- Being precisely in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness, I had to request
to the Father to show me the synthesis of my most recent works in the burning Forge of
Vulcan; then the Father took me to a great city, one of those Jinas cities,( in fifth dimension ) magical cities
of which there are four important in Europe. There is another in Yucatan,
founded in ancient times by the Tuatha of Danand, who were, among other things, great Jinas travelers.
Well, there I found many adepts, adepts of different degrees of splendor; I even found
Adeptus Excentus. Do you know what Adeptus Excentus is? It means Adeptus Excentus of Karma,
that they owe no karma; in esotericism it is said Adeptus Excentus.
Of course, among all of us we organize an excursion to the top of a mountain of the Being; great it was
such an excursion, in the superior worlds of Cosmic Consciousness one goes through the transcendental experiences
divine, formidable. When we managed to reach the top with the spirit of
meeting Yod-Heve, the Ancient of Days, we were pleasantly surprised to find him
transformed into a towering palm tree; the palm is the symbol of victory, of the victory of
Crestos, Christ. All the adepts prostrated themselves on the ground to worship Yod-Heve. You knew that
that palm tree was my Real Being, the Ancient of Days, that is, the Interior of my Interior, to
speak this time in the language of the Pistis Sophia, in an esoteric, allegorical language.
Of course, I advanced, and since the astral body has a certain elasticity, ductility,
it was not difficult to increase its size to take that palm tree here, as they say by the
neck, grab it tightly to my chest and caress its leaves, its branches. I know Those venerable, looked at me with terror, there was only a clamor
they were astonished to see how I took the Ancient of Days in nothing less than that way; plus
then that palm tree became a great tower, the Tower of my Inner Temple; of my own
cathedral, that tower corresponds to the head of the Divine. It was all tattooed, full of precious stones,
had arms and hands, the fingers were conical and full of precious stones, distilled
myrrh and happiness.
Surprisingly, the Great Face, the Mercy of Mercies, the Ancient of Days,
He handed me a pen with his right hand and said: "Write these things." I replied: “Yes, yes.
My Father, I will obey you.” "Write all this for the good of humanity."
The adepts fell, they did not dare to utter a single word, but they were perplexed,
amazed at the unusual.
"Heaven is taken by assault." Undoubtedly it takes tremendous steps to achieve the
King Solomon's Cup, no matter what it takes, even if the world comes crashing down.
Those who remain only worshiping, but do not grasp the Palm of Victory with
Strong determination, they fail in the Great Work.
- In the Old Testament we discover a very interesting passage from Daniel. It is says that
King Nebuchadnezzar cast Daniel into the lions' den; however none of them
dared to harm him, rather they licked his feet. Astonished, Nebuchadnezzar did take out
Daniel from that pit.
That is an esoteric test, such a test must be passed by every Initiate.
In the name of truth, I must confess that several times I had to go through such a tremendous test and
Several times I failed at it. At last one of those many days I was subdued in the superior worlds
of cosmic consciousness to such a test: I saw myself again as Daniel in the den of lions, but
this time full of love I opened my arms to those beasts saying: "Now I am not afraid of them,
devour me if you want, brothers, there is no fear in me, because I love you!" Before my eyes those lions were transformed into men, it was a group of masters of the
White Brotherhood in disguise, and the most venerable of them, approaching, gave me an esoteric hug
and told me: "It is for you to see what the force of love is. You have triumphed in the
test, we congratulate you".
Since then, I really know what the force of love is, it is a terrible power with which
one can dominate the most frightening beasts in the universe, there is no beast, there is no feline that
can resist the force of love, it is therefore not a weakness, nor a simple emotion, but a
force of cosmic, universal order, a force with which one can fight the scariest monsters
in the world.
So there is no one weak after having dissolved the ego, rather, there is enough
strong enough to dominate the worst adversities, enough to defeat the worst enemies.
- On a certain occasion it occurred to me to go to a cinema, many years ago. the movie was
very romantic: A couple of lovers who loved each other, who adored each other and I was very interested in
seeing that pair of lovers, those poses, those words... What looks!... I am delighted
looking at them there; At last the movie ended and I went home very calmly.
Being at home I felt sleepy and went to bed, then that night I went to the world of the mind,
there I found a woman like the one I had admired in the movie, she was up
pretty and was in front of me; I sat down with her at a table to have a drink. Came the
sweet words, very similar to those in the movie by the way. In conclusion: well, I did not arrive
even chemical intercourse or anything like that, but there was no lack of kisses, hugs, caresses,
tenderness and fifty thousand things like that.
