I am Sananda, and I come to be with you at this time in these; indeed changing times of higher and higher energies ( Solar Flash ) that are coming in, that are no longer being filtered as much as they were previously, but are being allowed to flow freely into the planet, into the population, into the central nervous systems of more and more people.
And that more and more people are able now to begin to anchor these energies, to hold these energies. And not to be in a sense destroyed by these energies, they can handle them more and more now. You see that happening now, more and more across the planet.
And know that it is happening more and more. More and more people are able to again hold and anchor these energies, and then spread the energies. And as they are doing that, it is creating a; what you would call a division, a division between those of more of the darkness and those of the light. And of course there are those in the middle realm, those that are not of dark, and not fully of the light yet, but are moving in that way, moving in that expression, the same expression, the same awakening that each of you have had, and are continuing to have.
You are all awakening, more and more to who you are, and yes indeed these energies can create quite a shift and change within you, a shift in consciousness within you, one minute you can hold these energies and feel them and be high up in the heavens in a sense, in a blissful feeling, and the next you can be fall back into a, what might be considered a quagmire. Being held back, held down, but then to rise again once more, and that is what you are all going through at this point, one minute up, the next down, the next up, the next down.
But more and more you’re going to find, and more of you are finding now, that you can hold these vibrations longer and longer, these higher vibrations longer and longer to hold and anchor the light more and more and more, and not fall back so much, and even if you do fall back, you quickly realize it, you quickly know that you have indeed fallen back and can now rise above it. Rise up once again to the higher levels of consciousness of who you are, and I say who you are, not who you are becoming, who you already are, you have never not been that higher level of consciousness, it is just your mind and your programming that have held you back from realizing and remembering fully who you are.
So allow the ( Solar Flash ) energies, know that they are coming in, know that there are many reasons for these energies coming in, in terms of planetary alignments, in terms of lunar eclipses, solar eclipses, whatever it is, it is all coming together as one, to bring about these; what have been called, timeline shifts. And indeed these times are changing and are shifting.
And as the timeline shift as you continue to move up into the higher vibrational frequencies and higher consciousness, then you begin to have those experiences where you may be seeing into other dimensional frequencies, where you may be feeling higher levels of consciousness at various times.
So allow it to be, allow it to happen, and even if the energies tend to, as you might say, kick your butts, that is okay, let it happen, let it be, and then rise again, always rise again to meet the next day, to meet the next moment, however that might turn out for you.
Just continue to move forward, continue to rise to the occasion; you might say, rise to the energies, and allow them to transform you.
I am Sananda- (Jesus) and I leave you now in peace and love and oneness, and that you continue indeed to rise and continue to move forward in the moment, moment to moment, always, always moving forward, moment to moment.