All is NOT as it seems! There is much going on in the spiritual realms as humanity moves ever closer to its collective awakening. So do not be alarmed by the chaos and confusion that is being reported by your media, because all is moving forward most splendidly in preparation for your grand and illustrious awakening. It truly is extremely close! Many of you are finding that hard to believe, as you have, for a number of years now, been hearing that same forecast, while at the same time all across the world conflict and confusion appears to be increasing. And, as many have explained, to awaken is to become fully aware that there is only Love – nothing else is necessary – and in that state of Love – your natural, unchangeable, and eternal state – you are told you will be in Joy, interacting creatively and harmoniously with each other, with ALL.

So why, you are asking yourselves – and one another – is there no sign of this most wonderful awakening? Well, as so many from the non physical realms have frequently reminded you, time is of the illusion and therefore unreal. And as you have all experienced dreaming when your physical forms have been asleep, you know that in dreams time is very flexible, you can move it forward beyond the present moment, move it back into the past, or remain locked in the present unchanging now moment. So, should we attempt to give you a forecast in time, because the illusion/time drama in which you are engaged always responds to the will of the collective ego, and as the collective intent changes quite regularly but unexpectedly so does the time scale, therefore our forecasts are apt, as you have discovered, to change without notice, seemingly moving further and further into the future. Therefore we cannot give you dates and times, but we can honestly tell you that the moment of your awakening is very close. SOON!

As you observe the intensifying states of conflict, suffering, divisiveness, and fear throughout humanity it is quite clear that major changes are essential, and your awakening will indeed be an Enormous change, a change that you cannot possibly conceive of with your very limited creative intellectual abilities as humans in form. You Are in the process of awakening Now! And that process is very close to its most magnificent completion. Trust M/F/G, Love, Source, and allow yourselves to access your deep inner knowing that all is divinely taken care of and that there will be NO disappointments, because the Divine Will is that you enjoy infinite and eternal joy. The Divine Will is the only true will, and it is always achieved . . . now.

Continue to trust the assurances of M/F/G, and continue to set the intent to be only loving whatever arises. That is why you are incarnate as humans in form at this moment. You all chose to be here – knowing that it would be very difficult and painful at times – because you most passionately wanted to be a part of and greatly assist in humanity’s most wondrous and long sought awakening. You are in form to bring it to fruition, and that is what you are doing. Honor yourselves for the work that only you can do, and forgive yourselves for all unloving thoughts, words, or actions that your egos have persuaded you to engage with, knowing that they were unreal did not occur – WHAT YOU ARE EXPERIENCING IS A TOTALLY UNREAL DREAM – and that you are perfect divine creations. Any feelings of being a sinner, not good enough, or unworthy of God’s Love, are utterly invalid ideas with which your egos try to control and direct you. You can – and many of you frequently do – allow yourselves to follow your egos’ guidance. But you are totally free to follow instead the loving guidance of the Holy Spirit Who is always with you and ready to help you instantly to let any egoic impulses just pass you by without your engaging with them. The more frequently you do this the easier it becomes, although, from time to time, the ego will try to regain control, so be mindful, and respond lovingly to whatever arises, instead of allowing yourselves to react egotistically to unexpected and unsought events or situations.

You know that you can choose not to engage egotistically with others or with events or situations, so every time you are tempted, be mindful and choose to stay in your place of inner peace, a place that is always and permanently available. Use it daily, when you awaken from your night’s sleep, and also whenever you have even a brief a moment during the day. Doing this enormously strengthens that intent, and, as I said above, you chose to be here now because you wanted be an essential and irreplaceable member of the human collective during the grand awakening. And truly you are essential and irreplaceable, therefore honor yourselves for this courageous choice that you made, and also ALL others who also have made this choice. You are here to assist one another in the awakening process, and if you were not competent to fulfill this divine task you would not now be in human form. Your presence is vital.