I am narrating a story from twenty years ago, it is not from now, because now I do not go to the cinemas,
but at that time I did go to a movie.
Conclusion: The scene was not very good, a little erotic. Suddenly the landscape changed
and I descended from the world of the mind to the astral world (they are two different worlds). At get to
astral world I was inside a great temple and I was able to verify that a master had
been analyzing me. Of course, inside I said to myself: "I screwed up." I withdrew a few steps to wait to see what would happen, and suddenly that master sent me a
paper with the guardian of the temple. I read the paper and it said: "Remove yourself immediately from this
Temple, but with Inri!” (Inri is "conserving the fire"). Since I had not fornicated,
Not I went from tenderness.
Well, so, I said to myself: "No way, this is bad, this is serious."
And very slowly I left, I advanced through the corridor of the central nave and before leaving the temple
I realized that it was the Temple of Mental Representations, of mental effigies...
Before leaving the temple, I humbly knelt on a prie-dieu asking for compassion,
have a little mercy on my insignificant person, who had screw up. So I was in my prayers, when suddenly the Guardian comes
back to me and said, "Sir, you have been ordered to stand down!"
"Of course", I told him, but it was that I wanted to talk to the master to expose
my reasons." Then he replied: "The master is busy now, he is examining other
effigies of the Mental World".
That's when I came to realize that who I had been with was with a mental effigy
created by myself, I had created it in the middle of the cinema, that effigy had taken on a life of its own in the
mental world, she was a woman exactly like the actress I had seen in the movie; so
that in my poor mind I had reproduced it and now in the world of the mind I had
found face to face with the effigy created by myself. The master continued to examine
other effigies of other initiates, I had no choice but to leave the temple, I returned to my physical body.
All the next day I was very sad, regretting having gone to the movies. "What a screwed up -I said- I should not have gone”. See what I was to create: a mental effigy
That is to say that I was very so sorry, I waited for the night to come to see what we were up to,
I asked forgiveness fifty thousand million times to Christ, to the Intimate Christ, because He is the only one who
can forgive me for that screw-up.
The next night I asked with all my heart that they repeat the test, that I felt capable of doing it.
come out victorious, no more tenderness or caresses for that mental effigy, etc. They certainly granted my request for proof. They took me in my mental body to the same
place, at the same table, I met again the lady of dreams, the actress who
had seen on the screen; The tenderness was about to start again and I remembered the question;
I immediately unsheathed the flaming sword and said: "With me you can't, you are no more
that a mental form created by my mind!" And right there I made use of the flaming one and turned into
pieces that mental effigy. It turned to dust...
After that, then I was called to the Astral Temple again, I entered the Astral Temple this time
victorious, triumphant, they received me with a lot of music, a party; then came the
instructions telling me not to go back to theaters because I could lose the sword.
They took me to the astral to show me what cinemas are, which were full of mental effigies,
the effigies left by spectators. Everything that one is living there on screen,
specially when it is morbid, everything is reproduced in the minds of the people, the same figures, the
same shapes. Those who leave the place leave multitudes of mental forms in those dens of black magic.
In conclusion, I was told that instead of going to theaters I should review my previous lives, which is
more useful than going to those cinemas. I complied with the order and it is clear that I stopped going to theaters.
But what was it that harmed me? Well, having identified myself with that movie that was
proyected; I thought she was so interesting, and that lady seemed so beautiful to me at that time,
that I myself came to feel like the heartthrob and not the one on the screen, but me. Result: failure. This
It happened 20 or 22 years ago, but I haven't forgotten it.
Listening to the message and living it is the most indicated at this time. Those who want to wake up
his conscience must listen and live this message.
- Any Dhiani Boddisattwa, not only me, has created the existential Superior bodies
of the Being in other periods of cosmic manifestation, not precisely now. My case
it is not particular, it is not the only one, it is one of the many cases that there are, let's say, in the Megalo-Cosmos.
Although we know that cosmic days and nights exist, all worlds have
activity times and rest times. That I have created the superior existential bodies of the Being in a world that has already disappeared, there is nothing unusual or strange about that.
I gave them life in the same way that you can here on planet Earth do.
I am only saying, then, that my existential bodies are not created on planet Earth, therefore
as Inner Man I am not from planet Earth. On planet Earth I am a foreigner, I am
original from another planet.
As for my guru, he was the one who instructed me in an ancient world; I venerate him
profoundly, he is basically the author of all the self-realized and independent, autonomous parts,
of my own Being; therefore I venerate him; thanks to him I was able to learn the science that
allowed me to create the Superior Existential Bodies of the Being.