
The first thing on my mind....Since tomorrow is 9/11, let me rush this transcript up on the blog today. Sanat talks about his duties as planetary logos, the global currency reset, the chaotic nodes, the Event, President Obama and Syria, and 9/11.

Sanat’s enigmatic comment that “silence is golden” is we think a clue as to when the reval will happen. When the intel/dinar gurus fall silent, because they are being prevented from speaking, the reval is very close. Many are silent, in total or in part, at the present time.

If the decision were left up to me, I’d choose it to happen on 9/11 (or the day after) because Sept. 11, 2001 was the day when NESARA was to be declared and was undercut by the events of that day. We know many people love symbolism. But of course my predictive success has been a perfect zero. And it isn’t up to me.

Substantial information as always from the chief overseer of our Ascension. Thanks to Ellen for a speedy turnaround.
An Hour with an Angel with Sanat Kumara, September 9, 2013

Geoffrey West: Greetings and blessings to all. Welcome to another Hour with an Angel with Linda Dillon, channel for the Council of Love and author of the book The Great Awakening. Joining her this evening is Steve Beckow, founder of the website Golden Age of Gaia.com and author of Building Nova Earth: Towards a World that Works for Everyone.

I’m Geoffrey West, sitting in for Graham Dewyea this evening.
Our guest is Sanat Kumara, or Raj, as he likes to be called. And Raj will be explaining in a bit more detail his role as planetary logos and will offer an update on events currently unfolding at this time. With that, I turn things over to you, Steve.

Steve Beckow: Thank you very much, Geoff. And just before we begin, I’d like to turn to Linda. Linda, you realize that we’ll be in Joshua Tree during the fall equinox on September 21-22, which are the dates of the alleged “Event.” Shall we strew rose petals over the group?

Linda Dillon: Well, I think we’re going to strew a lot of energy over the group. And, Steve, as our roving ambassador, if you want to bring rose petals, that would be great!

SB: [laugh] I will collect them on my journey down! Definitely. What update have you on the progress of the conference?

LD: Well, the progress of the conference is fabulous, I think. I’m eating, drinking, sleeping Joshua Tree at this moment, and I think a number of us are. Right now our numbers stand just under a hundred, and in preparation for the conference there’s been a number of emails that have gone out to participants giving them various meditations to prepare themselves and to be in that space.

Last night, on Lift Your Spirit, Taka, who will be joining us at the conference, did a wonderful meditation to etherically prepare the physical space for the gathering. But the energy is certainly, certainly building.

You know, the Council never does anything that doesn’t have probably a much greater significance than we even initially realize. And they were very clear, It was they who chose the date of September 20th, 21, 22, which is the rise in consciousness. It’s also nine months to the day since December 21st, 2012. And I think for all of us it’s the end of a gestation period.

And we have been, in many ways, I think, in the Mother’s womb and in Gaia’s womb, very deeply connected and allowing our energies to grow, to become, our fields to expand. And so I think a big piece of this, of what we’re doing in the gathering at Joshua Tree as the New You is stepping into our new role as nova beings. So it’s another level of initiation and attunement. It’s another expansion. And it’s coming together in unity and community as a soul family. So we’re really excited. Thanks for asking.

SB: Sure. I’m excited! Is there an upper limit on the number of people who can come?

LD: Well, an interesting thing happened this past week with the folks at Joshua Tree. They unilaterally changed our meeting room from a room that would hold comfortably, with people lying down for meditation, about 200 people to the Sanctuary, which is a very sacred geometry and holds 500 people. It was built by Frank Lloyd Wright. It’s an octagonal building.

So, after I got over my complaining, I thought, there’s a reason for this. Now, we only have access to a hundred and I think thirteen beds at the retreat center, but there are local hotels close by that we’ve been, one by one, filling up. So, is there an upper limit? At this point I would say no. Everybody’s welcome. If you decide the day before that this is something you have to do, call us.

SB: Okay. Well, we’re expecting the global currency reset soon. Nobody knows when it’s going to happen. But I can well imagine that if it did happen before the conference, a lot more people would want to come along.

LD: The link for that is on the Golden Age of Gaia website, I should mention that. If you need more information, that’s where you go.

SB: Very good. Thank you very much. Let me give you a few seconds to transition. And we’re going to be welcoming Sanat Kumara, who is the planetary logos. Welcome, Raj.

Sanat Kumara/Raj: And welcome to you. Yes, I am Sanat Kumara, known to you as Raj, known to you as brother of gold, as planetary logos.

