- I was still very young and her name was Ángela, a very unique girlfriend today
dead. One day I decided to get away from her without saying goodbye. I went to the shores of the Atlantic
and I had to lodge in the house of an old lady, a noble woman who did not deny me her
I did not stop protecting myself with a very thin and transparent pavilion.
One night I was lying in bed dozing, when suddenly someone knocked three times on my door.
rhythmically; moments when I sat down to get up and go to the door, I felt a couple
of hands penetrating through my pavilion, they approached me dangerously caressing me
the face. But the thing did not stop there, in addition to those hands a whole human ghost appeared
with the obvious semblance of that girlfriend who frankly did not interest me.
The anguished ghost cried, telling me phrases like these: "Ungrateful, you walked away without
say goodbye to me, and I loved you so much and adored you with all my heart", etc., etc., etc., and
other herbs.
I wanted to speak, but everything was useless because my tongue got stuck; then I mentally ordered
that ghost will immediately withdraw.
New complaints, new recriminations, and then she said: "I'm leaving, then," and slowly walked away,
Slowly; when I saw that apparition was leaving, a new thought, a
special idea, arose in my understanding; I told myself. “This is the moment to know
what is a ghost, what is it made of, what is real about it”.
It is obvious that by thinking like this in this way the fear disappeared in me and my tongue was untied;
then I was able to speak and ordered the ghost like this: -No, don't go, come back, I need to talk to you. The ghost replied:
"Well, I'm going back, that's fine then."
It is not superfluous to affirm that the word was accompanied by action and the ghost came again
towards me
The first thing I did was examine my own faculties to see if they were working.
correctly. I'm not drunk, I told myself, I'm not hypnotized, I'm not the victim of any
hallucination, my senses are correct, I have no reason to doubt. Once i could
verify the proper functioning of my five senses, I then proceeded to examine the ghost.
"Give me your hand," I said to the apparition; it is ostensible that she did not refuse my demand and
stretched out her right hand. I took the arm of the singular figure that I had in front of me and I could notice a
normal rhythmic gait as if she had a heart. I perceive to the liver, spleen, like protoplasm ones etc., everything was fine.
correctly, but the quality of that matter seemed more like protoplasm,
gelatinous substance sometimes similar to the touch of vinyl, I did that examination under the light of a
bulb properly lit and lasted something like half an hour.
Then I dismissed the ghost saying: "You can go now, I am satisfied with the
examination”, and the ghost saying multiple recriminations left weeping bitterly.
Moments later, the mistress of the house knocked on the door, believing that I had disrespect the
house, came telling me that she had given me hospitality alone and that she was surprised that
was bringing women into the room.
“Excuse me, madam”, was my reply, “I have not brought any woman here, she has visited me
a ghost and that's all. It is clear that I told her the story. That lady, remained
convinced and shivered terribly when she felt a frightful cold inside the room.
in full hot weather, this confirmed the truth of my story., , and later, when I met that girlfriend, I related my
history. She limited herself to telling me that on that night and at the time I had mentioned she slept and dreamed
that she was in a place on the coast and that she was talking with me inside a room. It is clear that I said to myself: “The lady went to bed thinking of me and her ghost
visited me.” The curious thing was that several months later that lady died, and one night I
resting in my bed the phenomenon was repeated, but this time that ghost decided to lie down
next to me, full of tenderness and affection; however this was getting pretty ugly,
I had no choice but to order her very severely to leave forever and that would not
never bother in existence. The ghost did so and never came back.
- On a certain occasion a poor young woman arrived in the city, in a terrible economic situation;
She was an honest girl and she asked me for a job.
I had no problem giving her work as a maid at home and she turned out to be very industrious,
Unfortunately, after a few days of working at home, a series of phenomena occurred
extraordinary psychics, which not only disturbed my relatives, but also the people of
the neighborhood.
In her presence, the dishes rose into the air to crash on the floor and
become fragments, the tables, the chairs, danced alone and stones fell into our
It was not very pleasant for us that in the precise moments of eating
stones, dust, etc., fall into the food.
The young woman had on her right hand a mysterious ring with an inscription that literally
It read like this: “Remembrance of your friend Luzbel”. The most interesting thing is that although that woman
was in disgrace (economically speaking), she did not stop receiving from the aforementioned friend
some coins that were enough to eat; such money came through the air and she
just picked them up.
The girl recounted that her aforementioned friend told her that he lived in the sea and that he wanted to take her away
to the bottom of the ocean.
Many times we made conjurations to drive away his invisible comrade, but he returned with
more force returning to his wanderings, and the people, as is natural, did not cease to be alarmed.
Some young men fell in love with her, but when they tried to approach their lady, they
stones on them and horrified they fled in terror. Later, that girl moved away from all these environments in the city, what was done?
we don`t know, what we could verify is that his such friend Luzbel was simply a
elemental of the ocean. There is no doubt that she had much of an elemental nature, so we
said his eyes, his look, his body, his way of being, etc., etc.
