I am Sananda. I come to be with you at this time, these times that are changing rapidly.

For you are in the midst right now of a great changeover. Not quite the Great Changeover that will accompany The Event, or the Great Solar Flash, but the changeover that is leading to all of that which is taking you out of the old third-dimensional expression, or that illusionary expression, and taking you into the higher fourth dimension and fifth-dimensional expression of your creation.

For you are the Creator, just as you have created. As a collective, you have created the third-dimensional expression sometimes as the Light Workers, and sometimes as the dark workers in times past. But together you have created this illusionary expression of the third dimension: created the cities, created the villages, created all of the land around you, created everything here within this illusion. But just as you have created that, you are now creating the new expression of the Golden Age of Gaia. You are creating that.

And all is coming together as it needs to. Because as you continue to create the new expression, you are leaving the old behind. And more and more, Gaia is letting go of the old, making way, making room for those to expand beyond the old third dimension, expand into the fourth and fifth dimension, and even beyond that, still holding a place for those that are yet asleep, those that are yet to awaken.

But awaken they shall. Just as you have awakened, so too shall they. In their time, whatever their time frame is, they will awaken as well. Whether it is in this lifetime or lifetimes to come beyond, even on other planets, other systems. They will find their way, just as you have found your way.

But you were always destined, you, being the Light-workers and the Light-warriors, You were always destined to be here now in these moments. You, the Chosen Ones, the ones that chose to be here, and then were given that opportunity. And an opportunity it is.

Even though you look around yourselves and wish you weren’t here any longer. We know that many of you do that from time to time: “Why am I still here? Why do I have to go through this?” But the answer is always the same: you are here to go through this. You are here to be a part of this, to bring this into fruition. For without you, there could be no fruition. There could be no crescendo. There could be no finish line. But because of you, you have created the opportunity for all of this to come forward, all of the truth to come forward and be revealed.

And it is now in these moments being revealed. For those in the shadows are being brought out of the shadows and being shown for what they are, that they do not hold the truth, that they have kept the truth from the collective consciousness of man. But no longer can they do that. Their time is up. The experiment is over. It has been over for some time. But they, those of the dark forces’ expression here on the planet, have done all they could to keep the experiment going so that they could be the ones in control. But no longer are they in control. Because those of the White Hats, or your Alliance, or whatever you want to call them, the Forces of Light, are fully in charge.

Even if it may not show that to be as you look at it from your physical eyes, but if you open up your third eye and are able to see what those around you cannot see or are not ready to see, but you see it. You see it for what it is. You see it for the Light having already won this battle, and even the war. For the war is over here. They only continue to hold that illusion of war and battle. But if you do not see the battles, if you do not see the war, then it is not there! That is all you need to know.

For you are creating the new expression. You are creating the new world without wars, without battles. As long as you, the collective you, continue to see it, the New Earth, in that way, then those that attempt to hold on to the Old Earth are not able to do so.

For your mind that has held you in that illusion is now being replaced by the heart openings within all of you. And as the heart opens up and lets love come forth, love conquers all. There is nothing that can hold back love. Not fear, not hate. Nothing that can hold back love. Just as there is nothing that can hold back the light. The light of love.

This is your expression, my friends. This is your life. This is your time. And together, all of us together, we can move forward into the higher expression here that was destined for this planet as you are fully moving through your ascension process. And as a collective consciousness, you are moving together in this ascension. Together, ascending as man within the light of love.

I am Sananda. And I lave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. That you would continue to go forth and share and spread the light of love within you to all corners of the planet as you are able to.

**Channel: James McConnell

**Source 1 2

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