I embrace each and every one of you this evening. As we gather together as one circle, one family, one unit, above and below, for always we have been in this journey together as one. And that is truly what the event, what the gathering of the Council of Love, what the Ascension, the transition, the shift - however you think of it - is. It’s the deep anchoring and the expansion within your sacred being, within your heart, your mind, your will, your body, your spirit, that you are one with All, and that there is no differentiation.

Are you unique, delightful and blessed? You most certainly are. But at the same time, you are but a link on a bracelet or a chain. It is a beautiful chain, but it is one chain. It is one grid. And we have always been in this union.

So what you are coming to realize as your consciousness is expanding, delightfully and gracefully, is that we are in this together.
So what is my role? It is to assist you in this awakening, in this remembering, and in this anchoring in the consciousness and the fullness of your being.
I am pleased to be here!

Sanat’s Role as Planetary Logos

SB: And we’re pleased to have you here, Raj. You just mentioned a bit of your role in the Ascension. The word “logos,” the Greek word for “word,” refers to the Divine Mother, does it not? She is the Word of God. The Father is silent; the Mother is the voice in the silence.
Listeners have asked me, what does a planetary logos do? Can you give us a description of what your position of responsibility entails, please?

R: I would be pleased to address this. For it is really quite an unusual title is it not? Planetary logos.

SB: Yes.

R: And you are correct in your interpretation of linking my role to the service of the Mother and of the One. I am part of the movement, of the action of the anchoring. Let me give you a slight overview.
The plan of the Mother, the divine expansion infinitely of the Mother, began, obviously, before you ever even knew or thought of time. But within her plan, every element was always addressed and present - the diversity, the beauty and the plan of unfoldment.

In my service, and in my love to the Divine Mother and with the Divine Mother, and particularly following the Ascension and the anchoring of that Ascension with Venus, I stepped forward with her request to offer my service to be the overseer of the unfoldment of the plan of Gaia.

Now, when I say this, you can think of every aspect of this unfoldment. So it is not just Gaia herself, this wondrous, sentient being of the highest realm, and her journey back to the One, but it is everything that has been and is and will be created upon this planet during this unfoldment, and particularly with emphasis, during this time of Ascension, of humanity and of all the kingdoms, and of course of Gaia herself.

I am the ascended master who, even before I assumed this role as planetary Logos, works throughout the multiverse with the universal law. That was one of my first and foremost services to the Mother, to bring into understanding - you can imagine in how many forms - how the truth of the Father/Mother One translates operationally.

Now, of course, part of the unfoldment and Ascension of Gaia is also the return and the full implementation and anchoring, alignment, with universal law in the consciousness of all beings, and particularly human beings. Now, this is also related and part of the anchoring of what you have called the divine qualities, and what the Council has called the thirteen blessings and virtues.

When you think of, say, a massive construction project, and think of this construction project as the bringing-forth of a city of light, there are many aspects to it. There is the building, the literal, physical building of places to live, to work, to play, to heal, to gather, to celebrate, to practice your arts, to learn, to be educated.

So there are the physical aspects - roads, sidewalks - but not the way you think of them in the current reality! But there is also the anchoring or alignment of these qualities of beingness that allow the city to function.

So there are many, many construction crews, if you would - some that take care of the healing, some that take care of the spirit, some that take care of the emotions. Now, these are all links in the same chain. But I am the coordinator. I am the master planner.

So I guide and direct my teams, seen and unseen. So do not think as planetary logos that I am doing all the work. Quite the contrary! And there are many of you who are lightworkers who are part of these various construction teams.

Now, in the realm of the archangels, my counterpart, you can think of it, is Archangel Gabrielle/Gabriel, because he/she is also in charge of the administration for the Mother. So, we work very closely together.

But Gabrielle’s responsibilities are broader, and mine are very focused on the unfoldment of the Mother’s plan, and particularly what we often call the becoming. And what we mean by this term is the becoming of humanity back in the very eternal Now to the truth and the wholeness and original design of who you are.

And then once that is fully anchored - and that is what you think of as Ascension - then you are progressing with your further expansion and eagerly embracing not only your creation abilities but your multi-dimensional self.

So that is my job. Now, we have talked or referenced in other conversations that at some point I will leave this role and assume my future role, my new role - yes, still in that eternal flow of now as universal logos.

So many have asked me, “Well, when does that occur? When are you planning on leaving? When are you vacating your desk?”
Well, I do not plan to leave, first of all, until each and every one of you - you, my beloved friends - have made your transition through the Ascension portal.

Now, there are many - and I would say they are correct - that suggest that Ascension is at hand. Many of you, knowingly and unknowingly, have already passed through the Ascension portal, consciously and unconsciously.

