I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time to continue to give you hope. To continue to provide further understandings of all that is happening in your lives, and all of the lives of the collective consciousness of man throughout the planet. For this is that time that you have heard about for so long now, that has been predicted for so long, the Great Changeover that is in process now.

Do not become disheartened by things that you are seeing within the illusion. Because as you have heard many times, it is simply that: it is an illusion. It is a show, a movie, that is playing out, if you see it that way.

And if you see it that way, you can continue to go on with your lives, not being held down in the quagmire, in the muck, of the third-dimensional illusionary expression. For you are beyond that now.

We have told you, you are no longer in the third-dimensional expression, except when you let yourselves be there. You let yourselves become disheartened. And you let yourself become discouraged, disillusioned.

But when you find yourself in the fourth dimension, and even fifth dimension, then all that is happening external to you has very little meaning to you in your life. That is where you need to continue to be: in the higher expression of the fourth and fifth dimensions.

And when you can be in that fifth-dimensional expression, you feel the bliss. You feel the letting go process where you can literally go with the flow, as you have heard many times. Just go with the flow of creation, of life, of love. Just go with it.

And If you do that, when you do that, you will continue to find yourselves flying high, soaring into the heavens with your own being. Because you will no longer be held back. Held back by the hatred, held back by the old programming of fear, of jealousy, and all of the other various emotions that can beseech you in the third-dimensional illusionary expression. That is not where you want to be now.

Of course, certain moments of your life, the old programming will come up. And when it comes up, become aware of it, as just that: memories holding programming that continues to move you in certain directions, continues to move your ego to assert itself. Because it can still continue to maintain control.

But as you know, you are taking control of your ego more and more. And when you do that, your ego will step aside, and will let the higher levels of yourself come forward. That is where you are all headed now, all working toward. All being trained to be ready to accept the changes within yourself.

And there are many, many changes that are happening within all of you now.

Yes, there are changes outside of yourself in the external world, certainly, but there are so many changes that are happening within you, within your DNA processes, with your DNA reconnecting to bring about much more change within you. And in doing so, without you even knowing it most of the time. But there are those moments, whether in your dream state or your waking state, that you become aware, more fully aware that you are so much more than just this physical body, this consciousness within a physical body. Because it is your consciousness first, and then your physical form.

Continue now, each and every day, moving forward now, even each and every moment, moving forward with your various thought processes. Keep thinking in positive fashion, knowing that everything is indeed working out for the greater good of all of the collective consciousness of man.

And as everything continues on, you are going to find what we have said many times, nothing can stop what is coming. You will fully learn the full ramifications of that, and why we have been saying this. Why you have been hearing it from so many different sources. Because, my brothers and sisters, now indeed is the time to be ready for it.

I am Sananda, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to fully more and more realize who you are, what you are here for, and how you can continue to move everything forward in a positive fashion.

**Channel: James McConnell

**Source 1 2

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