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In summary

The soul known as Satan has recently rejoined the Light, walking again the soul path of a Creator Son and a God Creatrix. We welcome him home. His journey of oneness into light into darkness and out of duality again, is a lesson by Creator, in Compassion and Love, for all of us.



I am publishing this information on explicit request of Satan and Creator. I have doubted for about a week to do so, for several very obvious reasons:

  1. Fear.
    Throughout the ages, a very negative image was created around the soul called Satan. Many people therefore still shake with fear -for a large part fear for their own shadowside- when they hear so much as his name. I have considered this, and have come to the conclusion that below information will be an additional help to them to confront their own fears and shadowside.  A true lightworker integrates light and shadow into a higher light.
  2. Privacy.
    I consider a shamanic healing (in this case a soul retrieval and a power retrieval combined) a private matter, between shaman, client and the spirit world. However, both Satan and the Higher Spiritual Realms insisted on publication. I assume it has to do with a few things:
    * He has had so much (dark energy) influence throughout the centuries, that the reunion of this sould with the Light realms is of public interest
    * This publication is part of his return to the Light, see it as a "penance" although I do prefer by large the term "lesson", which is what it really is. A soul who has done -for whatever reason - so much damage to other souls, needs to understand a bit exactly what it is that he has done.
    His (healing) journey does explain how a soul may even consider doing so much damage to other souls. I do stress "explain", since it does not necessarily pardon it. But: we as human beings can much easier accept and forgive when we understand how a wrong came to be. And please remember: the skill of forgiving is of utmost importance for all of us, not as much for the other soul as for our own soul progress.
  3. "Working with the enemy"
    "You are working for the enemy, and we will attack you for this" - for those who consider themselves "light"workers. Or: "You are working for the Light, and we will attack you for this" - for those who consider themselves "dark"workers.
    To be fair, I don't like being attacked - would you? On the hindsight, I will absorb any energy or attack, and dear Mother Earth will transform it for me.
    In addition, the importance of this publication exceeds by far the importance of possible attacks.
  4. "Who are you to give a healing to such an energy, and to speak in his name"?
    Fair comment, and I could simply answer it with "I am who I am" - in other words, no one is to judge another soul and/or another soul's skills and mission.
    However, I will give a more profound answer:
    Knowing I am very well protected, I have worked with dark energies before, and brought many to the Light. I even guided -with much love and also sorrow- some souls back to Source, when they considered this their only option to reunite with the Oneness.
    So, assumably because of this track record ;-) I was contacted by the Higher Realms. Henceforth, being here in service, and feeling Satan's need -a soul who didn't have the strength to return to the Light all by himself, and who suffered heavily because of it- I offered Satan a shamanic healing. He did accept. Not only did he accept, but he gave me his full trust.
    And yes, I knew that it would be both a challenging and a feasible journey. And yes, I was at first rather taken back by the question (by the Higher Realms) and the approval (by Satan), therefore I doublechecked and doublechecked until I got on their nerves, so that's where I stopped asking and started preparing for the task ahead ...


The journey

Right, having set the scene, let's dive into the core of the "matter" - because matter, light, duality, ... that is what this is all about.

Many have been wondering throughout the ages: who really is Satan? I give my own understanding based on the information that was given to me. Yours might simply be an other view that completes the multidimensional picture. In other words: what I write here is part of the truth - and your view, even though seemingly exactly the opposite, may be a complement to that same truth.

Is Satan a part of Prime Creator Him/Herself , His Shadowside?
The answer I receive from Prime Creator:  
"He is a part of Me, and at the same time a soul in his own right."  
I am not claiming to fully understand what is said here - but then there is so much to be learned yet on a consciouscess level.

Here is the report of the Power Retrieval and Soul Retrieval, done for Satan on Saturday 8 February 2014. It is an extensive report, so that anyone who reads this may learn from it. Normally, power retrieval and soul retrieval are undertaken at separate times, and with some time lapse. I combined them, since there is strong healing power in both.
Note: Satan was present in an energetic form rather than in a physical form - that makes no difference for either the process or the end result.

I undertook the journey, guided by powerful spiritual helpers of the Highest Realms,
and shapeshifted as the Green Man.
Note: I normally don't shapeshift for a retrieval, but apparently this seemed a prerequisite for this particular journey.


Starting with the Power Retrieval part, I can see that Satan's tunnel is VERY dark indeed. I glance inside: all kinds of atrocities, power abuse, greed, ... all possible and impossible dark scenarios are being played out here.... Mmmmm...

