
You are divinely loved – as your guides, your angels, and all in the heavenly realms keep reminding you – and to re-experience that state you have only to release your hold, which for many of you is quite tenacious, on the illusions of sin, judgment, and punishment, and to open your hearts, as God’s is always open to you, to accept the divine inflowing that that allows




10/12/2011 by John Smallman


Your progress toward awakening is accelerating as you approach that momentous event, and almost everyone is feeling restless while at the same time experiencing a strong sense of expectation. You are feeling the approach of the moment of your awakening. It does feel strange, uncertain, even uncomfortable, and yet you cannot truly express or understand what it is that you are feeling because it is unfamiliar. To be moving from the unaware state that has sustained you for eons in the illusion into full conscious awareness is disconcerting because it is unfamiliar. But that sensation will not last because you are to awaken, and then all doubt, all uncertainty, all discomfiture, and all unfamiliarity will dissipate as you find yourselves once more in your joyous and familiar Home. It is a state which you have forgotten, and yet, from which you have never departed.


You are divinely loved – as your guides, your angels, and all in the heavenly realms keep reminding you – and to re-experience that state you have only to release your hold, which for many of you is quite tenacious, on the illusions of sin, judgment, and punishment, and to open your hearts, as God’s is always open to you, to accept the divine inflowing that that allows. Focus on the divine truth that you are eternally beloved children of God, created perfect like God Himself, and that nothing you have thought, said, done, or left undone can ever change that. You are all utterly and completely accepted by God, always, just as you are. “Just as you are” is your magnificent and eternal state, at One with God, not the illusory and severely limited state that you experience while you continue to identify yourselves with your human bodies.


All that God creates is perfect, sublime, supreme, and limitless; so what you chose to experience by taking human form in the illusion is far, far removed from what you truly are, and the time for that unreal and painful form of obsession is drawing rapidly to a close. You have “been there and done that!” It is time to awaken and come Home. Your homecoming is inevitable; it has always been inevitable, and the end of your times of suffering and struggling for survival in a hostile environment are almost upon you.


Within the illusion you have been playing many games, most of which end in tears, because you have convinced yourselves that you are separate from one another and are therefore necessarily competing for a limited number of prizes that are essential for your continued survival. Consequently, the environment in which you find yourselves seems inhospitable and threatening, leading you to believe that life is a constant battle in which either you or your enemy (anyone else!) is going to be defeated. With beliefs like that, fear, deceit, and betrayal have been your ever-present companions.


That is all changing, as Love from the heavenly realms inundates the planet as ever-increasing numbers of you open your hearts to accept it. The growing awareness, in the last five or six decades, of the total incompatibility of desiring peace while maintaining military might have brought about the realization of the absolute necessity for a worldwide attitudinal change in perspectives, and this has been occurring. Now, as is necessary to prepare you for your awakening, these attitudinal changes are accelerating and intensifying, largely due to your own efforts in prayer and meditation, along with the enormous effect that your determined examples of living peacefully in the world, without getting caught up in the hostility occurring around you, are having.


This explosion of love among humans worldwide is a remarkable and beautiful display of your ability to arise out of the darkness of your fear and loneliness into the brightness of compassion and cooperation, and of your strengthening intent to resolve all issues that could divide and alienate you from each other through intelligent, respectful, and honest discussion. God created you as powerful and brilliant beings, and now you are beginning to understand this once more, as you work together lovingly to bring in the New Age of peace, joy, and abundance for all.


With so very much love, Saul.

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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Some folks though the very brainwashed ones. I know a few lol definitely are not going to like the direction the US is going and then the rest of the world. They would definitely want a world ruled by China."
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"INTERESTING NOTE: J. Edgar Hoover has Neptune = Poseidon EXACTLY .. Hoover was reportedly very big into the use of propaganda and glamour to promote the F.B.I. For a view of this use of glamour, check out season three of "The FBI" (1967). Click…"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"A choice between America and China in 2025....And I choose America, every time...Well, certainly since Trump got was no good under sleepy Joe...
But geographically, it's such an interesting observation on Pacific ocean maps, to see these…"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Been years since I ordered Chinese food. Most likely never going to again since you bring up that point of what they may substitute for the chicken. Thank God the Deep State will never be able to have China rule everything. People would be dropping…"
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Drekx Omega left a comment on Comment Wall
"hehe...Well I never risk Chinese restaurants, or take aways, as you never know what the heck they put in it...They're supposed to be regulated, but you never really know if they substitute chicken chow mein, or Peking duck, for something…"
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Justin89636 left a comment on Comment Wall
"Dude! wtf are they thinking serving their people that crap. We have Chinese restaurants near my area, but I'm pretty sure they don't serve that crap. If they do then I hope people don't order from those places anymore."
4 hours ago