- I have known very extraordinary cases of materialization. Some years ago when
Master Gargha Kuichines visited these lands, we witnessed
one of these really unusual cases.
It happened that we were both walking along some avenue, when on a corner we saw a
Licensed friend, who was dedicated to the practices of Hata yoga.
We approached him, I personally shaking his hand very attentively
The three of us were talking in such a corner; people, not to
bumping into that friend, they took a little detour. We said goodbye, the lawyer continued
by the aforementioned avenue. As a strange thing he wore a hat
white with black ribbon, something that did not stop calling our attention, because he never in his life used
I clarified by saying that such a lawyer held the position of judge and that
was once with us studying gnosis. Then we continue on our way.
Days later I met some another friend in the town and told him what had happened. Great was my surprise when my friend let me know
that the aforementioned lawyer with whom I had met on such avenue,
He had already died several days ago.
Then he put some emphasis in order to explain the case to me: "You met a
died", Alejandro told me, "you spoke with a deceased", when this happened, on the day of such
meeting, that man had died in a car accident outside the city, in the north of the country.
As you will see, it is another materialization and I think that the former personality of that deceased was
really what became visible and tangible at noon before all the peoples and in the light of the
- I want to tell you, with great emphasis, that there are fish men who lived
between the deep seas of the planet Venus, were brought to earth in cosmic ships by the
Venusians and deposited at the bottom of our seas. I always sensed that there existed at the bottom of the oceans intelligent men- fish, creatures
and it even seems to me that this is related in some way to the famous fish
Oans of the Chaldeans. I do not want to take other deeper allegories from such a fish, I just want
Emphasize the idea that such a symbol also corresponds to the profound mystery of the
In deep meditation, my priestess wife and I resolved to take a spiritual journey,
with the purpose of investigating everything related to fish-men; it is obvious that
we succeeded and that when dealing with metaphysical type perceptions they obviously gave identical
Out of the dense form, our souls plunged deep into the Atlantic ocean,
very far from any mainland. In the name of truth I must say that we certainly entered into
direct contact with fish- men.
If you ask me what kind of figure these men have, it should be clearly answered that
They have the form of fish with sizes very similar to those of any human person, some
larger, others smaller, others medium, etc.
We found in the living bottom of the ocean the city of fish- men. riddles? It is obvious that
the mentioned city is not of a physical type, it does not correspond to the world of three dimensions; is about
a town located in the twilight zone. The houses, the temples, the shops, the
restaurants, streets, things, etc., have been created by the fish- men in the fourth dimension,
in what we could call "etheric space".
In the name of truth we must say that they live simultaneously in the physical world and in
the etheric region. It is clear that the soul of fish- men knows that it has the body of a fish, but
since they also live in the unknown dimension, they do not ignore that they are men
able to live as such in the fourth dimension, while simultaneously moving
Among the waters like simple fish.
There is therefore a double life in them: the first as fish, the second as men, however
they combine both, they are processed simultaneously and harmoniously, beautifully coordinated... A very wise king governs these creatures; he is a very venerable fish-man. Is clear
that this old king is loved by all his subjects and that he does not need armies or police
to be obeyed. He is an ineffable being of the solar dynasties.
My priestess wife passed the threshold of one of those etheric shops in the mysterious town
located in the unknown dimension, I observed it but did not enter; something she saw or looked at
depth. On leaving I asked her questioning about what he had seen, the answer
was: "I saw a group of fish- men sitting at tables in a beautiful restaurant;
They talked about various topics.
In the etheric world, said creatures have the physiognomy of men, but in the world merely
Physical material, his face and his body are all fish.
However, very soon they will be rescued by the shipowners of Venus and returned to their world of
source.. It is
It is clear that nuclear explosions will pollute the waters and endanger their lives if
they are not returned to the maritime waters of the planet Venus.
With the sixth sense I went ahead in time to see such an event, and then I perceived
amphibious ships of Venusian origin submerging in the Atlantic Ocean to rescue the
fish-men. At that moment, psychic laments reached my ears, tears and anguish of
those mysterious creatures; they were taken away from this planet Earth, because this race of intellectual animals
who populate the face of our world is not really prepared to understand
such sublime beings; In other words, I must tell them that we do not deserve them.
They have some very strange objects in the twilight zone, I beheld something
similar to a circle, a kind of bracelet so mysterious that I frankly could not understand.
One of them, one of those wonderful men talking to my priestess wife, told her what
following: "Blessed are you who are always close to the master", it is obvious that I was moved.
In its metaphysical, etheric town, solemn peace is breathed in the great oceanic depths
one feels clean, pure, infinitely happy. How far are the people from
understand all this! My friends, after making this story I am not sure that you have understood me; I know that
all is a matter of consciousness