Satania, a dark-looking ethereal dragon, presents herself as Satan's power animal. To be fair, I like dragons, but this one has a scorpion-like tail and looks acutely and cunningly dangerous... "She IS dangerous", I am being informed by my Spirit Helpers... Satania sees straight through me (and through everyone) and challenges me on my weaknesses and fears. I seem to find an adequate response to all of them.
I verify for  "a more suitable" power animal, but none presents itself. Right, so the ethereal dragon it will be... I verify quickly whether she works for Light or Darkness. "I am in balance" is the pretty dry answer which I do have second thoughts. But, Satania is willing to accompany me into Satan's physical world AFTER the soul retrieval - which sounds acceptable to me.

Satania, with the help of many dragons, cleans Satan's tunnel. The tunnel cleansing is not complete, but I sense that we first need to retrieve the lost soul pieces (see soul retrieval below).

Themes that present themselves from the Power Retrieval, however expected or surprising:

  • Desperation and Loneliness
  • Cruelty and Greed
  • Cold and Warmth
  • War and Peace
  • Utter CREATION



A soul retrieval intends to retrieve pieces of the soul that split off at traumatic events, usually in past life times. One may work thru up to 3 lives, starting with the eldest one.

Account of 3 traumatic "lives", the oldest life first:

1st life: This soul has an enormous potential. Being a Creator Son, "God Creatrix" is its ultimate mission. Because of this potential, it is kidnapped at a very young age (in soul terms: a few months old) from its Parents (and parental warmth), and "educated " by the Dark. As a result, this soul endures from infancy enormous psychological and physical tortures (cf. the torture to Guinevere in the "Merlin" series, only worse ...). This creates: HUGE fear, anxiety, loneliness ... and a willing puppet of the Dark, presenting itself as pure but internally totally damaged and corrupt, thus misleading the best of masters...

I feel tears: so much cruelty, and towards a helpless infant.
To my surprise, Source and Prime Creator themselves feel ashamed at such cruelty inflicted on their souls creation ... shame, because their desire for as much experience as possible - was the ultimate cause of this pain...

2nd life : Satan is now in his corrupt role :

"Do unto others what was done to you", seems to be the creed. To excite greed, cruelty, power hunger ... especially with those in power (not clear if this was only on planet Earth or much broader), and hence they start war, disaster and torture upon those who depend on them.
Even if he would have wanted, Satan was simply incapable of escaping from this role.

3rd life: Satan stands his final Trial , and no-one, no-one stands at his defense, least the Dark and those who instigated him over the last millennia. He feels a huge and utter DESOLATION and a sense of being cheated.


As a result of the enormous soul pieces ripped off over time, Satan only has a small piece of black soul left. No wonder he could not find his way home all by himself.
The bloody soul pieces are brought to Delphi for healing in the pure blue ocean. The Golden Dragon Council participates as main protector in the healing.

  • the 3rd soul part (part last ripped off) is the easiest to heal
  • the 2nd soul part : this is more challenging, a huge black ball
  • the 1st soul part: extremely difficult

I participate actively in the cleaning and healing of the 1st and 2nd part, letting the filth flow thru me into Mother Earth, from where it returns as pure Light.

The purified and healed soul pieces are carefully transported back to the tunnel.

Meanwhile, Satania has transformed into a crystal golden dragon of pure Light and Creation. She has built the new tunnel. The purified soul pieces as center of the tunnel, there is a beaming of radiant and jubilating Light in every direction, invisibly far , creating, a new creation, planets and stars, a new universe / galaxy so it seems...

The new themes, for this new beginning :

  • Faith , Surrender , Strength
  • Joy and Happiness ,
  • Love and Light

Satania flies with me into Satan's dimension, and the power animal and retrieved soul pieces are handed to Satan.



So, what's next ?

I have narrated the heavy part. Now comes the fun part.

After a retrieval, a soul needs 3 days (more or less) to integrate the new energies.

Ending this period, those were Satan's options :
1. immediate reunion with Source and continue to be part of Creation from there,
2. take up his rightful place as Creator Son and God Creatrix; under new guidance and mentorship.

Much as expected, Satan chose option 2, the choice of rehabilitation with his repaired s/Soul.
Ask me, he did choose the more difficult but also the more exciting path.