Therefore, despite the confusion, the chaos, the frustration, and the suffering, REJOICE that you are here now, precisely where you are supposed to be. There are NO accidents, there are NO coincidences, you and every human presently in form are precisely where you chose to be before you incarnated, having received the precise guidance that you needed to enable you to follow your chosen paths.

Here in the non physical realms we are most honored to be watching over you and proffering immediate assistance whenever you call on us for help or guidance. You are never alone, although it may often seem that you are, because separation never happened, and never can happen. Trust your inner guidance, your inner knowing, because you do know how to differentiate between thatand your egos’ attempts to distract you into angry emotional outbursts that could lead you into serious and absolutely unnecessary fear-driven conflicts.

You are all beings of peace, distracted by the illusory state of material form with which you have chosen to engage, so remind yourselves frequently “I am a perfect and unchangeable divine Being of Peace and Love.” This is an absolutely true statement, accept it, know it, and live it, because that is why you are in this now moment experiencing the intense limitations of life in form. Doing this is awakening humanity.

With so very much love, Saul.

**Channel: John Smallman


The Federation of Light: Crystal Codes

Hello again! Our last conversation regarding the Codes sparked off much interest. The week before you had spoken about Crystals. I was wondering if you could, therefore, talk about the two together!

Welcome Blossom, to you and naturally to all those who ‘find’ our conversations agreeable and resonate warmly within them.

A lovely way to begin, indeed. As discussed, absolutely everything has a Code that continually moves and Vibrates.

Can we stop right there … A Code Vibrates?

Everything Vibrates.

Yes, but Codes are numbers/equations.

Yet, they must Vibrate in order to come into existence.

Yet, everything has to have a Code to firstly come into existence, doesn’t it?

Indeed, Blossom.

Already I am Flummoxed.  Seems a bit like the ‘who came first the chicken or the egg?’ scenario.

So, in order to keep this complex matter simple … let us move through that, so we may get to where we need to get to.


So, naturally, Crystals are made up of Codes, because everything is. Do we agree on this?


Do we agree also, that every Crystal, as an individual item has a different Code?


Good. Let us try and take you deeper. Although each Crystal has its own Coding … that Coding comes within ‘the bracket’ of ‘Crystal Coding’. In the same way … the Human Being would come under ‘the bracket’ of ‘Human Being Coding’ … even though everyone’s Coding Vibrates differently.

Can any two people … any two Crystals have the same Coding?

No … and yet, they can Vibrate on the same Frequency … 

Already my head is spinning with questions. This being the case … to go back to last week’s conversation … how then, can our Codes ‘match up’ with the Codes flowing in … if no two Codes are the same?

Because … although different as one human to another’s Codes may be … as we said, they can … Vibrate on/within … the same Frequency …

You have to try and wrap your head around the fact that Codes are immeasurable. Beyond comprehension. Ever changing … ever ‘Fine Tuning’ to that which they are resonating within/upon.

So, we would say … that every Code has its Ethereal counterpart …

Our Google mate says … Ethereal: Extremely delicate and light in a way that seems not to be of this world. (For those unsure.)

So, when you say … no two Codes are the same … wait, did you say that?  … everything has its double … one in/of this world, and one not?


Wouldn’t all Codes be of an Ethereal Nature? They are not physical.

Yet, they are of THE EARTH’s Vibration.

Not sure if we shouldn’t just change the subject … I could get very lost and so could the reader.

Let us keep going a little longer Blossom and we will do our best to let the flow of our words become easier to understand.

Let us return to the Coding of the Crystals. We have spoken before about all Crystals, at a given point, connecting up to each other. This can only take place through their Coding reaching a certain level of Light. In the same way, as we explained to you of the Coding within the self … Lightening up, Heightening … in order to connect and match up with the Codes flowing in.

Yet, our Codes could never match a Crystal’s Codes, is that right?

Yes. However, although different … they can be within the same recipe.

Shoot me now!

As in … for reference … the ingredients of a cake may be many … all with their own Coding …  yet, this does not mean that they cannot be blended together and become a cake.

Yet, surely cake ingredients are in the same bracket (a food bracket perhaps) … Apparently, Human Beings and Crystals are not!