Now, the task at hand is also to have this transition and this literal lifting-up, becoming, anchored in your conscious heart, mind and body. And the fact that you are experiencing, many of you, greater ease, a greater sense of grace, a greater sense of connection, and disconnection at the same time, is indicative of that awakening and becoming.

But it is not that you all fly through the Ascension portal and then I leave. I have worked, labored, joyously in the service to the Mother on this task for a very, very long time. My history is long. I will stay and I will see the fulfillment of that promise as well, for I have no desire to not witness, and to be part of, the harvest of this very diligent work that I have undertaken with many, many teams.

Often Michael refers to his legions, and each of you know beyond a shadow of a doubt who you are. But there are many of you who still question - Why am I here? What is my sacred purpose? What am I intended to do? What was my plan within the plan?

Very often, my friends, if that level of uncertainty is within you, it is simply that you have not fully turned in my direction. I do not say this critically. I am saying it is time. You are part of my construction teams on the ground, with Gaia. And so, this day I beckon to you, not only to awaken, but to get to work with me, because the time is nigh.

Does this explain to you my role, which is a very generic role? If you took this role and you applied it to another planet, it would be basically the same, by the way. But is this clear to you?

Global Currency Reset

SB: Yes, it is. And, interestingly, I have several more questions on the subject, but I think I’m going to have to leave that perhaps until the end of the program, if we have time, because we have a number of other subjects to cover. But thank you for that. I’ve long wondered about that myself. And thanks to the listener who asked.
Let’s turn now to the global currency reset. Can you tell us what remaining work needs to be done on that? In other words, what are we waiting for at this moment?

R: In this moment that you are truly feeling in this regard is an eternal Now?

SB: Yes!

R: Yes. I will speak to it, and I will tell you that there is very little that remains to be done. I will be somewhat repetitive, because I will say to you pretty much what Archangel Michael has said to you.
My beloved friends, there are a number of things I am asking you, each of you, to do that is very practical. First, detach from any form of fear, trepidation, concern, because these also reflect lack of self-worth, lack of self-love, lack of trust. Detach from that level of anxiety that so many of you [are feeling].

Yes, it is absolutely correct and certainly acceptable and allowed to be excited, to anticipate, to plan. This is part of creation work and it is part of what you are doing. And whether you understand it or not, when you stay in that frame of mind and in that frame of heart, what you are doing is energizing the movement of this process.

Send energy, and continue to send, and of course I am very partial to gold. But whatever energy you feel like that you are inspired to send, send it to those who are the ground crew, the people at the teller wickets, at the ATMs, on the worker level of bringing this to fruition. Because this is a massive, massive undertaking.

Now, there have been many dramas that have been human concocted. Some are real, some are simply full illusion, that try to distract individuals and groups from this process. Do not buy into this. Hold the space for the fulfillment of this undertaking. Simply know that you, each and every one of you, are in a position to give and to receive, to receive and to give.

So, in terms of what remains to be done, what I say to you is precious little. Simply hold the space and allow. And yes, I will repeat what my colleague has been saying, and I do say ‘colleague’. Silence is golden. (1)

SB: All right. I don’t think it’s necessarily a case of excitement about the reval, Raj, as financial necessity. Many of us are really at the end of our financial ropes. So I think that’s why we’re trying to get a sense of when we can expect this blessing.

What progress has occurred that you can report on with the prosperity programs? (2) They’re said to be 30 percent done, starting with the east coast. Is that a true statement? And when - generally; not dates, of course - can people in the lightworker community expect to see their arrival?

R: Well, I wonder what people mean when they say “east coast.” It is peculiar reference, is it not? Because what you can think of as many of the prosperity programs - because they are anchored all over the globe, first of all - you can think of it as a shot of sunlight going out, and the beam goes out equally, above, below, sideways. So it covers a great deal of territory.

The prosperity programs have begun in earnest, and yes, having said, do not just look to certain coastal areas, for that would be unequal, and impractical, by the way. But they have already begun, and I would not say that they are at the 30 percent mark, I would say more that they are at the 8 to 10 percent mark. So that is another bureaucratic undertaking. But that is underway, but it is less hampered by bureaucratic obstacles because this is more of an individual action or a group action that is not weighed down by bureaucracy.

So both of these situations - and as planetary logos I am very aware of financial stress, both individually, collectively, by nation, by group.
And from our perspective, do we think in terms of money? Not necessarily. But we do think in terms of freedom.

We do recognize - and this has been part of my job - there have been certain groups, and particularly those who have worked for change and for love, who have been financially disenfranchised, stymied, shackled. Well, let me be very clear, the shackles have been removed, and your freedom is at hand.

(Continued in Part 2.)


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