Samael's anecdotes: Chapter Eight-Part 5



  1. The masters of the Blue Galaxy, led by universal love, have been concerned

a lot for our earthly humanity helping us incessantly from the deep darkest night

 of the centuries. They were really the ones who instructed the architects of the

pyramids, those who taught the Secret Doctrine to the Atlanteans and the Egyptians; those who

they established the glorious mysteries of the mighty civilizations of Chaldea and Assyria.

I have to inform you that the blue men live in an underground city under the ice

of the South Pole. The organisms of the blue men are similar to ours that is obvious.

The men of the Blue Galaxy do not have houses of ice, like the Eskimos, or anything for the

style; they possess an underground city, made within the very entrails of the


If there is ice on top of the rocks and the ground in general, it does not affect the submerged city at all.

The weather problem does not exist for the blue men; it is ostensible that if

they were able to conquer infinite space they possess formidable advances; it's not hard to understand

that they have been able to create their own climate within their mysterious city.

This underground city where the blue men live is ancient, it was made before the

past glaciation. This means that such a city has many millions of years of existence,

that comes from the archaic times of the earth, which was always the secret abode of blue-men.


The blue men are helping humanity with favorable telepathic procedures

for some, and it is clear that in a few years these extraordinary men will have

to publicly take to the streets to admonish the people, to call them to

repentance and the urgency to awake consciousness. The king of the city, his majesty, I know him, and I solemnly tell you that he belongs to the

solar dynasties, he is a true enlightened person, a master of perfection who does not need

gendarmes or armed soldiers to make their people obey. everybody respect him,

 because it is terribly divine.

I have visited the city, I do not deny it. It is clear that when spiritually visiting that mysterious

city, I first had to ask his majesty the king for permission, without the permission of that monarch

who governs the city, I would not have been able to walk quietly through the wonderful streets

of that mysterious city.

That splendid city, built within the very bowels of the earth, is very different from

all that we currently know in this troubled world in which we live.

A winding road leads to the city gates; the streets and avenues are

illuminated as is natural by wonderful lamps that make that gigantic cavern

something luminous and radiant, because it seems like a splendid day. I could say that they handle

light and darkness perfectly. They have seventy splendid rooms distributed in the

different places in the city; in such enclosures they celebrate their assemblies or carry out their studies.

It is worth telling you that within this great city the sphinx shines, a living symbol of

Initiation wisdom.

The members of that blue race certainly dress with elegance and distinction; they wear robes of

antique style, beautiful cloaks, very classic style sandals, etc., come and go along the

city streets, along sidewalks. They are of medium height and handsome

continent. They are transported on foot or in cars other than those we know,

powered by electrical energy.

Their staple food is seaweed that they collect from the oceans around the planet,


 Their ships allow them to transport themselves wherever they want in time and space; however

It is clear that from their galaxy they bring many other foods with which their nourish themselves. Keep in

account that they are not imprisoned within the city, that they have freedom to travel in their ships

wherever they want, that's all.

A blue lady who always stays with the king told me the following: The people who live on the surface of the Earth believe that

all those cities and material things they own will last them a lifetime; stick to the

things and that is absurd because everything they have is going to be destroyed.

The blue men will fulfill a gigantic world mission in the most dire moments

that are coming, they will fight to make us return to divinity, they will worry about

show us the way of salvation.

  1. At home we had a small black kitten, I decided to earn his love and it is

ostensible that I succeeded. One night I wanted to do a metaphysical transcendental experiment.

 Lying on my bed I placed the innocent animal by my side. I relaxed my body

correctly and then I concentrated deeply on the aforementioned feline, begging him to

get me out of my physical body.

I confess without hesitation that such concentration was long and very deep, possibly it lasted

for an hour. I drowsed slightly through intensive concentration, but

I certainly had to go through an extraordinary surprise. That creature seemed to increase from

size and then became a giant of enormous proportions lying on the edge of my

bed. I touched him with my right hand and he seemed to be made of steel, he radiated electricity and his face was black

like the night. There is no doubt that his entire body was the same color, yet he had left the

animal form assuming instead the human figure, with the exception of the face that, although

gigantic, it was still a cat.

This was something unusual that I did not expect; I was terribly surprised and a little scared

I conjured with the Conjuration of the Seven of the Wise Solomon. The result was that that charm

ceased, moments later next to me was again the innocent creature in the form of a kitten.

Very worried I walked the next day through the streets of the city; I thought the fear had been

eliminated from my nature and behold, now that such experience had given me a tremendous scare.

However, I was by no means resigned to losing the battle and encouraged myself,

anxiously awaiting the night to repeat the experiment.

I placed the little creature back on my bed and to the right as on the night before. I relaxed

my physical body leaving no muscle in tension and then I concentrated deeply

in the feline, keeping deep in my heart the intention of not letting myself be frightened again. Warned soldier does not die in war, and I was obviously already informed

about what had to happen; thus, the fear had been frankly eliminated from within me.

After an hour or so had elapsed, in deep concentration, exactly the same thing was repeated.

Same phenomenon as last night. The elemental of that kitten, it is obvious that it came out of the

body to take a gigantic and terrible human figure.

