
Matrix means puzzle, so ascension, moving into your complete design, is using the same puzzle pieces you are locked in with but rearranging them, to their positions  which make your puzzle position, the way in which you are arranged, the complete and full you...you can access the matrix where it passes through your physical and energetic, and again this is your thoughts...What I would recommend is to ‘interrupt’ your thought train.  Abruptly. Just like that. Right in the middle of a logical progressing and growing thought train.  Just bring it to a halt.



May 8, 2012


The Matrix, when it passes through you, takes the form of your thoughts.  To challenge the matrix doesn’t mean exactly to only address outer conditions, as you yourself see and view all of that through your mind, which if blended in the matrix,is a compromised instrument.  The Matrix that deafens the rings of all the levels of glory, and of oneness,
So as it cannot even be heard or even less felt by you except as a deafened voice or a faint knowing memory.  You must challenge the matrix in its most insidious form, your thoughts.  Their nature is under the control patterns of the Matrix.  So to try to break out of the matrix using your current version of thoughts is corrupted before you get started
Matrix means puzzle, so ascension, moving into your complete design,
Is using the same puzzle pieces you are locked in with but rearranging them,
to their positions  which make your puzzle position, the way in which you
are arranged, the complete and full you.
So the challenge is within you to work with this.


Okay, you can access the matrix where it passes through your physical and energetic,  and again this is your houghts. Now, changing your thoughts would be an approach I consider much less direct, as generally you just get another piece of the duality pie. What I would recommend is to ‘interrupt’ your thought train. Abruptly. Just like that. Right in the middle of a logical progressing and growing thought train. Just bring it to a halt. Don’t suppress your awareness and presentness. Remain very present and say with your intent ‘stop’  ‘now.  And hold that place.  You be in command.  That will be your first success.

That will make possible, or, grant you access to, the second  as I call it miracle.
And that is, you will find that the you you thought you were is irrelevant
(its limited grasp of things is not everything you wanted}.


Free from who you felt you are.
Another words, you and we want you to be able to transcend limited versions of yourself.
Your idea of yourself is intertwined with your mental scripts.
That is your mechanism for interpretation.
When we interrupt that, the matrix within you goes on pause,
And you have a more open window for a few moments within which to look for yourself.
To look and see through the window of more of yourself.
Very good!

Secondly, I address that some of you have become lazy minded as a result of real pain,
and  have all but ceased performing the energetic act of trying to look inward to the greater self and thus greater freedom to be.  It is you primarily that I am now interested in tonight.
I do not want to belabor the point, but you are passing up a series of golden opportunities.
Energy configurations and pronounced movement and flow of those energies on your planet.
Because you are covered in pain, it is difficult to seek , or really go within.
It is like trying to move double your weight, or like mired in lower vibrations.
I understand.


Yet, I tell you also that you can get stronger, and activate yourself even with the pain.
You carry as a heavy heavy weight. Still you can learn to move, move forward,
so look within even if it really hurts. Choose one of your practices if you like.
You will get stronger if you make yourself focus during your practice times,
Even if theyare for but a moment.


If you don’t have one and want one, I will give you a nice one now.
Stretch a bit, even seconds, then pray as you feel any discomfort.
Honor the life and movement of your energy.
Remember all life is sacred even if it can not feel it,  cannot yet be fully conscious of that.
It is not important whether you feel good or bad.
It is important that you are feeling energy which has moved rather than energy which is just sitting.
Then, if wish, you may follow your breathing for a few minutes, paying attention to feeling
the breath through the throat and entering your chest, and the same idea during the exhalation.

That will separate you from who you think you are.

I Am Sananda

Through hilarion
May  7,  2012



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  • You give no credit to the Father?

  • Thank you.

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