Although Crystal and Human Codes are indeed, in different brackets, as are animals, water … you name it … we shall make the analogy of each ‘bracket’ being a piece of a jigsaw puzzle. Although very different, when joining together, they make up the whole picture.

Ok, I can follow that. I feel you want to steer back to the Crystals and that you have a point to make about that.

That is also correct, Blossom.


By involving them in your lives … YOU … are able to Activate them. Bring them into their fuller selves. Awaken them, so to speak, into the fullness of themselves.

Ok. Yet, what about those Crystals that do not have Human Contact?

They lie in wait/dormant … to a certain degree … until such time when the already Activated Crystal Codes, match their Ethereal counterpart and send out the message to the one’s waiting, which then triggers them to do what they came to do.

Which is what?

Extraordinary … Magic.

The word ‘Magic’ took a long time to come through.

We were indeed, searching for the most appropriate term.

You see, in my head, I am imagining when you say that … Laser Beams of Light shooting around the Planet from different Crystals, and each time it reaches another Crystal, large or small … it’s like a huge spark explodes from it and then the Laser Beam continues on, adding the Energy from each Crystal it connects with. Are you putting that image in my head?


You have said this will take place when ‘The Wave’ comes … The Event?


And forgive my ignorance … but what for? What happens then? What effect do the Crystals have on everything? What is their purpose?

Bringing in and Activating the very much Higher Codes that accompany The Wave.

Do you see, Blossom?



Can you ‘feel’ how you are aligning your inner Knowing now? 

Yes … I think I can ‘feel’ the ‘knowing’ as opposed to explaining it in words.


As we have always said …



Let me attempt an ‘In a nutshell’! Ok. As we, as THE LIGHT, THE LOVE, AND THE TRUTH of our I AM – NESS raise our Vibrational Frequencies … we are able to ‘internally’ accept how we are all in this together. Crystals and all. In that, we had an arrangement/agreement before we came, that we would do the best we could to discover OUR TRUTH … in order to make friends on a deeper level of understanding with our Crystals ( for example)  so that … together we can raise the roof, so to speak … and in doing so, the Crystal’s Energy, at a given command … will zoom across the Planet … connecting up with each other in order to Activate the Massively Higher Codes that come in with ‘The Wave of Love’ … which in turn, changes the Vibration of ABSOLUTELY EVERYTHING … for the better. Not sure if that is a nutshell or a bombshell! What the? Does one need drugs before or after this session? I am concerned I/you may have lost many. I feel I have perhaps lost myself!  Many had to read the last message over and over to get it. This one needs a university degree in Nuttyhood!

You have done exceedingly well, Blossom.

Not so sure … And, where to from here? The Nutty farm?


And the thing is, and I think many will nod their heads also … I can Truly Notice this CHANGE … this Shift in my Being. Of late, I have been sent some links to scare-mongering possibilities of the future … yet, I just choose for it not to be in my reality. THIS sort of stuff is what turns me on.

THIS sort of stuff, Blossom, is what ‘turns on’ the Light of Truth of Self. That KNOWING that we have mentioned over and over …

I can’t say I fully KNOW.

Yet, you know that you know more now … than you did!



An understanding within the Being of moving further into the role one came to perform.

As the Codes, the Frequencies within the Vibration lift … one begins to connect the dots, and although, none of it may make sense … it all begins to make sense.

Wait! That doesn’t make sense! Or does it? Brain Blow out. Dear God you can’t make this shit up! I shall have such a laugh reading this back and if it does ‘make any sense’ at all … I think I deserve a Noddy badge. Are you off now then?

We feel there is enough to digest for now.

I think many may require some Gaviscon! (An indigestion tablet!) Well … what can I say? Thanks, Guys. I just need to sweep my brains up off the floor … and I’ll be good to go. In Gratitude, In Loving service … I AM …

  1. It took me about four or five reads to make sense of this! Each time it was like starting all over again from the beginning!

**Channel: Blossom Goodchild


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