Lying on my bed I looked at him, it was frightening in a great way, terrifying, certainly his body

so enormous it did not fit completely in the bed, for which its legs and its feet surpassed my humble

litter. What amazed me the most is that such an elemental, upon abandoning its dense body, could

materialize physically, become visible and tangible to our senses, because we could touch it

with my physical hands and it seemed like iron; I could see him with my physical eyes with a tremendous face. But this time I was not afraid; I set out to exercise complete control over myself

And of course I did.

Then, speaking to him with a slow and firm voice, I demanded that he take me out of the physical body.

telling him: "Get up kitty from this bed!". Saying this, the giant stood up.

Then I continued ordering him: "Get me out of this physical body now, take me in astral!" To the

Saying the latter, that extraordinary giant answered me with the following words: "Give me

your hands"; it is clear that I raised my hands, moments that the elemental took advantage of to

pull me out of the physical body. That strange being was endowed with terrible strength, but

radiated love and it is ostensible that he wanted to serve me. Such are the elementals of Nature.

Already standing in my astral next to the bed and having this mysterious being as a companion, I took

again the word to order him thus: "Take me to the downtown of the City!".

"Follow me," was the response of that colossus. He left the house walking slowly and I

step by step after him. We walked through different parts of the city until we reached in any corner, we stopped for a moment.

It was midnight and I longed to bring the experiment to a successful conclusion. I saw a group of gentlemen

in a corner talking, they were in the physical body and therefore it is unquestionable that they did not

they perceived me, however I wanted to make myself visible and tangible before them, such was my purpose.

Addressing myself to that giant, this nahual of wonders and prodigies, in a sweet tone

but imperatively I gave him a new order: "Pass me now to the world of three dimensions, to the

physical world!" The elemental  then put his two hands on my shoulders in time

which put some pressure on these. I felt that I was leaving the astral world and entering the physical world; I remained visible and tangible before that group of gentlemen who in this place

where they were talking-.

Approaching them, I asked thus:

- What time do you have, gentlemen?

-It's half past twelve at night.

-Thank you, gentlemen, I want to tell you now that I come from the invisible regions and that

I wanted to make myself visible and tangible for you.

Weird words right? Those men looked at each other strangely and I continued telling them:

-See you later gentlemen, I return now again to the invisible world. I begged the elemental

the one who passed me again to the supra-sensible regions and it is unquestionable that the creature

 obeyed immediately. I managed to see the astonishment of all those gentlemen, they felt
horror, dread and they went away from that place.

New orders given to the giant elemental were enough for him to bring me back to the

House. Returning to the room, entering the bedroom, I saw that that mysterious gentleman lost

its gigantic size and penetrated inside the small feline body that lay on the bed,

precisely through the pineal gland located, as is known, in the upper part of the brain. Me

I did the same, I put my astral feet on the mentioned gland of the physical brain and I felt

then inside my dense body to wake up between the bed. I looked at the kitten, I did some

caresses, I thanked him and told him: "I appreciate the service provided, you and I are friends".

With this kind of elementals any occultist can learn to go out in the astral plane conscious and

positively, the important thing is not to be afraid; a lot of courage is needed.

  1. A very special case comes to my mind right now: I once came to a

town and looked for a hotel, but all the hotels were full, there was no hospitality for

no one; however, I got a room in the guest room, there were many beds there

where many guests slept; I paid for the last of these beds that were free

and in it I lay down to sleep. However, it happened that around midnight a man knocked on that house requesting

also accommodation; the owner of that business took him to our room saying: "I don't have

beds see, see, they are all taken". The passenger protested saying: "There are no

hospitality, I will resolve to sleep in this room even if it is on the floor, you put me in it

I step on a, carpet or mat and a pillow for my head because I am very tired”.

The owner of that guest house, moved, willingly agreed to what the man asked.

I was awake seeing and hearing all that, the aforementioned passenger going to bed

on the floor he proposed to fall asleep. I observed details, while the man was awake,

he moved from one side to the other as if wanting to accommodate himself to the hard floor. Suddenly stopped

move and then I saw with astonishment an ovoid grayish cloud that was coming out from between its pores

All over the body. Such a cloud floated for a few moments over that tired body, and for

the latter, standing upright, assumed the form of the pilgrim. He stared at me and

then he left that room walking normally.

This is what always happens in this state of transition between wakefulness and sleep.

Such a pilgrim turned away from his dense form; you all do the same but fit

In unconscious way, I do not want to tell you with this that that gentleman of yore would have made a

conscious exit; however, the same can be done at will, positively conscious.