And this rehabilitation has started. A soul needs to right the wrongs. And that is what Satan is doing right now, not only the consequences of his deeds in the now, though also travelling forth and back in time, to repair any damage .

Satan is an amiable energy to be with: decisive and playful. But to be watched on his learning path, for -as children do and as Satania does- he looks for the edges and dares to cross them. And no, dark workers, no wet or other dreams here, he is not returning to your side :-)


What does this mean for us ?

Satan is "simply" an example of what applies to all of us.

My channeling of a Higher Realms soul collective - as preparation for the healing-, gives the larger picture:
"The absence of many of Satan's soul pieces, the breaking of his soul contract under the influence of evil energies, did bring a lot of misery in this earthly dimension and beyond. But know this was contained in the Plan, however unbelievable this may sound. We have gone into the deepest duality, deeper than the deepest valley, we cannot travel deeper, now we are on the journey back. Reuniting and cleansing all soul parts of Satan, is part of this upward move, back to the Light of Oneness. Satan, as soul child of Cosmic Consciousness, is now put back upon his soul path."

Here is a message for the cabal, or anyone still serving the dark side.
Give it up. Also the leader Satan has changed side now. Time for you to follow him. All you need to do is reunite your light and shadow parts into a higher light. And if you feel you cannot do it by yourself, ask for our help - that's what Satan did, and see how well it has served him.
It's fun at our end of the table, and it is never too late. Joining us, you will meet many friends-of-old, and we will be glad to welcome you back home.

To all those claiming that Satan is still bothering them, I say the following:
We are our own worst enemy. Dare to turn around and look into your own shadow - dare to integrate your dark side. Stop playing victim and learn to apply the law of attraction, for that what you fear will arrive, and that what you wish for, will find your way.
This life is a life of integration, of lives lived throughout the ages, and lives yet to come.
Is it the so-called other one that bothers you? Then learn to forgive: "I ask for forgiveness, I am forgiving you, and I am forgiving myself". For forgiveness will set you free.
And yes, Satan may come across our path as a master, to teach us certain lessons: can we overcome our greed, our lust for power, our many fears? Once the lesson learned, forcing us to embrace with wisdom what we despised most in ourselves, he will leave us alone.
And remember: the more Light the more Shadow.  


Anya ka wa (Let the Light come)


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  • Hi Ashley,

    All souls/energies evolute, including the very old ones and the very high ones, such as Lucifer. So: Lucifer is, at this very moment (in as far as time exists), a more feminine than masculine energy, even a very feminine e/Energy.
    I assume that you mean with "incarnate": incarnate in a physical human form (such as you and me) right now on this planet and visible with our physical eyes?  Not necessarily, although that probability is VERY HIGH, it is even probable that this energy is incarnate in more than one human on this planet at this very moment.

    In regards to search: maybe you can connect to your highest SourceSelf, and ask for the answers you have been seeking for such a long time?

    Heart greetings. Blessings.


  • Hi Espy, Here is the promised info.

    Lucifer is (currently) a feminin cosmic energy, bringing the 2 sides of the masculin cosmic energy in balance : Satan as the shadow side, Michael as the light side. Together, they form a tripartite, or a holy trinity, and in their merging, they will create and are creating a Higher Light.

    I realize that this probably goes against or is different from almost everything you will read elsewhere. However, this is the information I was given, and I cannot explore it any further for now. Just feel into it and see if it helps?

    Heart greetings.



  • Hi Espi,

    Satan is definitely not the same soul as Lucifer. It takes a bit more time to explain all of this, so pls bear with me for further explanation...




  • Hi Nancy, Thank you for your encouraging words.

    Continued encouragement: I do fully agree, and do realize that the healing was the easy part... Assisting the rehabilitation is the next chore. Satan now is looking into all he wronged, directly or indirectly, to feel it, to forgive and ask forgiveness - and that IS heavy. He cannot do this all on his own: I am assisting and so are others, I know you are one of them, for which my THANKS.

    I hope that every one who reads this message (and also everyone else) will take up their responsability in terms of coming to terms with shadow selves, and in terms of forgiving what was done to them. I need to publish in this respect a message from the Bird People. AND WE THANK THEM ALL.

    The responsible ones: I assume you also refer to those who did what they did to Satan as a baby. I assume that quite a few of them have already gone thru their trials, and a large reorganisation already took place in heaven - why they did what they did : I assume it was fear, fear for the unknown and hence clinging onto position and status.

    Heart greetings.


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