the new energies you will begin to feel on topof theworld. Keep this feeling going once you experience it, and you will gothroughthe last days without any problems. You will recognize such a time, asyou willfeel happy and joyful and able to ward off the negativity that surroundsyou.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and can tell you that the Galactic Federation is looking forward to meeting you inthe verynear future. They will bring you the means to achieve permanent peaceuponEarth. They will also approach you all with great love, and see theglowingLight of your soul self.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Mike Quinsey.

The Galactic Federation Messages by Mike Quinsey - All languages stated above -ENGLISH
*日本語/Japanese -ΕΛΛΗΝΙΚΑ/Greeck - LATVIEŠU/Latvian中文 Chinese NEW - БЪЛГАРСКИ/Bulgarian - NEW

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