  1. Comes to my mind some very important episodes related

with the Jinas states. When I began that apprenticeship I certainly had to suffer a

little bit. I lay quietly in bed with my head resting on the palm of my left hand;

 I focused on my Mother Nature and on the Christ begging her with all my heart.

to take me with body of meat and bone to remote places of the earth; when I felt in

state of lassitude, when I began to doze, I would gently get out of bed and go out into the

patio of the house, and there  I take long jumps with the intention of floating in space, many times

it was raining and so I had to endure the water and the cold, dressed in night clothes, and

then seeing that I did not float, I returned to bed to repeat the experiment over and over again,

tirelessly throughout the night; my efforts were enormous, my body was

losing weight, my face was pale and my eyes were full of large dark circles from so much sleeplessness, but

I was stubborn and one of these many days I was successful. In a state of drowsiness I got up from my bed and great was my astonishment when I found three ladies

inside my bedroom, one of them helped me get out of bed, while the other two before

a table they cast lots with some cards to see which of them would take care of my insignificant

person. It is ostensible that luck fell on the one who got me out of bed, she helped me

leaving the room, led me along a corridor that led to the street, opened the gate

 of the house and took me out into the street; then I saw many other people who were equally

engaged in the same work in that town, where they lived at the time.

The lady in question told me that I could float in the environment and by doing so I felt great joy,

I admit that there was a certain lack of prudence in my actions, because as soon as I was full of joy,

launched into the clouds as I rushed to earth to fly over the houses, the towers of the

churches, etc etc

The lady took me to New York, there was a gentleman there who was also working

In the same way, that woman also helped him and took him out of his apartment, so that

We were two travelers of the fourth dimension. We crossed the Atlantic Ocean and then

we flew over Europe passing through different cities in ruins, because we were in the Second

World War.

That man told me: "I don't know what I see in you, but the only thing I know is that within yourself there is

a lot of philosophy and a lot of occultism". I replied: "Certainly I am an occultist and

esotericist and my name is Samael Aun Weor".

The gentleman warned me about the dangers that existed in the lands of Europe; told me that

we were very careful because if we were to get out of the fourth vertical, we would fall into

those countries without documents of any kind, for which they would assassinate us or put us in jail.

"You are right, I replied, in no way should we abandon the fourth


During the journey we stopped for a few moments to enter a dressmaker's house, the lady who

was driving us, she expressed her desire to help some people who lived there,


we stayed inside the next room talking.. When we get out of that

house with our guide, we continue floating over the sky of Europe to reach the place that

we proposed. Having made the required investigations, I said goodbye to my guide and the

friend and so I returned home.

You see, distinguished friends, how with will and patience you can learn to put your

physical body within the fourth dimension.

  1. My friends, it is good that you know that there are enchanted lands, regions of

"The Thousand and One Nights" and that all this belongs to the fourth dimension. Nature has

wonders and prodigies.

I remember that in one of my trips that I made through America, I arrived at the house of a

child who was very sick; crows, buzzards, etc.,

 stood on the roof of that house. Doctors had previously predicted that the

child would die

What astonishes is that such a bird, which evidently unfolds in the Ray of Saturn,

guess so correctly and know with absolute precision the place where one creature was going   to die;

 It is not superfluous to assert that in reality such a child died without medical science being able to

save him. There is no doubt that these types of birds from the sky fulfill a beautiful mission, cleaning the

nature of all rot. It is clear that they have faculties that allow them to know the

place where someone has to die. All this invites us to reflect on the powers of


  1. On a certain occasion I had to leave the physical body at will, it is clear that I know

Unfold myself and therefore this is not a problem for me. I moved myself to the Secret Order of

Tibet, this congregation has its monastery in the fifth dimension.

There I was engaged in esoteric work together with the other brothers of the Order. However

It happened that the physical body that I had left asleep in the bed, here in the capital city, since he had been sleeping for many hours, he exhausted his

deep sleep state staying awake. However, I could not return to the physical body

 because in no way did I want to interrupt my work in the monastery, I was very

occupied; I continued to support myself there in Tibet by force of will, since it is obvious

that the awakened body attracts the soul.

However that situation was a bit embarrassing for me, because Well, it didn't stop

interfere in my activities  within the monastery, I was left with no choice but to concentrate

in my Mother Nature and beg her to take out my physical body that was lying in the other side of the planet and

brought it to the Secret Order of Tibet. My Mother agreed to my requests by taking the physical body out of the bed and putting it inside

the fourth dimension, transporting it to the monastery in Tibet. In those moments in my Astral body

 I was talking with other brothers of the order, when I began to feel about

my shoulders a strange pressure, this was for me the signal that my physical body was

 coming, and it certainly was.

I did such an experiment for the purpose of not being hindered in my esoteric work while

I worked in the Far East.

Who learns to unfold at will, can carry out this experiment by himself, move away

of his physical body and then invoke him from wherever he is.

Mother Nature always helps us, when we really know how to love her.

  1. There is a law in the world of the fourth dimension, and it is that all things return to their

original starting point; many Jinas people spend the whole night away from home with

body of flesh and blood and floating in the atmosphere they return to their home when it is already scratching the

dawn, when it is already dawn.

The interesting thing about the case is that when it returns to its bed upon returning to his bed, the body remains in the same

position it had before getting up


On a certain occasion, when I left my house with my physical body inside the fourth

dimension, I had to open the door to go outside, normally this one should have

remained hermetically closed, but as an exceptional case, such a door was left open. Yet

I have not explained the reason.

On another occasion I took a pot from home in which there was a beautiful plant, the pot returned

on its own to the original starting point. I want you to be practical, I want you to become Jinas people, I want you to be

true occultists, not mere theoreticians.

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